Do you prefer cardio or strength training and why?



  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Cardio hands down. Way more bang for my buck re: cals burned, and requires minimal equipment. Plus, I’m a distance runner and endurance junkie. I lift too, but I dislike it a lot. I just know it’s good for me.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Lifting is the bees knees. Anything else is just torture. I'm currently doing SL 5x5. I lift because I like the mental aspect along with the physical. Also it helps me hit the long ball.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I enjoy running because it gets me out of the house, gives me energy (and a few extra calories!) for the rest of my day, helps balance my moods, and because I love that zen feeling I get when everything just clicks. After I started running I could go up a flight of stairs without getting winded and jog short distances without breaking a sweat, both handy in day-to-day life. Other forms of cardio haven't really clicked for me, especially stuff that I have to drive to get to or do with other people. Intervals and circuits are fun though.

    I've enjoyed body-weight strength training because I enjoy the challenge of doing a range of things, for the increases in strength, balance and endurance, and because it also gives me energy for the rest of my day. My husband says I carry myself more confidently, which I'm cool with. After I started doing regular body-weight workouts I noticed I'm a lot steadier on my feet and don't make groaning and grunting noises when I get up or bend over, plus I can lift heavier things than I could before. I'm a little sad to be putting the body-weight workouts mostly on hold as I transition to a progressive lifting program, but I'm excited about the challenge and benefits of lifting heavy things.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    I much prefer strength training to cardio, although there are forms of exercise/activities that fall under "cardio" that I love - martial arts, horseback riding (hunter/jumper), I enjoy zumba, etc.

    That being said, what I DO is all geared towards helping me in my sport (motorcycle road racing, which is far more physical than most people realize unless they've done it).

    I do a rotating workout plan that includes strength/lifting (max weight with lower reps); muscle endurance/cardio (similar to P90X); CrossFit inspired workouts (ST and cardio); and some steady state cardio. Today, during my deload week, I did a HIIT session with rowing as the base cardio (I can't run due to an 'old' injury) after a warm up on the stationary bike.

    I'm open to a lot of different workouts, and I need variety to keep me interested, but I also need to target things that will help with the sport and improve my weaknesses as well.
  • justlog
    justlog Posts: 125 Member
    edited February 2018
    I need a 50/50 balance of both. Too much of one or the other is not healthy for me. About 4 years ago I was ALL cardio though. Now I'd be very unhappy with that. I tend to get more cardio once the winter weather lifts, but I still ensure I take advantage of the good days out there when I can.
  • kimhski1
    kimhski1 Posts: 32 Member
    I run because I enjoy the out of doors and it keeps my head clear and moods even. I enjoy strength training but need someone with experience with me at all times to keep me in check regarding form and doing it properly. I lack coordination and if left to my own devices, end up hurting myself.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I like both, but it depends on the exercise. A bit of background: I've got some motor coordination issues and was never very athletic. When I was in CEGEP (in Quebec, that's an education level with a community college/tech-vocational track or a pre-university track) phys ed was mandatory each semester, but there were a wide range of offerings. I pointedly avoided team sports and other activities where my being a klutz would impact more people than just me.

    My main cardio is walking, and I go around 3.3-3.5 mph and shoot for 2 hours a day. If that doesn't work, I've got a GazelleEdge glider and do 70 minutes. I like the machine, but it doesn't elevate heart-rate much.

    My strength training is primarily dumbbells and body-weight, with a couple of medicine balls, a stability ball, and some ankle weights in the mix. I don't have a reliable spotter and I am just getting to the point where lifting heavy might be an option. In other words, the heaviest thing I lift right now are a pair of 17.5lb dumbbells on seated lat rows on the stability ball, and on front and side squats. This Sunday, I'm phasing in 20lbs on the lat rows. (Squats a week later).

