Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    chuckles - that sounds EXACTLY like what I "had". Even though they diagnosed it as plantar f, my research suggests "heel bruise". Plantar f is NOTORIOUS for being "ouch-y" as you get up first thing in the morning....but goes away after 20 steps, or whatever. My heel hurt, all day long, whenever that ONE spot was hit. Felt like a GLASS SHARD being shoved right up the middle of my heel.

    I took to wearing a small heel ALL THE TIME. My outdoor shoes had 1" - 2" heels. My indoor shoes, same thing. I even bought SLIPPERS with a 1" heel, lol. Took a LOT of time - maybe 8 months?? But, now, I don't have any pain. I still wear a small heel as much as I can, but at least I can go barefoot to the beach and not be too, too worried that INTENSE pain will return.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    YESS !! that's exactly what it is!
    Yoga is one of my favorite things-- but every time I do downward dog a little gremlin shots a damn nail gun into the side of my heel. sometimes I nearly fall over it hurts so bad. I took the exact opposite approach to fixing it haha. I bought barefoot shoes! maybe i should try the heel thing if this doesn't.

    I'm just glad to hear it will go away. thank you!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I have approx. 20lbs to lose. I saw this and thought I might follow this. I just completed 1 and 2. I've done every exercise in the past and know them. So I"m going to Stage 7 when I finish 2 this week. It looks wicked hard.

    #19 I have a lot of weight to lose, say 50 or 60 pounds. Is this the right program for me?

    Answer by Alwyn Cosgrove: @Jennifer - try this: (assumes good nutrition program)
    1, Stage 2, Stage 7, Stage 4 (about 16 weeks or so) - Then try the
    programs in Rachel's book (8 weeks), and then the program in NROL4 life
    (12 weeks). Boom - 36 week program.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Oh and though I'm not so worried about scale weight...I lost an inch off my waist and haven't moved the scale and that's pretty par for the course..I do have a significant amount of fat to burn off. I can see the darned stuff.

    I am totally loving the workouts.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    breezedaze - that is an interesting approach. I am in stage 5 and I am really enjoying the whole thing.

    chuckles - I hate it when things like gyms and stores are closed on my days off!

    sam - everyone deals with stress differently. sounds like you are balancing getting some needed sleep and still getting to the gym. What is your plan this week?

    beeps - it is awesome to have a discussion with someone who has a different perspective...sometimes we lose sight of the changes on a day-to-day basis. kudos to your perserverance!

    chelled - hope you have fully recovered today!

    runzalot - bacon-for-the-week?!?!? please explain.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    breezedaze - glad to read that the inches are coming down - THAT IS PROGRESS. Please think about reducing your calories by 300 per day....I gained SCALE WEIGHT on NROL4W!! (Truth was, the calories the book gave me were TOO MANY - and I'm tall - 5'9"....) When I cut my calories back, sucky as that was to do, the fat started coming off. Just a thought.

    lcuconley - you're in STAGE 5 ALREADY?!?!?!?!!? Wow, time is just FLYING BY!

    chuckles - there's also a "heel cup" that you can google - or buy at the "running room" which is supposed to help keep all the pressure/body weight off the heel bruise. I think, by having a small-ish heel (i.e. had to put my 3" and 4" heels away....for MONTHS!), there was some *relief* on that area and that permitted "healing". I will say that I still wore completely flat shoes at the gym for my weight-training....for that hour, I was always much more concerned with proper "form" than heel pain.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    lcuconley, I cooked up a package of bacon last night. Top a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil, lay out the bacon, put it in a cold oven at 350. Cook for 20 minutes. Perfection. DS and I will eat a couple of slices everyday for breakfast. 45 seconds in our weakling microwave heats it up just right.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm home. Yikes y'all are just talkin' it up! I can't keep up. Had a great weekend with family, b'day cake for "papa" - Cody (10 yo gs) put 55 candles on the cake and we lit them all! Talk about an inferno! Mike actually got 'em all out so I would say there's nuttin wrong with his lungs! I didn't go nuts but I didn't log or count cals and I didn't get a workout in. Can't get the stepson to go to the gym with me and I need his membership to be a guest. I think I broke even tho.

    Runz, my only thought about the bacon is ... how the heck do you only eat 2 pieces each day. I'd eat 1/2 the pkg in one sitting!!

    Breeze, like Beeps, I gained scale weight too. I don't lose weight easily, and "eat more to lose" doesn't work for me. I've lost the weight I put on by cutting though I've not been careful lately. Time to get back on that one. I am envious of all the folks who "reset" and can eat more cals daily, but 2 things are against me - I'm 61 and way past menopause = slow metabolism and despite doing this program, I still have a mostly sedentary lifestyle. I ride a desk 5 days/wk and I'm lucky if I get 3 miles daily of general walking. I eat 1500 cals max on non-workout days and 1700 when I workout. I would say I need to lose 30-35 lbs based on most calculators.

    Wonder why Alwyn skips 3/5 (which are the same)

    I lift tomorrow - last workout in Stage 6.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome back Sue. Did you end up riding out? Hope you had better weather than us.

    LCU, I lost steady when I was doing the 300 less. I think I may need to that again. I don't know what the hell I did but I'm up now 4lbs almost 5. It's creeping up very slowly so I think I need to be more vigilant and go back to lifting 3x week instead of 2x week. and NO MORE COOKIES. at least not nearly as many lol.

