.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member

    I am pretty sure I have gained at least 2 lbs this week, but I am pretty sure it is water retention due to starting P90X. Has anyone done the program? Did you gain weight at the beginning of the program? Love your input.

    Thanks guys and have an absolutely wonderful weekend!!

    Personally, I did not gain when I first started P90X, but many have. How far into the program are you? Your breaking down and rebuilding a lot of muscle that first week or two, so you may retain water while your body does this. Drink plenty of water too, especially if you weren't doing strength training before, to flush out toxins and acid that were hiding in your muscles. Hang in there though, I started losing weight pretty quickly after starting!

    Thanks for your input. I am just finishing my first week of the Classic version.
  • mycrazyturtles
    Hey everyone, Glad to see everyone is trying hard. My weekend is Jamed pack full of baby shower things and I start classes on Monday.
    But my weekend goal is to stay under my calories and Still eat healthy even though it might be tough sunday and then Make sure I have my food ready to go for school next week.
    Also I'm down 2 lbs so far this week. I will record Monday hopefully I loose 1 more before then. That was the goal. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Finally, My measurements
    Bust: 36.5
    Waist: 29.75
    Navel: 35.0
    Hips: 40.5
    Calves: 16 (each)
    Arms: L 13, Right 12.75
    Thights: 24.5 each
    Neck: 13.
  • pwdalt
    pwdalt Posts: 14
    I have added a few new friends. Thank you all for your acknowledgements.

    I completed my first week on MFP and thought by joining I will stay motivated. I am doing OK with the calorie counting. My dietitian wants me to keep it above 1,500 calories daily by I have been under for five days or so. I see her in a week and I hope that it is not too bad of an act. I will have a weigh-in then.

    I do not have scales at home and must relay on the clinic's "official" weigh-in. I am changing my mindset about scales, they are my friend not the enemy.

    My goal weight for Thanksgiving is 300 pounds, that is a little over 30 pounds. I can do this. Peggy
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Measurements - Finally!

    Bust 44.5
    Waist 39.5
    Hips 46.5
    calves R 17 L 16.5
    thighs R 26.5 L 27
    neck 15
    Arms R 15 L 14.5

    My goal for this weekend is to make it through this TOM without laying in bed the entire time. I feel miserable. I'll be better come Sunday or so...but I feel miserable. I even bailed on my workout tonight. And I overate. And I had too much sodium.

    Okay, enough pity party - I have plans to go hiking tomorrow - so I'm hoping I feel well enough to do so...

    If I don't pop in tomorrow, everyone have a great Saturday.

    Bobbi Jo
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Great attitude Peggy. Yes you can do this! I'm loving this group and the encouragement everyone gives. We will all be thinner by Thanksgiving!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    :smile: :smile: I need to complete my push ups/sit ups/jumping jacks on Saturday and report out.:smile::smile:

    My goals this week are:
    *Workout at least 5 days this week (one more day to workout)
    *Burn 4000 calories (1315 calories to burn)
    *Lose 3 lbs (1st week back)
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Looking good ladies!

    Sorry to the girls who have gained, but it could be water weight, hopefully you'll get a big drop next week. Don't let it get you down and keep up the good work.

    Elisabeth, you're amazing being on here as much as you are whilst moving :)

    Finishing work in a couple of hours, then I'm going to finally take my measurements and time to do my challenges and zumba, followed by some wii fit i think.
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    I have finally taken my measurements and completed this week's challenge. I did so much better than I expected! Jumping Jacks didn’t even hurt my stomach :D

    Bust: (right across nipples) 47
    Waist: 42
    Navel-line: 49
    Hips (widest part!): 50
    Calves: R- 17, L- 17
    Arms: (where they jiggle!) R- 15 , L- 15
    Thighs: (widest part!) R- 28 , L- 28
    Neck: 16

    How many can you do in a minute?

