Women 200lb+, Let's Be Dynamic This December!!!



  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,392 Member
    edited December 2021
    @goal06082021 - so darn close!! What a tease!

    Age 61 / height 5' 4.5"

    Aug 13/2021 - 298.8 (SW & ATH)
    November  - 272.2 (Down 26.6)

    Dec 1 - 271 4
    Dec 3 - 270.4
    Dec 10 - 269.8 (recalc'd calories)
    I was okay with this loss, but secretly a little bummed as was expecting to get to 30 lbs loss - so I was super stoked to be able to weigh in again today! Oompa Loompas be gone!
    Dec 11 - 267.6 (Down 31.2!!)
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31

    Weight goal for December - 30 lbs down ✔and keep that loss into the New Year (TBD)!

    I usually weigh in daily when at home, but will record weekly, trying for Fridays (if I slept at home Thursday night to weigh in next morning - been staying over at my daughter's a lot lately and she has no scale - Santa might bring her one 😁)

    *I ordered a WW portable bathroom scale to bring to her house, and possibly for vacations too!

    Other goals:
    [  ] Go for minimum 15 minute walk each day, indoors or out - 8 of 10
    [  ] Get my water in, minimum 6 cups - ✔
    [  ] Focus on adequate protein in my diet, especially seafood - added keeping carbs below 150 grams when I recalc'd my calories
    [  ] Get Christmas stuff done!!! (finish my Spotify playlist ✔, decorating outside ✔, decorating inside ✔(except tree next weekend), cleaning, shopping,  planning outings - I love Christmas but it's a lot) Xmas pantomime booked for grandkids!

    @justanotherloser007 - great that MILaw is out of hospital, but she has dementia too? Oh dear, that's really bad for their ability to maintain independence. Nutter Butters hold a special place in my heart, not readily available in Canada.
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @goal06082021 so close to Onederland! You can do it!

    @justanotherloser007 sorry to hear about your in-laws. My Mom lived with me and had colon cancer before she died. I can’t imagine dealing with dementia though.

    @FushiaKat your health journey sounds very draining. I had an ex-boyfriend who had RA, but I didn’t really know much about it. I hope you continue to feel better!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    My Sunday wrap up:

    ❄Gym - swim 4x a week ✅
    ❄Log all food - daily✅
    ❄Pescatarian - daily✅
    ❄Take vitamins - daily❗-missed 1 day
    ❄Stretch - daily❗-I have been stretching in the pool, but it doesn't really count because it's not everyday and I want to do it in the mornings.

    Overall, a good week. I so proud of myself for making it to the gym to swim 4 times, which hasn't happened in over two years.

    I'll be officially weighing myself on the 15th and 31st, but I took a sneak peek and I was down exactly 4lbs. While I don't have an official weight loss goal for the month, 8lbs would be awesome.

    So here's to keep on keepin' on! 💜
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    @Ladybug8882021 Congratulations on your loss!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,392 Member
    edited December 2021
    @RavenStCloud - I think it is marvelous that you made it to the gym 4 times!
    I paid my gym membership (only $15/month) for 2 years without going...with the hope I would go at some point, Covid contributed for sure, but still! I finally cancelled mine 🤪

    Thanks @swimmom_1 - your pant size is getting really small 👖
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    SW (7/23): 300
    11/28: 270.2
    12/6: 266.7
    12/13: 266.5
    12/27: I'm unlikely to weigh-in on 12/27 as I'll be traveling for the holidays, but maybe I'll bring my scale? Haven't decided
    GW for December: 263 - 265

    Not much to report. Had my annual physical last week and am now being referred to a Rheumatologist. Not feeling great about that, but I was unsurprised. @FushiaKat , your stories about getting diagnosed and medication and stuff have stressed me out a bit.

    Trying to be proactive and tracking my symptoms (the fatigue today is intense) in advance of my first appointment. If I've learned anything from 20+ years dealing with migraines, it's that data really helps the doc AND helps me feel somewhat in control.

  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 523 Member
    @seltzer_lover Don't be stressed out, just go with an open mind and remember that each person's journey is different. It's important to have a really good rheumatologist. Mine were very bad in the beginning. I changed to a new one 4 years ago and I think if I would have had him to begin with that, I would not have had such a difficult time. He listens, and he cares. I hope that you get the care you need and that you feel better soon.

