.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I am totally disappointed! I have gained over 5 lbs!! How the heck does that happen??? :noway: I mean I was expecting a little gain due to starting P90X, but 5lbs!!! And I was only over a little bit on Sunday. Ugh!! :grumble:

    SW: 153 lbs
    CW: 158.2 lbs

    This weeks goals:
    Get back to starting weight
    Work out 5 days this week
    Stay under calories everyday
  • laparker517
    laparker517 Posts: 16 Member
    You ladies are all amazing! I really admire how hard you all are working, and have been so inspired to keep working so hard too. So I posted on friday that I gained 2 pounds, but weighed in again today and the two pounds were gone. So, I'm sure it was just water weight so that makes me happy. Also, I discovered this machine at a different gym than my usual gym today. It's called a cybex arc trainer, looks like an elliptical, but it's wayyyy better! I burned about 700 calories on it for an hour! I found it to be much easier than running, and didn't put stress on my knees like the other ellipticals did. Definitely check this machine out if you havent ladies, it should be in the cardio section if your gym has them! Happy Tuesday beautifuls!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    So I am totally disappointed! I have gained over 5 lbs!! How the heck does that happen??? :noway: I mean I was expecting a little gain due to starting P90X, but 5lbs!!! And I was only over a little bit on Sunday. Ugh!! :grumble:

    SW: 153 lbs
    CW: 158.2 lbs

    Forgive me for snooping, but I noticed in your diary that your sodium intake has been quite high the last week or so. Everybody is different, but I know for me as soon as I reach or exceed 2500 mg, I can expect to gain 1-2 lbs of water weight if I don't compensate with water intake. How much water do you drink a day? Your calorie intake seems OK, so I really don't think you've gained 5 lbs of fat at all...so don't get too bummed.

    I'd suggest keeping a close eye on the sodium and make sure to drink plenty of water, which is also helpful since you're working out hard during P90X. Just keep at it and stay positive...you're doing awesome at sticking with the workouts!!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Goals this week. Workout everyday, drink 64 oz of water, stay under or at calorie limit, finish week 1 of couch to 5k! Good luck to all you ladies!
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    Sorry guys i know i have been MIA ths week, internet problems, but i am back. WAY TO GO EVRYONE FOR AN AWSOME FIRST WEEK!!!! I lost a whole whopping 0.4 pounds but i geuss a loss is a loss.

    My goals for this week
    Cardio and strength 3x's
    Try to start drinking more water
    Continue to stay under my calories
    Maybe lame..... but i need to stretch more, i always forget how good it feels.
  • MinaMaharet
    MinaMaharet Posts: 13 Member
    Everyone is Rockin'!!!! :-D

    Tomorrow morning I'm weighing & measuring at Curves, so I'll have an accurate reading for all, along with last week's challenge numbers.

    Work has been just ridiculous and i'm not eating/working out as well as I would like. Monday I was able to fit into the size 20 jeans I've had in my closet for 3 months. That was exciting and surprising!!

    Keep up the amazing work, ladies!!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    Last night was an awesome workout. I did my 6p6w, than because it was so muggy out, I decided to go to the gym and jump on the elliptical. I was on there for an hour - sweated buckets! It felt awesome! :happy:
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Monday I was able to fit into the size 20 jeans I've had in my closet for 3 months. That was exciting and surprising!!

    Great job!!! Fitting into clothes in the back of the closet is one of the best NSV's!!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Hi Ladies!

    Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I've been busier than a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest!! Speaking of kicking butts, you are all doing a great job! I'm so proud! I've been logging my food and exercising, but haven't had a lot of time for socializing, unfortunately! I'll try to do better. I have started this week with a 1.5 lb loss, so I didn't quite make it back down to 212, but I did get to 213, so 9 lbs in 3 weeks will have to do for now.

    I will try to check back in later today, but I wanted to get my weight in here because I completely forgot to post it on Monday. I even forgot to change my weight on my profile!

    Take care everyone. I hope to catch up with you all soon!

  • erinalexis84
    erinalexis84 Posts: 7 Member
    Ok I have been MIA- sorry!! Monday I got on the scale...gained two pounds!! UGH!!! The bright side is though I lost over inches in my bust, hips, arms and tummy....everything but my legs really. So thats good news, right? I was bummed to say the least but today is a new day! Monday and Tuesday were bad for me. Did loads of walking Monday however, I ate like crap. My husband's grandparents were in town and well I was like 300 calories over for my day monday. Yesterday I didnt track it so who knows... Today is a new day and I am tracking everything! I want to run 15 miles this week- 5 runs 3 miles each. I also would like to do 50 situps and 50 pushups a day. Thats my goal. Cant wait for the challenge!!

    Keep up all the great work ladies!!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    kinda disappointed in myself last night. My workout routine is as soon as I get home I do my 6p6w dvd than go out for a walk or run for 4 miles. I did the dvd but hubby wanted supper ready when he got home so instead of going for my run I made him supper. I made my supper as his was cooking. I can't go for my walk/run after I eat because - well, bathroom reasons I guess. I did go for a quick 15 min walk close to home, but really wanted that good hour walk. I told hubby that it was not gonna happen again...I come first!
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    @ErinAlexis, if you lost inches, that is WAYYYYYYYYYYY (can't stress WAY enough) more important than losing weight on a scale! If I drink a pint of water and step on a scale I'd be silly to freak out about gaining one pound in one minute! Sometimes the scale is a lying, no-good dirty jerk! :) GO GIRL!

