.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Here are all my stats. I know I posted the first part in the first forum but I'm going to put everything here.

    NAME: Erica
    AGE: 20
    LIVE: North Mobile , AL
    HEIGHT: 5'10"
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: high fiber and counting calories
    DIET GOALS: eat healthier, less soda more water
    EXERCISE GOALS: Run/jogg longer, exercise at least 1 hour evryday
    OTHER GOALS: Fit into my prom dress, fit into a pair of size 7 shorts I have never fit into, my tighs to not touch like they use to
    OTHER INTERESTS: Tennis, spending time with my hubby and friends, cooking, baking, Auburn Footbal, Football in general NFL and NCAA , NBA
    OCCUPATION: House Wife and Part Time Substitute Teacher

    Bust: 38 in.
    Waist: 31
    Navel-line: 35
    Hips : 42
    Calves: R- 16in, L- 16in
    Arms: R- 12, L-12
    Thighs: R-25, L-25
    Neck: 14 in
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    :grumble: Argh!! I feel so bad! I cheated so bad yesterday. I had planned on doing P90X when I got home from work, but the house was so hot, so I talked myself out of it. Then me and my husband didn't want to cook and make the house hotter, so for dinner it was McDonalds. Ugh!

    But today is a new day - this is why I am part of this group. You guys hold me accountable and give me the motivation to keep at it and not to throw the rest of the week away just because of a couple of slip ups. Thanks for being there!! :flowerforyou:
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    I started 6Pack in 6 weeks Monday. It has been going pretty good. I hate the side planks - not strong enough to hold myself up the entire time. It will get easier (I hope). My goal is to do this the entire 6 weeks without taking a day off. I have been really good with my diet - staying within the 1200...except for this morning - someone brought in donuts and I caved and had half of one. Felt bad! Oh...and the weekend is fast approaching and this is where I fail!
  • amhodac
    amhodac Posts: 9
    Hey ladies! I am really excited about this challenge group. I am always looking for new people for support and to share this journey with.

    So now I ask you, What changed in your life, mind or self that made you start this journey?

    I started my journey for similar reasons. I have always been the thinnest one in my family and I took my weight (albiet not super thin) for granted. After I had my second son losing the weight was hard. Then I started thinking about how I wanted to set an example for my sons. I didn't want to be the mom on the sidelines, I wanted to be the active mom, involved in whatever they were doing. I also felt hypocritcal because I was constantly telling my oldest son how he needed to eat healthier.
    Additonally, I lost my dad when I was 24. The unexpected loss of him due to a heart attack tore me apart.. I often think about how much he missed in our lives, and I want to do everything in my power to prevent that from happening to me. --- Wow just typing this is choking me up.
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Challenge Results:

    Pushups: 22
    Situps: 15
    Jumping jacks: 50
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Such beautiful and inspiring stuff everyone is posting!
    Amanda, I am so sorry that you lost your dad at a young age. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. You are an awesome mom, and you WILL achieve your goals. Really.

    thamre- we all have little things now and then...totally fine! It's all about moderation...
    cdngrl- don't even sweat it! It's a marathon not a sprint....!

    nobody is going to be crowned the slacker...my gosh, yesterday, I found out my friend's dad suddenly passed away, I came home exhausted and hungry after a twelve hour shift and started eating whatever I could find...not great choices...but it happens...

    And I am gearing up for this weekend too...

    Thanks for everyone getting their stats to me! I will make a spreadsheet as soon as I get a second...life has been crazy lately!!

    I think it might be awesome for us all to post weekend goals to help us stay on track....! Monday weigh-in!!

    and by the way....SUCH AMAZING losses so far!! So proud!!! Who cares if it's maybe just water weight...!!

    be under my calories every day
    lose two pounds total at my weigh-in
    work out every morning, Fri-Sun

    hold me to it!!

    get it, girls!! ; )
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    My weekend starts now because I just got off work and I'm off Friday through Sunday!

    My weekend goals:
    Do my situps, pushups, and jumping jacks for the challenge.
    Keep logging my food each day and stay under calories.
    Exercise 2 days between Friday and Sunday.
    Choose a healthy option or eat smaller portions when my husband and I go to Olive Garden Sunday.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Well, since I'm working now straight through till Sunday eve...I'll say my weekend starts now. My goal is to not hit up the vending machine because I'm tired and need a pick me up. My goal is to keep within my calories and push the water. My goal is just to survive working and get this weekend done! :)
  • erinalexis84
    erinalexis84 Posts: 7 Member

    How many can you do in a minute?
    - pushups: 38
    - situps: 42
    - jumping jacks: 61

    Wish I could do more push ups...and they werent even the real kind. They were the girlie push ups LOL
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    My weekend goals are:

    1) Keep myself in check Saturday at our cookout. Make sure healthy options are available and eat only them. Don't drink too many calories, and log everything...even if it's not pretty.

    2) Workout hard on Sunday and eat clean to balance out Saturday.

