cphaneuf16 Member


  • Awesome, awesome, awesome!! That is really great progress!!
  • Beeps, seriously, you look amazing! I can't believe that I never knew (until earlier this year) that lifting weights could change a body so much. Why is it kept such a secret? I also wish I knew how I found out. I can't remember AT ALL what brought me to NROL4W. samntha, thanks! I'd been wondering if a glimpse of abs has…
  • I'm hiding it in here, but I put up a new photo in my profile from today... wearing a (sporty) two-piece bathing suit. I'm comfortable with it, and know that it'll get better as the summer goes on! Mostly I'll stick with a tankini, but it's nice to know I have the option. Well, in MY opinion, I have the option! Maybe…
  • I'm still here, too. Finished Stage 3 and am taking a little break to do D2S, which I started today. My arms and legs have felt like jello all day! I'm trying to stay kind of with the menu, but today am really missing the extra 200 calories I used to give myself on workout days! I haven't struggled like this in a while. My…
  • Cowgirl -- I used the push mower for the first time yesterday, and all I could think was how good it will be for my grip! It was tough on my hands keeping the three parts together with all the vibrating and pushing. Sue -- he says that 3 and 5 are primarily for strength. I have another 30 pounds that I want to lose, but…
  • Hi all - I'm here, no quitting, LOL! I started following the Facebook group because its a little easier on my iPad...so I've gotten quiet here. I did my first A workout on Monday with my new at-home setup. B is tomorrow, also at home. Now that my husband wants to lift weights, we picked up everything we need for now! We'll…
    in Stage 3 Comment by cphaneuf16 May 2013
  • I've been reading some positive reviews about D2S and am thinking about looking into it. Is the food/diet part integral to the program, though? My husband and I are both cooks and really like to wing it with our recipes. I'd go crazy if I had to follow a menu. That, and I'm PICKY, LOL. We are both strict about logging food…
  • Hi all! I keep forgetting to check in here, because I'm in research mode... Stage 2 is going a bit rough! I feel like I'm doing everything wrong, and I'm EXHAUSTED all the time. These workouts are wiping me out! And it's almost done and I need to move onto Stage 3. This feels a bit nuts right now! Today, my husband decided…
  • Yes, but more like Mon: workout A: A, A, B1, B2, B1, B2, C1, C2, C1, C2 And the A/B/C exercises for workouts A and B are different.
  • Yup, that's how my first B workout went, too. I didn't take any breaks during the ab work. During Stage 1, I couldn't imagine EVER doing HIIT after a workout, but it was easy peasy after Stage 2 B1. Next time I'm going to up the weights and also challenge myself to get lower on the split squats and lunges. Though, I had a…
    in Stage 2 Comment by cphaneuf16 May 2013
  • The first time you do "A" is workout 1, the second time you do "A" is workout 2, etc. The only difference as time goes on is the # of reps. You always do all five moves, and they go like this when you have only 2 reps: squat squat push-up seated row push-up seated row step-up prone jackknife step-up prone jackknife Later…
  • I did B1 today and went down 10 pounds on my DL. I might be able to go back up next time, because I was able to get through them all with only a hint of struggle. Does it take anyone else F-O-R-E-V-E-R to get set up and then break down again?? The steps are in one location, then I put the bar on place and go look for…
    in Stage 2 Comment by cphaneuf16 May 2013
  • For the B deadlift, can I just skip the box since I don't use 45's yet so my bar already starts lower? I had propped it up for all of stage 1 to get to mid-shin. Or do I need to get on a step AND prop the bar up as well?
    in Stage 2 Comment by cphaneuf16 May 2013
  • I'm one of the people who say the scale hasn't moved much but I've seen a huge difference. And that's because the first 15 pounds lost didn't make a lick of difference in how my clothing looked or fit, probably because I had/have a lot to lose. I am 20 pounds into a (hopefully!) 50-pound weight loss. I lost the first 10…
  • I also use Scooby's calculator as well as another one for determining TDEE and aim for that minus 20%. It ends up being 1700 on non workout days, and 1900 on workout days. I aim for around 35% protein or more, too.
  • I don't know how those of you who work full-time lift and work all day! I've been doing my workouts at around 9am, and I'm frequently drained for the rest of the day, especially on days when I up the weights. Stage 2 A1 wiped me out for the day this morning...dreading what B1 will be like! Yes, I still plod along going to…
  • Tried these today; it was horrible! My wrists felt like they were going to snap, and I was choking myself with the (empty) bar. I asked a trainer for help and ended up just holding the bar up at chin level, nothing with moving my elbows higher, and did a squat and press from there. I still could only do 5. I have to reread…
  • Starting stage 2 today... though I feel unprepared! I researched stage 1 to death before starting. Spent hours reading and watching videos. This time? I put together my spreadsheet last night and watched exactly one video for a couple of the A exercises. I'm wondering how badly I will botch up the FSPP! At least my…
    in Stage 2 Comment by cphaneuf16 May 2013
  • Fat loss while gaining strength is my goal, too. So far, so good! I just finished Stage 1, and this thread made me doubt moving onto Stage 2, or moving onto a different program. I "have to" start tomorrow, so I needed to decide quickly! I'm sticking with NROL4W for now, because I LOVE my results so far. Really, it's been…
  • Hey all, go check out the fat loss thread here in the Discussion section. I'm stunned by the revelation in there!
  • LOL!! I would love to have blueberry muffins in my belly right about now. Or, even better, on a plate in front of me!
  • I wanted to add that I'm also doing around TDEE - 20% for my calorie goals. I do less on non-workout days, more on workout days (200 cal difference).
  • Wow!! Great results! Congrats on finishing! Why are you decreasing calories gradually? I've never heard of doing that, so I'm curious if there's a benefit.
  • Wow!! That's a lot of inches!! Congrats!!
  • I'm at the end of the longer version of Stage 1 (8 weeks total, instead of 6), and noticed real bicep muscles a couple of weeks ago. More changes now, too. So around 6-8 weeks. :) Also, the scale has moved a little bit since starting NROL4W, but not much. Yet my friends are commenting on the weight melting off me NOW…
  • Beeps, WHOA!!! That is a huge transformation!! I've lost track; after 16 months, are you still doing NROL4W? Whatever you're doing, keep it up! I haven't been checking in here much, though I've been faithful to logging food. I ran/walked a 5K on Saturday after waking up with digestive distress and ended up writhing in pain…
  • Great topic! I've been wondering the same thing. Even at the gym, they have a childcare max of 90 minutes, and I'm worried I won't be able to finish the later stages and shower in time! I've been able to do Stage 1 A and B in 30 minutes... but this is my last week before moving on to Stage 2.
  • Those are awesome results!!! Everything looks tighter. Nice work! I love your hips/fatblob term -- I have the same thing and it really does need its own description. I also measure my waist and belly button separately, because my waist is shrinking at a faster rate than my belly button area. I'm also hoping for huge…
  • I'm doing the longer version of Stage 1 right now, and have another week or two left. Feel free to friend me! I had started C25K in January and did it religiously until I started NROL4W... then it fell by the wayside because my rest days from lifting are too hectic to work out. BUT!!! I had already signed up for a 5K and…
  • No, I don't (eta: because I have a lot to lose). I used the Scooby and IIFYM calculators to figure out my TDEE and am doing around 20% less. I calculated one number for workout days and another number for non-workout days. I also have a FitBit, so I take that into account.