laparker517 Member


  • Hi all! I have been MIA for about 5 days, but I moved back into school at my sorority so things have gotten so crazy. I have yet to exercise since I have moved in, even though I try to wake up for a run( because the gym at school isn't open yet), I just fall back asleep.Because school hasn't started yet we have been on our…
  • You ladies are all amazing! I really admire how hard you all are working, and have been so inspired to keep working so hard too. So I posted on friday that I gained 2 pounds, but weighed in again today and the two pounds were gone. So, I'm sure it was just water weight so that makes me happy. Also, I discovered this…
  • So I know our weigh in day is monday, but before I joined this group my weigh in day was friday. So I stepped on the scale this time only to find out that I'm up two pounds. Last week I lost 4 pounds, this week, gained 2. It is a little disheartening considering I have been working my butt off, and have almost completely…
  • My goals for the week: 1. Hit the Gym 6 times, only taking friday off as a rest day., so far I am successful 2. Run a mile in under 9 minutes, I keep getting close, but I don't usually want to push too hard becauseI want to have some energy left over to go longer Anyone have tips on how to get more vegetables in. My issue…
  • NAME: Lauren AGE: 20 LIVE: Boston HEIGHT: 5'7 START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 156 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 145 START PANTS SIZE: Oh jeeze varies so much, 7-10 GOAL PANTS SIZE: 5-7 FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Nope DIET GOALS: learn to like more vegetables EXERCISE GOALS: be able to run two miles without slowing down to a walk.…
  • I just have a question for anyone that has done it, or started to do it. I have a really hard time with work out dvds, classes at the gym, simmilar things on demand. I always feel as though I can't keep up, or I can't do the moves the same as they can, and then therefore, I don't have any gains. So my question is not…
  • 1. My bum 2. My eyes 3. My calves 4. My hands 5. My nails 6. My arms 7. My heart 8. My skin 8! That's definitely more than I thought!
  • I am not losing weight, I am getting rid of it. I have no intention of ever finding it again. I am better than I was yesterday, but not as good as I will be tomorrow You are never going to regret adding in a workout, but you will always regret skipping one One reason why you can do something is worth more than a million…
  • I am 5'7 and my goal is 150! I am hoping to continue with further weight loss, but will be happy with 150. I have a rather large frame, and when I was younger and was 5'7, 130 I honestly looked very sick, so 150 it is!
  • I am 5'7 with a goal weight of 150. I am however hoping that I can continue losing more after this goal has been reached.
  • Hi! I'm Lauren and I'm 20. Congrats on the weight you have already lost! My mom also has an underactive thyroid so I understand how hard it can be to lose weight. I think you can definitely lose 50 pounds by new years. Stay motivated! Good luck
  • I am about 5'7, and my goal weight is 150. According to BMI B.S. a healthy weight for someone that is 5'7 is 120-150(ish).
  • Hi! I also just joined and have ten pounds to lose. Who knows, maybe I won't stop at 10, and keep going. Good Luck!
  • Hi, I find this to be very interesting as well, because I'm 5'7, 160, GW:150 and this site has me also eating 1200 calories a day. Going down to 1200 is a pretty significant calorie decrease for me, and I'm not sure that that is even healthy. Maybe I will also set mine to half a pound a week. Good luck girl!