    Lots of great success so far ladies...let's keep it up over the weekend!!
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    My weekend goals:

    Do my pushups, situps and jumping jacks tonight to complete that challenge
    get some cardio in everyday and at least one spin class
    Stay within my calories all weekend
    Rock my weigh in on Monday!! :wink:
  • laparker517
    laparker517 Posts: 16 Member
    So I know our weigh in day is monday, but before I joined this group my weigh in day was friday. So I stepped on the scale this time only to find out that I'm up two pounds. Last week I lost 4 pounds, this week, gained 2. It is a little disheartening considering I have been working my butt off, and have almost completely cut out the crap out of my diet. Now I know I should be eating more fruits and vegetables, but I'm getting there. I work out 6 days a week, with an hour of cardio(burn 500-600 cals) and usually about 15 minutes of strength training. What am I doing wrong? Should I think about upping my calories. I tried eating all of my calories last night, but I was so full that it seemed silly to eat more just because. Any input would be great! Hope everyone enjoys their friday!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    my weekend goals:

    There is a 5k tomorrow morning I would really like to participate in...however, it is a 7am. I will go if my daughter goes with me (she helps me push myself)
    stay within my calories - plan on going to the local bar Saturday nite as there is a good band playing (try less drinking and more dancing!)
    log my food and exercise
    make sure I do 6p6w!!!
  • newashley
    newashley Posts: 28 Member
    My weekend goals!
    Do my push ups sit ups and jumping jacks,
    stay under my calories
    work out!!!

    I need to get back to being good!! I gained 2 pounds over the last two weeks and I REALLY wanted to loose 25 by sept 17th... I will try and make it so I can at least loose some! I need the extra support!
    Thanks Ladies!!
  • newashley
    newashley Posts: 28 Member
    My weekend goals!
    Do my push ups sit ups and jumping jacks,
    stay under my calories
    work out!!!

    I need to get back to being good!! I gained 2 pounds over the last two weeks and I REALLY wanted to loose 25 by sept 17th... I will try and make it so I can at least loose some! I need the extra support!
    Thanks Ladies!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies. I haven't gotten my measurements in or done the challenge for the week. I will get both done this afternoon (after I got pick up a new measuring tape since mine is lossin the abyss of my house). This weekend shouldn't be bad for me. I am determined to stay on track. I have band camp starting on Sunday so that day will be easy for me, I will be at rehearsal from 9 am - 7pm. Saturday I have a healthy dinner planned. I just need to watch my snacking and breakfast (going out for breakfast).

    I hope everyone is having a good week and has a great weekend. Next week I have band camp all week (Sun-Thurs 9-7) so I will not be checking in a lot. I will try to check in when I get home or if I take sessions off.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I did the challenge, but I cheated and modified all 3 of mine.

    Wall Push-ups: 30
    Crunches instead of situps: 50
    Jumping jacks (alternating legs instead of both legs out at the same time): 55

    I will have to work up to doing the real thing.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    So I know our weigh in day is monday, but before I joined this group my weigh in day was friday. So I stepped on the scale this time only to find out that I'm up two pounds. Last week I lost 4 pounds, this week, gained 2. It is a little disheartening considering I have been working my butt off, and have almost completely cut out the crap out of my diet. Now I know I should be eating more fruits and vegetables, but I'm getting there. I work out 6 days a week, with an hour of cardio(burn 500-600 cals) and usually about 15 minutes of strength training. What am I doing wrong? Should I think about upping my calories. I tried eating all of my calories last night, but I was so full that it seemed silly to eat more just because. Any input would be great! Hope everyone enjoys their friday!

    What is your net calorie budget/goal? How long have you been exercising regularly? How much protein do you eat? Once I got about 1 month into P90X, I had to up my calories to keep losing...I hit a plateau and was legitimately STARVING all the time. Generally when I hit a plateau or zig-zag in weight a bit, I try to change things up as much as possible...change up my diet, try different exercises, workout during a different time of the day. These things can all help "shock" your body into losing. You'll get there...I know it's frustrating!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    My weekend goals:
    1) Do one P90X workout this weekend
    2) Stay under my cals all weekend

    I am pretty sure I have gained at least 2 lbs this week, but I am pretty sure it is water retention due to starting P90X. Has anyone done the program? Did you gain weight at the beginning of the program? Love your input.

    Thanks guys and have an absolutely wonderful weekend!!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member

    I am pretty sure I have gained at least 2 lbs this week, but I am pretty sure it is water retention due to starting P90X. Has anyone done the program? Did you gain weight at the beginning of the program? Love your input.

    Thanks guys and have an absolutely wonderful weekend!!

    Personally, I did not gain when I first started P90X, but many have. How far into the program are you? Your breaking down and rebuilding a lot of muscle that first week or two, so you may retain water while your body does this. Drink plenty of water too, especially if you weren't doing strength training before, to flush out toxins and acid that were hiding in your muscles. Hang in there though, I started losing weight pretty quickly after starting!
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