Running after Leg Day???


I am currently training for a marathon and working on building my mileage back up prior to the race. I am also lifting two days a week (one upper body, one lower body day). I was wondering if it is counterproductive to do a "longer" training run (8-10 miles) 2 days post leg day where I was doing heavy squats, or if one day of rest in between is enough? Anyone have any insight? I don't want to undo any of the work I have put in.



  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    edited August 2019
    I do squats as soon after a long run as possible so I have as long as possible recover from them before my next long run.

    I do long runs on Saturday. I do squats on Sunday (late) or Monday. Later than that in the week and the next long run is a giant sufferfest. I am also running during the week so there’s not a lot of time when my legs aren’t in use to some degree.

    I think everyone has their own personal tolerance, and I find I need to switch to a low-grade maintenance level with squats when my weekly mileage gets high (I am not someone who can recover from long miles and heavy squats at the same time).

    I also have the worst DOMS 2 days after squats. I would not want to do a long run on the day with the worst DOMS.

    Generally, I don’t have real issues until I get past about 1/2 marathon mileage. So you probably have some time to figure things out if your long run is at 8-10 miles.

    Give things a shot. See how it goes. If you find you have dead legs, your runs are too tough, your leg workouts are a struggle for what should be easy-maybe rearrange your schedule?
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    So you only work out each body part once a week? Seems like a waste of time to me.

    If your focus is running, I suggest a full body workout twice a week.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Hmmm well I could manage to recover from heavy leg days until I was up to about 16miles then I just wasn't recovering from everything and I had to cut the weights right down. I continued heavy upper body right up until the last month of training, but squats and deadlifts I dropped right to about 50% of the weights I was doing
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    edited August 2019
    It’s going to be different for everyone. But I’ve done recovery runs and long runs the day after leg day. Often doubling days with AM lift, PM run and the reverse. I just take it by feel. I will say that all my runs over 18mi, I’ve taken a rest day (lifting) before. I just want to be fresh.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    How heavy are you lifting?

    I can tell you from personal experience that when I was doing Stronglifts 5 x 5 and squatting 3 x weekly I found I had dead lags while training for a half-marathon. I'd probably be inclined to do a shorter recovery run after leg day or take a day off before a longer run. Everyone recovers at different rates, listen to your body.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited August 2019
    I ran trail races for like five years. Though they weren't half marathons, I ran up to around halfs on my training days. The trail races that were 7 or 8 miles (with the ups and downs) felt like halfs.

    I don't run now (I'm getting old and had Chronic Runner's knee) but I row 6 days a week, the equivalent of around 40 MPW running. But weights are even more important in rowing than running. Rowing training is so similar to running plans, they're nearly identical.

    I follow an 80/20 plan now rowing -- three days of easier steady state days (roughly 60 minutes), one day extra long slow day (90 minutes) and two days of harder work (think track work one day and fartlek the other day). What I've found works best for me, by far, is to do a full body workout twice a week on the hard cardio days, separated by at least 3 to 4 hours. It makes for a brutal day, but I have to keep my longer and easier days as just that. Otherwise, I can't do it long term. Plus, the whole point of the longer, slower days is to not have Lactic Acid buildup, which is precisely what lifting does! You're defeating the purpose of the long, steady run by lifting on that same day IMHO.

    If you're not doing a 6 day a week running plan, I don't know if I'd lift much yet. Build your mileage first and then add it in later after the mileage is comfortable to you.

    I have also read recent physiology research where lifting combined with things like rowing actually enhance the strength because they are similar and complimentary, especially if separated with a few hours in between. You will be ridiculously sore the first few times but recovery runs would help with that. Keep you slow stuff slow and your hard stuff hard.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    I've been concentrating on running so have dodged squat work (done with KB) and know that I've got to get back to including squats in my rotation. So long as I'm running, I think my approach will be heavier loads and lower reps, done as part of a KB complex. This is good enough for me given my fitness goals.

    When I was lifting heavier barbells and doing StrongLifts 5x5 and prior to that the Olympic lifts, I didn't do any running at all. Got stronger for sure but it was all part of a journey leading to weight gain. Now that I'm lighter and leaner, I won't be doing that again although I occasionally miss the joy of lifting heavier. Can't have it all and don't need it at my age. I'm following an approach that I learned from something Jeff Cavaliere said, be lean, light and strong.
  • RunnerGirl238
    RunnerGirl238 Posts: 448 Member
    I do leg day after long runs. So today I did 19ish and tomorrow I'll lift. That said, i do full body twice a week. I also do more body weight stuff for legs, not much weight at all.
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    I'm currently in training for my 7th half-marathon -- for at least the past year, my strength "Leg Day" has always been Tuesday and then my long runs (anywhere between 6-14 miles) are on Saturdays. And I try not to do anything too leg-centric during my strength on Fridays. I find that's plenty of time to recover, but then again I don't lift super heavy. Like everyone said, it just depends on your workout and body.
  • MikeRobi81
    MikeRobi81 Posts: 15 Member
    Cycling after leg day will assits your body in the healing process and getting you feeling better in no time. I'm sure going for a run will give you the same benefits.