    I'm posting my goals for this weekend! The week is easier for me to be successful in because I'm in 'WORK' mode. But during the weekend I tend to equate 'relaxing' with 'eating' (a relaxed diet). So here are my goals:
    1. I'm making a chocolate cake for a baby shower. Goal 1: not to eat any of it! The gluten will wreck my system and I KNOW that! There's no point in making my whole body feel terrible for something my dumb mouth wants!
    2. Drink 8 16 oz. glasses of water each day.
    3. I'm making a couple loaves of bread for sandwiches for my husband but again, my body won't like it if I feed it gluten after eating clean for a while. Goal 3: no bread!
    4. Eat balanced meals with lots of veggies, fat, and protein. Goal 4: no snacking on carby stuff.

    Good luck to everyone here! I know I'm joining in kind of late but I've been reading through and being inspired by all your hard workouts. Keep up the good work!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Last week I didn't see the results I wanted on the scale, but I am excited to weigh in Monday because I have lost 2 pounds this week already! Hoping I can lose another half to be at 160 :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My crazy week is over so I will be checking in more often. I am so incredibly sore. This was my 15th time I have been involved with band camp (either as a performer or an instructor) and this by far was the toughest. I am in better shape than I have been in years yet this time it took much more out of me than usual. It was a great week and I am so proud of my students. They put on a great show at the end of the week.

    My goals for this weekend
    1) drink tons of water (to flush out the tons of sodium I ate last week)
    2) not to overindulge too much at my friends engagement party
    3) rest so my muscles won't hurt so much
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Just checking in to say howdy! My scale is stuck and it's turning in to a bit of a bummer. My trainer is yelling at me not to weigh every morning, but I can't help it- I keep a little graph chart and I love it when it goes down. I just don't understand why I do two weeks without any change, then I'll have three days of losing 3-4 pounds, then I stay at that weight for two-three weeks...I don't get it. It's like my body is fighting to hold on to every little blob of fat I own...

    Anyway - I may have mentioned this before, but my last day at my job is next Friday, and I start a new one the week after - so things are sort of stressful at work. Still trying to eat well. Trying VERY hard not to cave in and have a Dr. Pepper. You'd think after 150 days, I wouldn't crave it anymore...but I do. My goal for this weekend is to make it through without over-indulging in crap, and to drink enough water. :)
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Just checking in to say howdy! My scale is stuck and it's turning in to a bit of a bummer. My trainer is yelling at me not to weigh every morning, but I can't help it- I keep a little graph chart and I love it when it goes down. I just don't understand why I do two weeks without any change, then I'll have three days of losing 3-4 pounds, then I stay at that weight for two-three weeks...I don't get it. It's like my body is fighting to hold on to every little blob of fat I own...

    Anyway - I may have mentioned this before, but my last day at my job is next Friday, and I start a new one the week after - so things are sort of stressful at work. Still trying to eat well. Trying VERY hard not to cave in and have a Dr. Pepper. You'd think after 150 days, I wouldn't crave it anymore...but I do. My goal for this weekend is to make it through without over-indulging in crap, and to drink enough water. :)

    I hate when people keep quoting because it makes the posts stupid long but you said it so well and I'm with ya' sister! I just went for almost 3 weeks with very little. I'm down a pound this morning so hopefully that's the end of it for awile.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    Hope everyone has had a good week. I know weigh in isn't till Monday, but I stepped on the scale this morning to see my progress...I have lost 3 pounds this week. Now, if I can just be a good girl this weekend and keep it off :tongue: I haven't really been motivated to run much this week - been sticking to walking every evening. I did a little running last night, but I just didn't have the energy to run it all. I have just signed up for a 5k in town on Sept 10th. Now, I better get cracking :laugh:
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I did good with my goals this week. Stayed close to my caloric intake most days...still working on the sugar thing. I can definitely see a difference when I look in the mirror; much less flab hanging off my arms and around my sports bra! YAY :) I didn't add any "doubles" to my schedule, though, so will have to get that down.

    Next weeks goals:
    Daily Double exercise 3 times (60 min each)
    continue to eat my alloted calories
    continue to figure out the sugar dosage my body craves
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I didn't do so well with my goals this week. I did manage to stay under my cals most days, but I didn't exercise at all except Monday for approx 30 mins. There was a death in the family, which totally came out of the blue for me and it took all the wind out of my sails. But I am coming back next week and going to kick P90X's butt. :laugh: I will be starting all of these goals starting Monday, just because my weekend is pretty busy (including my one year wedding anniversary).

    Stay under calories everyday
    Do P90X 5 days
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in. I had a great week and achieved all my goals I set out for (lots of cardio). I can see the scale is down but I will weigh in officially on Monday.

    I am in NJ and as you all know we are preparing for the worst with this hurricane. My boys were at the beach for the week and left early due to manditory evacuation. they now are safely home. We are just going to ride out the storm at home. I do not live in a flood zone area but I am still prepared for the worst and wishing for the best.

    Im gonna take it easy on myself with the goals this weekend. Tonight I have a bbq, and I am taking a much needed break from working out. Tomorrow morning I will take a spin class and I wait & see what Sunday brings.
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