Doctor says lose weight or die

My kidney doctor made it clear yesterday, lose the weight or I wont be here in a year. Kidneys are failing etc. and although I kinda knew all of this, hearing it actually said out loud is a different story. Go back in 3 months. Hopefully will make some serious progress. Need people to keep on my butt about it. I went in and restarted all my numbers and goals. A year ago, I was at 486 and now at 465. It is a 21 pound loss but for a year it ain't enough. Have to do better. Now in stage 4 kidney failure. ANYWAY, would appreciate any encouragement and tough love you got to give.


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Plug your stats into MFP and set it to lose 2lbs per week and eat within your calorie goal. The concept is easy - eat less, move more however in reality I know it is far from easy for most of us. For me having readily available food on hand that will fit within my calories is key - chicken, lean beef, fish, fresh fruit and veggies, individual packed sweet treats help me.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    You can do this, and you have got to do this!
    I am sure the community here will be glad to help you get this under control!
  • rockymir
    rockymir Posts: 498 Member
    Just added you! Feel free to drop in and say hi when you like.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    You can do this! Huge internet hugs!
  • JMcGee2018
    JMcGee2018 Posts: 275 Member
    You can do this! One thing that has helped me in the past is writing my goals in dry erase marker on my bathroom mirror so that I see them in writing several times a day. You could also make a column there or on the fridge/snack cupboard/wherever of your weight(s) in descending order (465, 464, 463...) and cross off the number whenever you lose a pound. It can be very motivational to see it that way, and make the overall weight you need to lose seem less daunting because you're focusing on one pound at a time instead of 100 pounds.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Preparation is a big help, have food already prepared and ready to go, pre plan snacks too. You got this! It sucks but you can definitely do it.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    This is serious. Talk to your doctor again and get a referral to a registered dietitian to help guide you on your weight loss.

    MFP is an excellent tool, use it in conjunction with the RD, make it available to her/him, so you can make the food choices you need, as well as maintaining a deficit apropriate for your circumstances.

    Cheers, h.
  • tonyv325
    tonyv325 Posts: 13 Member
    Here to help and like all the others have said you can do this.

    You gotta be accountable to the man in the mirror. Look at him every morning and tell him out loud what you did yesterday and what you are gonna do today. He is the only one who is impossible to lie to. It's his kidneys your messing with!
  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    I would strongly suggest a registered dietitian and probably referral to medical weight loss center maybe explore the gastric bypass options. This is your life so do everything for yourself to get to your weight. I was 400+ year and half later 280 but made the choice in my head to do this and was in medical weight loss program with classes and dietitians to help me on my way. It's a very long process I started just walking a block down the street and was difficult sad to say but do that everyday or however far can go and add a little at a time I walk 5Ks now and looking at 10K. Best advice is don't lie to yourself and believe you can do it and it will happen. Add me as a friend be glad to tell you more.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Weight loss saved my life. But I’m down about 110lbs. And it’s been gone for years. I’ve got a place in my heart for people who have their lives at risk here. I’ll help you if I can.

    But I’ve read over your thread a couple of times. And think that my usual advice might not help you. I’m in the control the process/slow and steady camp. Patience may be a virtue you can’t afford.

    sschauer513 May have advice more relevant than mine. Don’t know why your Dr wasn’t talking to you about a referral to a dietician or surgery.

    Last- all that said, people on here can’t kick your butt or do much in the way of tough love. OK, we don’t need to reinforce BS, but that’s not so tough. Save your life. Don’t throw it away like this. Not only can you stay alive, you can really live.