Women 200lb+, Let's Be Dynamic This December!!!



  • justanotherloser007
    @swimmom_1 grats!!
    @FushiaKat and @selzer_lover (((hugs))) and prayers for both of you. That sounds like a heavy cross to bear.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 525 Member
    @seltzer_lover Also make a list of questions to ask if they offer a diagnosis. Usually, the initial appointment is blood work and maybe a physical examination. Keep track of not only your symptoms but how they impact your daily life, how long does it take you to get going in the morning, are you able to dress yourself without help, running errands and such. How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10? What makes it better, heat or cold?

    I need to stay within a certain temperature range or my pain increases. I signed up with our electric company for a medical baseline that helps with the cost. But it had to be signed off by my doctor then sent in. I don't know if you will need something like that in the future.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 525 Member
    Age: 61
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 245
    CW: 188 (11/30/2021)
    12/7: 187.4
    12/14: 185.2
    GW for December 2021: 180
    UGW: 145 by end of July 2022

    Goals: I don't think I will make 180 by the end of the month but I will keep trying. I've had a really rough day and I don't feel much like chatting right now so I will catch up later.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    @goal06082021 and @justanotherloser007
    Thank you so much. My son came home from work and said, "Now you weigh less than me!"
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    FushiaKat wrote: »
    @seltzer_lover Also make a list of questions to ask if they offer a diagnosis. Usually, the initial appointment is blood work and maybe a physical examination. Keep track of not only your symptoms but how they impact your daily life, how long does it take you to get going in the morning, are you able to dress yourself without help, running errands and such. How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10? What makes it better, heat or cold?

    I need to stay within a certain temperature range or my pain increases. I signed up with our electric company for a medical baseline that helps with the cost. But it had to be signed off by my doctor then sent in. I don't know if you will need something like that in the future.

    I'm thankfully not in any pain and am very mobile. I think this is a very early catch - my symptoms are Raynaud's Phenomenon, fatigue, and dry eye/mouth/skin. I've started keeping a log of the Raynauds and the fatigue - thank you for the info.

    @justanotherloser007 - thanks! I'm thankfully very much in the early/unknown stages of a potential something. Fingers crossed it stays minor and in control.
  • regcal966
    regcal966 Posts: 21 Member
    5’4”, 40 years old
    SW 231
    GW 150
    CW 224.8

    December Goal: 218
    WI Mondays
    11/29- 231
    12/6- 224.8
    12/13- 220.2

    I’ve lost 10 pounds so far. I feel lighter and more clear headed, not so tired all the time. Still have not started walking or weight lifting like I wanted to for December. I will be making a plan over Christmas break and have it established before going back to work in January. I only have 3 more work days for the year!!! Can’t wait till my long break!
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    whoo!! Go, Melissa!
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'10"
    SW: 246.9 (07/13/2021)
    CW: 212.4 (12/01/2021)
    12/1: 212.4
    12/8: 212.5
    12/15: 211.1 (-1.4)
    GW for December/2021: 205-208.5
    UGW: 172 by 06/01/2022 OR 160 by 10/01/2021 (The first gets me into the healthy BMI range but depending on how that goes, I may aim for 160).

    Non-scale goals:
    1. Consistently cook on Thursdays and Sundays so I can bring leftovers to work.
    2. Walk the pup 30 minutes every day, weather permitting.
    3. Transition to the next step down for inclined pushups
    4. Get to 40 sit ups in a row
    5. While visiting parents, walk with Dad every morning.

    Went on a run on Monday, which felt great. Been better about taking the pup out on walks, too. I made a bunch of healthy food options over the weekend and have been taking them for lunch to work/ eating them for dinner. My favorite so far? Low sodium Chicken Tortilla Soup.

    My push-up and sit-up game needs work, lol. But that's all good.

    If I can lose at the rate I lost this week, I will hit my goal for the month/year. Just got to stay focused.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 525 Member
    I'm thankfully not in any pain and am very mobile. I think this is a very early catch - my symptoms are Raynaud's Phenomenon, fatigue, and dry eye/mouth/skin. I've started keeping a log of the Raynauds and the fatigue - thank you for the info.

