MikeRobi81 Member


  • Are you looking to just lost weight? If you want to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, I recommend checking out the AX-1 program at www.athleanx.com
  • Cycling after leg day will assits your body in the healing process and getting you feeling better in no time. I'm sure going for a run will give you the same benefits.
  • I recommend disabling that feature all together. Those numbers aren't accurate and if your goal is to lose weight and you eat those calories you burned, you might eat more then you actually burned.
  • I recommend not counting burned calories. We all know that we need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, not counting your workouts is like reaching the bonus level.
  • If I can recommend Jeff Cavaliere @ www.athleanx.com He's the Guru of fitness. You don't need to buy his programs but I would recommend buying his AX-1. You can watch his YouTube channel and learn from the Master himself. He has full body workouts you can do for free. As always, rule #1 is to make sure your nutrition is in…
  • Fat acceptance shouldn't be a thing. Everyone should try to be as healthy as they can be. People like Tess Holliday has a huge negative impact on the health of her followers. This movement wants Doctors (medical professionals) to stop using the medical term "obesity" and that is just wrong. I'm against fat shaming, no one…
  • If your fitbit is sync to MFP then your steps from them will automatically be added. Remember that calories burned from machines aren't always accurate. I don't sync any types of workouts, cardio or steps with MFP, its just extra calorie burnt.
  • If I can recommend checking out Alan Roberts at EveryDamnDayFitness.com, he specializes in extreme weight lost that you're looking for.
  • make a different email address for sites that wants your email. If you're not to sure, google that website and find out if its a scam or legit site.
  • If you keep increasing the weight and doing your reps with proper form, you'll achieve your goal eventually.
  • You can add a form of cardio within you strenght training. If you add box jumps, jumping jacks or burpees in between sets will keep that heart pumping.
  • Depends on your budget and what you can lift. A pair of 90lbs adjustable dumbbells would give you up to 180lbs, add a bench and your set to do almost everything.
  • adjustable bench and a set of powerblocks can easily give you access to a full body workout.
  • Depends on what your overall goals are (I know you said 130lbs). Overall weight is just a number, are you looking to get strong and fit or just thinner? You can find a bunch of great programs on YT but be careful cause the fitness industry has a lot fakes. I personally follow Jeff Cavaliere @ Athlean-x, they also have a…
  • Don't bother with fat burners, they are nothing but a scam. As for a good pre workout, I recommend looking for certain ingredients. Creatine, Caffeine (lvl depends on your sensativity), Beta-Alanine, Citrulline, Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), amino acids (BCAA) and Nitrate.