Progress photos

Today I have taken my starting point progress photo and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s awful.
I want to be able to convince myself that if I believe in the system then I will not look like this for long, but it has also made me realise how far I have to go.
I guess I can only take it one step at a time, but any advice on changing my mindset would be gratefully received.


  • ServusChristi
    ServusChristi Posts: 98 Member
    A fellow told me the other day, "The best time to plant a tree is early. The second best time to plant a tree is today." You and I are planting today. With time and God's grace, we will one day enjoy the fruit of our labor.

    I have a LONG way to go. Already I'm feeling better, though. This time around, I'm focused on building habits. To heck with the scale and the mirror! Eventually, my tree will grow.
  • wryone4
    wryone4 Posts: 118 Member
    Pick one small goal every day - skipping dessert, walking a mile, drinking 8 glasses of water. Achieve it, celebrate it, and pick your next goal. Don't focus on the end goal if it seems overwhelming. Pick a small, achievable goal for every single day and you will build those small successes into large successes. You can do this!
  • potatowhoruns
    potatowhoruns Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for the replies.
    @ServusChristi - that’s a really nice way to look at it. I can’t change my past, but can choose to work towards a better future. I will you all the best!
    @wryone4 - I will start trying to do that, concentrate on the little things and let the big things take care of themselves!
  • BNY721
    BNY721 Posts: 125 Member
    edited January 2018
    It’s important to not put too much pressure on yourself. So long as you are making small changes to work towards your goals you will get there in time. I have been on my journey going on 4 years now and at times I wanted to give up..but I trusted the process and stuck with it.

    The most positive realization is that you are doing something about it today! So while it may take time to get where you want..everyday is a step closer towards your goals! Xx
  • potatowhoruns
    potatowhoruns Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks. I guess I just hadn’t realised how much denial I was in. I knew I was carrying excess weight and I have seen myself in mirrors etc. But the photo really brought it home.
    Maybe I can use the photo as motivation if I start to slip into bad habits.
    @BNY721 4 years is really impressive - it’s been 4 weeks for me! That really helps put things into perspective
  • BNY721
    BNY721 Posts: 125 Member
    I was in the same boat. I didn’t realize until I saw a pic of myself and knew it was time to make changes. I took a bunch of progress pics to remain motivated and revisited that initial pic quite often. In fact, I still do! So yes, you can use it!

    If you need support feel free to add me!
  • QueenK3115
    QueenK3115 Posts: 17 Member
    It’s such a good idea!!! I took some on the 10th and I was shocked how mad I looked. But after 20 days of MyFitnessPal and going to the gym so far only 3 days a week and I already look like I skimmed out a lot when my weight has only decreased by 1.6lbs
  • chrsmina
    chrsmina Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2018
    Remember, progress, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem is still progress. There is no quick fix, there is hard work and dedication....and you have already started. Aim each day to be better than you were yesterday.

    To paraphrase Churchill - "Never, Never, Never give up."

    "The only person who says you can't is you...and you don't need to listen" - Nike

    And MOST IMPORTANTLY - If nothing changes, nothing changes.