boberg1239 Member


  • neanderthin thank you for those kind words and support <3
  • neanderthin yes I was hoping to improve my A1C and lose weight. I also thought that because I was not eating cholesterol foods (only plants) my cholesterol would improve. Neither value improved. I did loose weight but at the same time I started whole food plant based I implemented these 2 rules: 1) no eating after 7pm…
  • Update. I stopped doing plant based diet. I had my labs drawn after 2 months and they had not improved. I started looking more into Insulin and how it affects our bodies, specifically how insulin responds and acts after eating certain foods: carbohydrates, proteins, fats. Also how insulin signals to our bodies what to do…
  • Hello Jason. Glad you are here! Would love to hear more about the plan you and the nutritionist developed. z6jv4rrmdy WOW 54 lbs since May. That is astounding. Great job. I have been at this since May 23 and have lost 28 lbs (12% of original body weight). What is your secret to success?
  • RedFox your plan is obviously working for you and you have the weight loss to show it. One thing that might help is to ensure that your bread is made with whole grains. This would increase the fiber content and slow down conversion to glucose and digestion. Another is to switch out your grapes for berries. For myself, I…
  • Hello Redfox, Congratulation on the 3 stone/42 lbs. What type of diet are you following? Has the weight loss affected your blood sugars? I am not diabetic, but in May of this year I was definitely pre-diabetic with a hemoglobin A1C of 6.1 and fasting glucose of 127. I have lost 24 lbs since then following a whole foods…
  • How will we find out what team we have been placed on?
  • yeungar for my own peace of mind I am tracking my foods here. This is still very new to me and I did not trust that I could get the protein and other nutrients I needed and stay within my own weight loss calorie limit. So, I came back to myfitnesspal and began logging in my foods. This helps give me confidence that I am…
  • neanderthin I appreciate your information and I agree it is important to look at the research. I support any choices you have made that have led you, or anyone else, to eat a healthier diet than the standard american diet which has led to an epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes. I do not believe that I am right and you…
  • I have set my maximum at 1600 calories a day with 50% coming from carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fats. Most days I eat about 1400 calories but am keeping my percentages about right. I also do not allow anything but water in my mouth after 7pm. This has helped with the cravings and calories.
  • Wow thank you all for the great advice. I will keep researching and learning about plant based diet. Not sure if I will go 100% plant based or "Plant Forward" meaning animal foods will only be something I eat occasionally with a focus on fish, seafood, and lean meats when I do include animal products. neanderthin I have…
  • Every expert I have ever heard all agreed that people need to eat more whole real food and less processed food. Processed food is made in a factory/business and has a long list of ingredients. Avocado, tomato, banana, romaine lettuce all examples of whole real foods.
  • No I am not providing false information. I invite you to read Dr. David Kessler's (former U.S. Surgeon General) book "Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs" where he discusses this and provided references to the scientific data. That is just one source for my statements about empty calories and lack of satiety.
  • Here are 3 excellent books to guide you in your diet to prevent the advancement of diabetes. 1. Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes (he can also be heard talking about this on the youtube channel Physicians Committee) 2. Mastering Diabetes by Cyrus Khambatta, PHD and Robby Barbaro MPH. Both of these authors…
  • Very interesting conversation. I believe that actions like "sugar taxes" only help politicians. It would be much more helpful if governments banned advertising of sugary products (like they did cigarettes) and did a lot of public service info sessions (on tv and billboards like they did for recognizing the early signs of a…
  • "It means once type 2 diabetes has developed - ie your pancreatic function has deteriorated to that level - it does not regain the lost function." Most type 2 diabetes is caused by "insulin resistance" meaning the insulin has a diffcult time getting the serum glucose into the cells so that it can be used properly by the…
  • Hello everyone. Just started here yesterday. Have exercised both days and logged food here. I am enjoying reading everyone's journey and successes. I would like to lose about 45 lbs mostly for health reasons. I will be 65 in a few months.