    Honestly, it's hard for me to say whether I find either exercise enjoyable in and of itself, or if it's more of the, "Whoa. I think I just shaved 5 minutes off the time to do this route!" or "Hey, I just picked up a 20lb weight in each hand and I remember when I needed both hands to pick up 15!" or "Hang on a second. There. In the mirror... is that my deltoid?" I definitely love the feeling after the workout when I can stop. And I love seeing the results of both cardio and strength training. As for the actual exercise, some days I'm more into one than the other. Sometimes I have to push myself, because I'm afraid that if I take a (non-rest) day off, one day will become two and then more and I'll just quit doing it. Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I'm meh. But I don't do exercises I hate. And the meh passes.
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    I prefer cardio because it's more fun (for me anyway). I do spin class and run.
    For strength training I prefer body weight work, specifically yoga. I typically choose fast flow vinyasa type classes. This is not because I am afraid of getting bulky from heavy weights but because I have a lot more fun doing yoga as opposed to lifting. I feel at this point that I am too old to spend time on workouts I don't really enjoy when there are so many exercise types I do really enjoy.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I prefer strength, but do both. 2-3 days are geared more to strength, there is usually some sort of Crossfit type work in there that gets my heart rate up...AMRAPs and EMOM, I enjoy those, but the majority is more just strength. Then 2-3 days a week I do kickboxing. I count that as my all cardio days. I do enjoy that for cardio. I had to look and try a bunch of different things to find cardio that I really enjoy.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I genuinely enjoy both. At different times over my life I've done varying extremes of each, as well as a more balanced program. I'm currently in a more balanced place, with cardio volume undulating as needed depending on time of year and how many races I'm entered in.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Also prefer strength, but do both and yoga :smiley: -)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,866 Member
    Rowing, on water, because it's fun (and not because it's a nice tidy package of CV exercise and high-rep/low-resistance strength work . . . even though it is that.)

    Everything else I do is to stay in better shape for rowing season (OK, to stay in shape in order to delay my permanent move to assisted living facilities, too - I'm 62). I weight train in the rowing off season iiiffff IIIIII hhaaaave tooooo. ;) Also, spin all year long, a little swim in Winter, a little cycle in summer.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hate strength. I like cardio because I can do it while watching TV or something... or walk outside when it's nice out.

    Standing in place and counting reps is just incredibly boring for me and I'd rather do dishes... Seriously, I try to do 3 sets of push ups every other day and it's torture already!
  • gtm197
    gtm197 Posts: 58 Member
    At 65 I lift 3-4x per week. I spin indoors and cycle outdoors 3x a week. Love both.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I love to spend time outdoors, so cardio activities are pretty much all I do. I walk, I hike, I run, I bike. If I lived where there was more snow, I'd ski or snowshoe. Spending time inside a stinky gym is a total turn-off. I don't exercise for weight loss or looks, I exercise because I enjoy being active in the outdoors.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Cardio! I do spin classes, which is like dancing on a bike. Or elliptical or running, cause I can really get into the music, do intervals - sprint or put high resistance on chorus, pick up cadence on verses, etc. Cardio seems more creative, but I like body weight and kettle bell weight training as well.
  • Johnnyfields
    Johnnyfields Posts: 6 Member
    I prefer strength training myself , not only does heavy weights target the muscle intended but it applies pressure to your core and with enough sets and reps, you will lose fat as well. I will incorporate some ab training between my sets at each session .
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I enjoy both. I lift because it will be good for my bone health as I age and I like having good strength and visible muscle tone..the cardio I don't mind either as it helps increase my calorie burn so I get to maintain on more calories which I rather like :smile:
  • tonyv325
    tonyv325 Posts: 13 Member
    Love cardio and the after effects. Don't mind lifting but defo comes second. I tell you what does suck in my opinion and that's core work and stretching. I hate that stuff.
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    I love to run and it stops me killing people. Its my release, my freedom, my me time. I find inner peace and a calmer mind after a good run. I am hating the icy blast that is hitting the UK at the moment as it has restricted my run time some what. I also love CrossFit. I love olympic lifts, I love squat, I love deadlifts and I love the lifting variety CrossFit brings. I love the bodyweight movements as well. I also love team sports with my friends. A great bunch of girls I play netball with at the moment!