    I have Sicca Syndrome, have you heard of it before? It's similar to Sjogren's Syndrome but without the autoimmune problems. It can cause dry mouth, dry eyes and chronic fatigue among other things. I'm glad that you are not in pain and that you are mobile. I wish you good luck at your doctor's appointment, and I'm praying that it's something easily treatable.
  • RobynS2814
    RobynS2814 Posts: 6 Member

    80 lbs down!!!!! It has been amazing to see my weight going down even while enjoying goodies for the holiday season; christmas cookies, team lunches out, wine & cheese tasting... I have found balance that allows me to do the things I enjoy and still lose weight at a reasonable rate. It makes me hopeful for success at future maintenance.

    Congratulations on making sustainable changes and seeing such amazing success! This is exactly what I'm striving for so you're a great inspiration!
  • justanotherloser007
    48 yo 5’3” 6/2013 SW 277
    December goal - maintain!
    12/1 176.2
    12/3 176.2
    12/10 179.2
    12/17 174

    Looks like the oompa loompa’s finished their song and it simply appears like I lost 5.2 lbs in a week. I think I really lost 1 lb this week and last week, with fat and muscle doing some sort of interchange due to the new, faster, longer morning walk!

    Keeping to the plan, working the plan. When it comes down to it, I like plans! Also, just had my annual physical and the Dr. said everything was perfect bloodwork wise, and I had literally 120/80 bp (even though I am still in obese BMI). I was a little concerned because I eat 2 tbsp of MCT oil for the brain fog and MCT is choc full of sat fats. I didn’t know what it would do to my bad cholesterol numbers. I think because I don't eat beef, and avoid butter and cream maybe that helped. Not sure, he said he wished all his patients would take their health as seriously. It was very nice, he has never said that to me before. Of course, I have never taken my health and fitness in hand like this before either soooo... It was just really nice!

    🎄 Walk 5 miles every single day (up from 3 miles last month!!) I can actually do the 5 miles in less time than I was able to do the 3 miles which is blowing my mind.
    🎄 Be patient! Remember that increments are where it is at.
    🎄 Remember: Total loss of 103 lbs down!!

    Come on ladies, we can do this with Christmas in 8 days!!! One of my great-nieces (I have 5) wanted a pink cowgirls hat. By far this is my fav Christmas gift purchase this year! She received pink cowgirl boots for her birthday in September, and she is 7 yo. I love those girls soooooo much!! I am grateful they are here!
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    Awesome, @kenziestabes !

    ouch, @RavenStCloud ! I hope that doesn't hurt too bad. and hurrah for a loss!

    @justanotherloser007 wow, those oompa loompas did a round this time! That's a lovely drop, though, even if some comes back.


    Age: 51
    Height: 5'
    SW: 266.6 (1/4/21)
    SW November: 233.5
    SW for December: 234.7
    GW for December: 229
    GW for October 2022 because that's my focus: 165

    12/3: 233.5
    12/10: 233
    12/17: 235.8

    going the wrong way, but it's been a rough month, combined with the last week of school (so tons of cupcakes and cookies everywhere!) I'm not stressing. Tomorrow I'll start doing better. I've got salads and healthy breakfasts already made.

    We *can* do this.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Hello all - I am fighting the good fight but up 1 lb over last week,  would like to get that lb gone (+ a friend) before Christmas feasting begins in earnest to give me a little cushion over my 30 lb loss.
    I realized by looking over my diary that I am eating about 1/3 of my meals out already and have eaten at maintenance level a couple of days but otherwise on track + mostly keeping my modest activity up. So I don't think I am really up a lb.
    There are treats in the house and I am eating them but in measured small quantities  - so far, so good!

