Workout routine

Ive started my fatloss journey in the end of may and have dropped from 225 to 188 with nothing more than walking (10k step goal daily using my fitbit) ive noticed my weightloss has started to slow and I wanted to start a workout routine to keep it going. My goal atm is 130 for now.
How should I start? I started jogging a week ago and am at 25 mins/2 miles right now but want to incorporate strength training. I bought some 15 pound weights ( I will be adding more weights when i have the money for it ) and want to do body weight excercises to start.
I also got some protein powder.
So my questions are how many days strength vs cardio should I do? How much protein do I need to gain muscle and whens the best time to take said protein. Also im on a 1200 calorie diet based on what mfp says, should that stay the same or should I change my activity level (I have it on lightly active atm)
Alot of questions I know sorry 😌


  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Your weight loss SHOULD slow. It's not safe to lose weight as fast when you get closer to goal.
  • Cat_A_89
    Cat_A_89 Posts: 93 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Your weight loss SHOULD slow. It's not safe to lose weight as fast when you get closer to goal.

    Yes i know that and im not looking to lose faster just to stay at a consitant 1-2 pounds a week average. Im aware weight loss is up and down as mine has been. I want to know whats the best way to start a workout routine to support that but thanks
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Google some exercise plans or look at the posts on here - someone will undoubtedly link you to them, i don't know how to do that.

    Anyway, nerdfitness is a good start, or just go on YouTube and search for full body workouts with dubmbbells and stuff will pop up

    Re the protein powder - that's not magic, it's just a tool to supplement protein intake if you decide to get all serious about macros. It's not a necessity and will not magically make you gain muscle.

    Re the 1200 calorie goal, we can't comment on that unless you provide all your stats and so on. Like height, age, sex, etc...

    Plus, yes, it will become slower, the losing, the closer you get to a lower weight...
  • Cat_A_89
    Cat_A_89 Posts: 93 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    Google some exercise plans or look at the posts on here - someone will undoubtedly link you to them, i don't know how to do that.

    Anyway, nerdfitness is a good start, or just go on YouTube and search for full body workouts with dubmbbells and stuff will pop up

    Re the protein powder - that's not magic, it's just a tool to supplement protein intake if you decide to get all serious about macros. It's not a necessity and will not magically make you gain muscle.

    Re the 1200 calorie goal, we can't comment on that unless you provide all your stats and so on. Like height, age, sex, etc...

    Plus, yes, it will become slower, the losing, the closer you get to a lower weight...

    Im 29,5'2 and female.
    I want to add the extra protein as im pretty sure I dont eat enough in general. I dont want to go super crazy with macros but do want to stay within a resonable percentage of what mfp gives me. I fast until 2 pm and tend to break my fast with a shake of some sort most days anyways so can easily add a scoop into there.
    Any recommendations for youtube channels?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Here is the programme list mentioned above.

    I found Nerdfitness (on the list) a good simple intro programme.

    I could barely do any of it when I started and was tired after one set. I stuck with it until I could complete the whole routine as written, minus the jumping jacks. They are there for a little cardio, I didn’t like the higher impact so stepped out side to side and did the arm movement.

    Once I could complete it I moved on to something more challenging.

    Hasfit has some great starter programmes on YouTube for absolute beginners too.

    Any of the beginner programmes in the list will work too.

    As far as your 1200 cals goes. I would look at changing your goal to 1lbs a week now you are ~50lbs off your goal.
    Also, your exercise calories will need to be eaten back. If you don’t have a personal tracker, use the MFP estimates and adjust after 4-6 weeks if you are losing too fast or slow.

    Staying at such a low intake (1200) will not provide you with enough energy to perform your workouts optimally, they need fuelling. It could also decrease your NEAT, dropping your daily activity.
    This can cause lethargy, burn out, or injury over time.

    When you start to introduce your strength routine, alternate it with your running/jogging days.

    You may also want to decrease your 10000 daily steps while you adjust to the extra work outs.
    (I hope you are eating those cals back too, or have your daily activity level at ‘active’)

    Cheers, h.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    what @middlehaitch said! ^^^
  • MikeRobi81
    MikeRobi81 Posts: 15 Member
    Depends on what your overall goals are (I know you said 130lbs). Overall weight is just a number, are you looking to get strong and fit or just thinner? You can find a bunch of great programs on YT but be careful cause the fitness industry has a lot fakes. I personally follow Jeff Cavaliere @ Athlean-x, they also have a program created for woman.