    pushups: (on knees) 55

    situps: 47

    jumping jacks: 70
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I think I need to change my goals a little. I struggle a lot with low energy due to a serious illness. I keep thinking "I am recovered" but the after effects are taking quite a while to resolve (low energy being the main one). In any case, when I start school in the fall, I will be taking dance classes in the mornings and some evenings I will be teaching dance and/or Zumba. So my new goal is to work toward doing some "daily doubles" in hopes of increasing my energy before I HAVE to do it.
    The other goal is to find a balance for my body with sugar. My body LOVES sugar; I actually feel BETTER when I've eaten some sweet treat (not sugar cane, though). So I want to figure out how much is enough and how much is too much (if there is a too much).
  • erinalexis84
    erinalexis84 Posts: 7 Member
    YAY! I met my running goal today running over 12 miles for the week! It was hard and slow going and my body HURTS but I did it!! Nervous about Mondays weight in. I have been over my caloires twice this week I believe- nothing HUGE like 120 over one day and then I can remember what the other day was...oh well! Every day is a new one!!! Looking forward to next week's challenge already and hoping I at least lost a pound on Monday... more would be better but hey I will take what I can get :)
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I had a great workout at the gym today and looking forward to getting to the gym at least 3 more times this week.

  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was not able to workout this weekend as I would have liked. Had to leave for Pennsylvania, my grandma was in the hospital. She is home now and ok for now but we have discovered she has a heart issue. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

    I still think I will have a decent loss tommorow so I am happy about that. I was able to complete my pushups, situps & jumping jacks. results are below.

    32 pushups (girlie style)
    28 situps (crunches)
    26 jumping jacks
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    I am doing great so far, since joining the group i have noticed i ammore apt to sticking to my guns.:tongue:

    I even went out and bought a dry erase board to keep up on my fridge for my goals!!! :bigsmile:

    ericarey85 I LOVE the dry eraser on the ridge. I plan to do this as well. THANKS!!!!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    :smile: :smile: I need to complete my push ups/sit ups/jumping jacks on Saturday and report out.:smile::smile:

    My goals this week are:
    *Workout at least 5 days this week (one more day to workout)
    *Burn 4000 calories (1315 calories to burn)
    *Lose 3 lbs (1st week back)

    I completed 40 push ups/18 sit ups/58 jumping jacks
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I did
    14 push ups
    8 sit ups
    24 jumping jacks
    All modified and badly mangled
  • mycrazyturtles
    Good morning everyone it is check in day. I'm down my 3lb and and working on 3 more for next week. I'm off to my first day of classes. Kind of nervous to start this new adventure. See you all tonight.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    8-15: 159.0
    8-22: 162.4

    I know this is not accurate. I am super sore and retaining water. My sodium intake the last few days has been atrocious and I was on my feet all day yesterday so I am sure I didn't drink enough to flush it out of my system. I am just going to keep pushing through this week and once I get back on a normal schedule I am sure it will go back down.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Happy Monday all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, it was a stressful weekend but I made it through. Worked 2 double shifts and now off for the week! When I'm tired all I want to do is eat, eat and of course....EAT! Did go over yesterday but managed to probally keep it off by walking up and down the halls of work passing meds, treatments and all the fun stuff a nurse does in her day!

    So....ta-da...here it is...starting weight........200lbs


    Yay 4lbs weight loss this week! Let's do a little dance for Carrie today!
    Thinking of this week goals for myself and post later. Wishing all of you an awesome weight loss and accomplishment this week. You can do it, it's the little steps that add to the mile! Learned this last night in church, it takes 21 days to make it a habit. Let's take the next 21 days to make better eating choices, work out, and just love on ourselves a little more and not stress on the little things. Have an awesome day and blessings to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink:
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I did better than I thought on my weigh in this morning:

    8/15: 180
    8/22: 178

    My goals this week:
    Complete week 2 of 6P6W
    Run 3-4 miles every other evening and walk 4 the opposite days
    drink more water and less pop