Newbie alert

Hi everyone,

I would love to gain buddies, I started 2 weeks ago on here as I hit a brick wall as we all do time to time and have a loss of 4lb taking my loss to 3 stone (42 lbs)

I'm also type 2 diabetic so any diabetic buddies will be a bonus 😂


  • boberg1239
    boberg1239 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello Redfox,

    Congratulation on the 3 stone/42 lbs. What type of diet are you following? Has the weight loss affected your blood sugars?

    I am not diabetic, but in May of this year I was definitely pre-diabetic with a hemoglobin A1C of 6.1 and fasting glucose of 127. I have lost 24 lbs since then following a whole foods plant forward diet. My fasting glucose this morning was 82 and has been below 100 for about 1 month now.

    Count me as a buddy!
  • RedFox_UK
    RedFox_UK Posts: 9 Member
    Hiya, I'm just cutting down on portion size, eating more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff, still having the odd treet now and then. It's finding that happy plate tbh. Bread is my downfall but still having ot but not as much as I once did. With the high sugar/high carb I still battle with yet I aim to have a treat day once a week where o have a nibble on what I fancy but now I can either take it or leave it, I'm still struggling with fruits and their sugars as I love grapes but gotta becareful with them as they are like eating sugar cubes 😆
  • boberg1239
    boberg1239 Posts: 18 Member
    RedFox your plan is obviously working for you and you have the weight loss to show it. One thing that might help is to ensure that your bread is made with whole grains. This would increase the fiber content and slow down conversion to glucose and digestion. Another is to switch out your grapes for berries.

    For myself, I need a more structured plan because if not I know I will deceive myself and before long slip right back into eating lots of junk and highly processed foods. When I want something sweet I reach for fruit and try to be sure to include at least 2 servings of fruit each day. Rice is for me, like bread is for you...I love rice...but I have made myself switch to brown or wild rice only. No more highly processed white rice for me and this helps curb my desire for it. Eating "plant forward" allows me to eat a ton of food high in nutrition but much lower in calories. I never feel hungry eating this way. Another thing that has really helped is a strict rule of not eating after 7pm. Evening and night time eating was always a trigger for me to eat sugar loaded foods like sweets and ice cream. Do not have those types of items in my house anymore.