tonyv325 Member


  • I'll just pop another shrimp on the barbie. Sydney Australia. 17 hours direct to DFW.
  • Went into hospital for a back operation. I got on a set of scales for the first time in years to check in and nearly fell off in shock. There is no place better than a hospital to consider your future health.
  • I threw some chillis from my garden in my stirfry last night and not being aware how hot they were I overdone it. Tasted delicious but man it was hot. With my mouth on fire I went into the kitchen and seen my son scooping out huge wads of chocolate ice cream. Beautiful cold ice cream. I turned around and walked out.…
  • Here to help and like all the others have said you can do this. You gotta be accountable to the man in the mirror. Look at him every morning and tell him out loud what you did yesterday and what you are gonna do today. He is the only one who is impossible to lie to. It's his kidneys your messing with!
  • My immediate goal is to remove the 30 pound spare tyre that has attached itself to my abdomen. After that well I am not too sure it will pretty much being healthy and happy. I really enjoy having to stop at the top of the hill to wait for my two ipad / xbox generation teenagers to catch up. I take the point about what you…
  • Love cardio and the after effects. Don't mind lifting but defo comes second. I tell you what does suck in my opinion and that's core work and stretching. I hate that stuff.
  • Yeah thanks. I have reached that conclusion. Defo not keen on the getting hit by a bus scenario. After reading all these great insights I have decided to do away with my concern on heart rates. I figure if I go hard for however long I decide and finish up with a saturated shirt and feeling great that will be good enough.
  • Wow that is great info and I'm glad I asked. For the record my question wasn't really based on any medical concerns and reading over it I probably worded it poorly. I have sort medical advice on this so my question here was more directed at what level of exertion is appropriate for me as the charts in the gym don't apply.…
  • Hi I'm 51. Spent all last year with a couple of injuries and ended the year with back surgery. Had plenty of time laying around feeling sorry for myself making 100 excuses and eating. 2018 is time to wake up to myself. 33lbs heavier than I was 2 years ago and keen to get back there.
  • Thanks so much the replies I really appreciate the info. As to what I am trying to achieve well nothing specific other than to have longer to work through my kids inheritance. I had a back injury which culminated in surgery last year and the result of too much sitting around eating is 15kg (33 lbs) extra on the scales so…