    I am really encouraged by you all fighting the good fight with me, really helps to hear from all of you! 🥰

    Age 61 / height 5' 4.5"

    Aug 13/2021 - 298.8 (SW & ATH)
    November  - 272.2 (Down 26.6)

    Dec 1 - 271 4
    Dec 3 - 270.4
    Dec 10 - 269.8 (recalc'd calories)
    I was okay with this loss, but secretly a little bummed as was expecting to get to 30 lbs loss - so I was super stoked to be able to weigh in again today! Oompa Loompas be gone!
    Dec 11 - 267.6
    Dec 17 - 268.6 (+1, but still 30.2 down total)
    Dec 24
    Dec 31

    Weight goal for December - 30 lbs down ✔ and keep that loss into the New Year (TBD)!

    I usually weigh in daily when at home, but will record weekly, trying for Fridays (if I slept at home Thursday night to weigh in next morning - been staying over at my daughter's a lot lately and she has no scale. Note: I ordered a WW portable bathroom scale to bring to her house, and possibly for vacations too! Update - won't be delivered until late January,  but that's okay.

    Other goals:
    [  ] Go for minimum 15 minute walk each day, indoors or out - 14 of 17
    [  ] Get my water in, minimum 6 cups - ✔
    [  ] Focus on adequate protein in my diet, especially seafood - added keeping carbs below 150 grams when I recalc'd my calories
    [  ] Get Christmas stuff done!!! (finish my Spotify playlist ✔, decorating outside ✔, decorating inside ✔(except tree next weekend), cleaning, shopping,  planning outings ✔- I love Christmas but it's a lot) Xmas pantomime booked for grandkids!
  • justanotherloser007
    @sandielewis2001Congratulations on the 80lb weight loss!!! 🥳🙌🎈🎉
    @kenziestabes Ohh, that is AWESOME!! Hard work pays off!!
    @RavenStCloud I pray that your foot is rehabbed enough by the ice for standing, man water is heavy!
    @sargemarcori Healthy eating is a good save! I am sorry you are having a rough month cookie wise. Temptations are very difficult this time of year for certain.
    @Ladybug8882021 Sounds like you are doing great! Eating out is for me is very much like @goal06082021, I really struggle to keep it any bit reasonable. Most meals are like 1000 cal. I am all like... but... I wanted to have food at other times of the day too? Stupid restaurants. They are all like, "It is healthy because it is under 1500 calories a meal" pfft. It can be done, it just isn't easy.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    My usual go-to move at restaurants is to ask for a box as soon as the food comes and box up half of it right away, rather than eating half and *then* asking for a box. Much easier to judge how much is really "half," and easier to not pick at the "leftovers" if they're already out of sight. I've also done a lot of research and trial and error to figure out which restaurants have "lighter options" that are at all worthwhile, and which ones I just need to budget that thousand calories for. For example, there's a place that does technically serve, like, grilled chicken and broccoli, but it sucks and the best thing on the menu is the 2000-calorie loaded-fries appetizer, so we get one of those to split.
  • justanotherloser007
    there's a place that does technically serve, like, grilled chicken and broccoli, but it sucks and the best thing on the menu is the 2000-calorie loaded-fries appetizer, so we get one of those to split.

    Me and the hubby call this, "Decisions were made" we also see this at work in other places. Especially in the grocery store. You know where they put down the butter in the wine and beer aisle. Or the randomly placed "healthy" food in the candy aisle. Hey, decisions were made.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    there's a place that does technically serve, like, grilled chicken and broccoli, but it sucks and the best thing on the menu is the 2000-calorie loaded-fries appetizer, so we get one of those to split.

    Me and the hubby call this, "Decisions were made" we also see this at work in other places. Especially in the grocery store. You know where they put down the butter in the wine and beer aisle. Or the randomly placed "healthy" food in the candy aisle. Hey, decisions were made.

    Yup. It's like, do I get the loaded fries or lie to myself about not getting the loaded fries? Truly, nothing else on the menu even comes close, and I'm susceptible to the kind of magical thinking where if I didn't enjoy a food the calories don't count, so I can/should/will eat something else.