    And it was sort of funny but not funny, but my new doctor is very familiar with my old doctor and let's just say that he did not regard him with high esteem.
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Pup's scratch has healed, but she has other eye issues. We have a consultation scheduled with a specialist after the new year. Pet insurance is the best.
  • boberg1239
    boberg1239 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone. Just started here yesterday. Have exercised both days and logged food here. I am enjoying reading everyone's journey and successes. I would like to lose about 45 lbs mostly for health reasons. I will be 65 in a few months.
  • MeowScout
    MeowScout Posts: 103 Member
    MeowScout, Lisa
    47yo, 5'2, Springfield, IL
    SW 257 (11/25/2021)
    UGW 160 (by May 2023)
    I want to be able to go on our Troop High Adventure Trip in the summer of 2023.

    December Goal: 246
    WI Fridays
    December Start: 254 (11/262021)

    12/3 252.5
    12/10 251

    December Goals
    Track Every Day
    Check in with W200 and F2F Challenge
    6000 steps every day, or 6000 per day average if I need to make up steps for special circumstances.
    10 cups water every day
    30 minutes activity/exercise per day

    I had lower steps counts over the weekend, so I made it up today with over 11200 steps. Whew. I am one tired lady. I tracked Friday but now Sat or Sun. I did not go off the rails, just out of pocket and off routine. Back at it today, and it felt good! I am a little afraid to step on the scale. I know consistent weight loss does not happen by magic. I do t want to see a higher number and feel discouraged. I am fighting for every pound right now. Judith Beck says it will get easier if I stick to each new habit. I hope she is right!!
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    @FushiaKat - I've been referred to the best in my area, but I already have names of 2 in a larger metro area if I need to get a second or third opinion. So we'll just have to see how it goes. Anything I can do/prepare before my first appointment? I'm keeping a log of symptoms so I go in prepared, but wasn't sure if there's anything else I can be doing.

    @kenziestabes - you're not kidding about pet insurance! I'm thankful every day I have some for my pup.

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I'm back. Mary from Pennsylvania
    64 Heaviest weight 255 lbs twice :-(

    UGW-122 lbs. I was there in 2009/10 and kept it off for 5 years then got lazy.

    My goal is to continue with what seems to work for me. 1000-1200 calories, low carb 15 Net +/- 3(My body seems to not do well with carbs, hangs onto them way too much!), minimum 70 + oz of water, 2 meals/day on my off work days(3) and 3 meals on my work days, exercise on my 3 off work days. My weigh in day is Sunday.

    9/14/20 SW-255 lbs
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs Emergency Gallbladder surgery
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs started MFP and Low Carb/1000-1200 calorie while recovering
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212.0 lbs
    9/1/21-200.0 lbs
    10/1/21-191.4 lbs
    11/1/21-181.8 lbs

    My December goal is 5 lbs
    12/1/21-176.2 lbs

    12/5/21-171.8 lbs As of yesterday I AM NO LONGER OBESE! I AM OVERWEIGHT! Also am wearing size 10 jeans but found a brand new pair of 8's with Tags on and I just had to try them. I zipped them right up, no trouble. My flabby belly though hangs out bad over the waistband, so need to do abdominal crunches.
    12/12/21-170.8 lbs

    I just couldn't wait for my regular weigh-in day. I had to share!
    12/14/21- 169.4 lbs :-) YESSSSS! The 160's! But since this AM, now in my head I'm thinking about getting into the 150's. I could be back into my old clothes by Summer!

    November, December & January 12.4 lbs of 15 lb goal!
    December loss to date-6.8 lbs of my 5 lb goal!
    Total loss to date-85.6 lbs!!!!

  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @sandielewis2001 incredible, I love everything about those overalls - surely you won, if there was a contest?

    @swimmom_1 amazing progress!

    My grandma sent me and my husband a Christmas card with a nice check in it, so I thought I might get some steps in on my lunch break and walk to the bank a half-mile from work to deposit it. Well, the sky was spitting the whole time and threatening worse (thankfully that held off until I was back inside my office, spoiler), but my dumb *kitten* also walked all that way in the rain without my fricking debit card. womp womp, least I got some steps in and didn't get too wet.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited December 2021
    Thank you @Ladybug8882021
    When I get to my goal, I'll be in size 0-4 pants(depending on the manufacturer, which a 4 would be equal to what used to be a 10, 35-40 years ago, before vanity sizing started in 1983 or so) which are still waiting for me in my closet! Before I donated all the sizes above an 8, swearing I would never need them. This time around I can't get lazy about being mindful and track my food. MFP and eating less carbs, should really help me this time!