Is 1200 too low for me?

I know this has probably been discussed a thousand times, but I'd love some individualized feedback from MFP veterans. For starters, I'm 5'3, 23 years old and currently weigh 129 lbs. I started at 139 or so and would like to get down to approx. 122 lbs. I have a desk job so I fit into the sedentary lifestyle category, but I work out at least 4-5 times a week (most weeks). MFP has me consuming 1200 calories, but after doing my own research, I am worried that this is too low, especially since I only have a few more pounds to lose. Anyone else been in a similar situation and have some advice? I'm so close to my goal, I don't want to sabotage myself by either undereating or consuming too much. Help!!!


  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    I was in a similar situation, I changed my weight loss goal to .5lb per week instead of 1lb per week because I think when you do not have a lot to lose it is not realistic to expect a pound a week. If you are losing weight here I would leave it but if you aren't try changing it.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks, I like that idea. May help me get used to the idea of going into maintenance mode as well, because right now even the thought of eating 1600 calories a day is daunting. I suppose it doesn't hurt to experiment with it!
  • evelazquez78
    evelazquez78 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi There,

    We are of similar size, and I was your weight back in December. I also work a desk job and fall under sedentary. I was at a standstill for awhile and bumped my calories to 1400-1600, burning about 300-400 though my daily jogs. As long as I was NETTING 1200, I lost weight. My body needed the fuel to lose the fat. Maybe bumping up your calories will jump start your metabolism, too. Good luck!
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    thanks for the advice!
  • laparker517
    laparker517 Posts: 16 Member
    I find this to be very interesting as well, because I'm 5'7, 160, GW:150 and this site has me also eating 1200 calories a day. Going down to 1200 is a pretty significant calorie decrease for me, and I'm not sure that that is even healthy. Maybe I will also set mine to half a pound a week. Good luck girl!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks for the thread! I guess what scares me is the thought of raising calories, which I'm sure a lot of people go through. My thought is hey, I ate a lot before and look where that got me! But even 1390 calories is still just below my BMR, so I'll just see how it goes and try to eat healthy calories to get me to the higher calorie level. I'll be sure to report back if I see some results!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I'm in a similar spot to you in terms of current and goal weights and height, and I've already had to up my calories twice to keep losing. I also suggest changing your goals to 0.5 lb/week and see how that works for a couple of weeks. I know adding calories sounds did to me to...but once you get your body working like a well tuned machine, it needs fuel! It's also highly unlikely that you'll suddenly gain a bunch of weight by having 200 or so more calories in your daily budget, assuming you stay within that limit, so try not to worry about that.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I'm in a similar spot to you in terms of current and goal weights and height, and I've already had to up my calories twice to keep losing. I also suggest changing your goals to 0.5 lb/week and see how that works for a couple of weeks. I know adding calories sounds did to me to...but once you get your body working like a well tuned machine, it needs fuel! It's also highly unlikely that you'll suddenly gain a bunch of weight by having 200 or so more calories in your daily budget, assuming you stay within that limit, so try not to worry about that.

    I completely understand that it seems counter intuitive. Just remember that MFP already set your daily goals below your BMR so even if you don't exercise at all you should be losing. But most likely you are exercising, so you need to eat MORE to keep your metabolism going strong.