    The plan this week is to keep it moving. I lifted today and felt pretty bad-sass. I pulled out an adjustable bench and alternated between off-set step-ups and DB bench presses. I got some strange looks. For metabolic I tried some medicine ball work. Didn;t get my heart rate up nearly enough though. Tomorrow is Zumba, lift again Friday and Sunday

    I'm excited because tomorrow is CLASS TRIP! we are going to Madame Tussauds. I've never been, so expected a weird new profile pic lol. I'm feeling better for sure. Thanks ladies.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I'm going to have to look a little more into this heel situation. thanks for the input!

    I did workout A7 today! only 3 workouts left of stage one! yay! I used the big! plates! Squatted 130lbs. Which is totally kickass because I started at 65! Next time I'm going to use the REALLY big plates(45lbs!) and do 135 pounds.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Cowgirl -- I used the push mower for the first time yesterday, and all I could think was how good it will be for my grip! It was tough on my hands keeping the three parts together with all the vibrating and pushing.

    Sue -- he says that 3 and 5 are primarily for strength. I have another 30 pounds that I want to lose, but shoot, I want to be STRONG more than anything! I bought the D2S book in case I wanted to follow his fat loss rec, but decided against it for now. I might change my mind when I get to Stage 4 since I didn't like Stage 2.

    I have to eat breakfast within an our of getting up, and I eat the same thing every day. Two slices of homemade wheat toast, each with a slice of muenster cheese, and black tea with stevia. Yum. I've been eating toast with cheese for breakfast since I was a kid. I did switch to yogurt and granola for a few years while breastfeeding, for extra calcium, but when I started logging calories here, I decided it was way too high for the smallest meal of the day.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    oh I don't worry about scale weight...I can't cut calories anymore..I would starve. I would rather stay exactly the same forever than starve.

    I feel hungry at any less than 1500 cals a day and I can't imagine eating less than that with how active I am.

    I usually don't record accurately on the weekend but I don't eat enough to gain a pound of fat or anything..that would have to be 3500 calories over and that's not even possible unless I ate an entire cheese cake or something.

    I'm kicking up the workouts and trying this to see how it goes. I'm sure the fat will come off over the next year. It's just 20lbs.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    Runz, my only thought about the bacon is ... how the heck do you only eat 2 pieces each day. I'd eat 1/2 the pkg in one sitting!!

    It's hard :laugh:
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning everyone!!! I had an awesome 5A3 workout this am. I am LOVING the 4 rep sets...I just wish there was not so much sitting around time! I got over my issue with the 35 pound dumbells on the chest press and did twice the number of reps I should have. I also did THREE two minute planks...thanks to really good tunes!

    cphan - push mowers are GREAT workouts!!

    chuckles - you are killin' in with your squats! great job!

    sam - good plan...do it!! Have fun at M. Taussad's!

    beeps - time IS flying by!!

    sue - sounds like a great trip. Glad Mike is doing so well!.

    QUESTION of the DAY: what is your favorite flower? My favorite: Irises.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    HELLO ALL!!!

    I just got back from the most glorious six day vaca in LA!!! I had never been to LA and I LOVED it!!! I wasn't in Hollywood or anything touristy, just Santa Monica, Marina Del Ray, and Venice. It was SUCH a great vaca! We hiked, rode bikes around, and the food was SO FREAKIN HEALTHY!!!! I have a very sensitive stomach that tends to act up when I travel - not this time! Kale, quinoa, brown rice, fresh fish...all SO great!!! Although I am now burned like a rotisserie chicken (spf can't protect me - I am WHITE!!!). Also our hotel had a great gym that I managed to get up and use twice in the morning!

    Unfortunately the sunburn is so bad I can barely walk let alone workout. Plus I am UBER busy this week catching up and I have lots of meetings, so the workouts will resume this weekend once my skin stops crackling.

    It sounds like you all have been working your butts off!

    Lcu - way to go working out on vaca also! And thanks for checking in on me =D

    My main challenge right now: I am running a 10k race with a team from my law firm NEXT WEEK and I am not in running shape...weight lifting may take a back seat to running until June 7...this could be embarassing.

    I tried to catch up on the thread but there was a lot, so I'll just starting paying attention now!

    Have a great day all!!
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I have a question for those who are further along then I am. I am thinking of using a barbell when I do my lunges because the grip strength is not what I would like and I want to be able to use heavier weights. Has anyone else tried this?
    It sounds like most people had great weekends. I was camping so I couldn't get to the forums while away. I am still trying to catch up to all the chatter that occurred. My week is hectic because of kids functions but I am looking at getting in at least 2 workouts (seems to be my average lately). Hope everyone has a great week.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    lc, look at THOSE guns! You look fantastic!
    Sam, enjoy the trip!
    Breeze, any program you're eating at a deficit will work. For me, HIIT seems to give me a nice afterburner without making me hungry like the steady cardio does. The more I read about it, the more I feel it's crucial to*my*fat loss goals. And it only takes 10 mins to get the results. But I know not everyone is the same.
    Emgel, what a nice break! Sorry about the sunburn.
    rs, I used a barbell for lunges until my grip strength caught up with my lower body strength.

    Session with the trainer today. Isolation exercises are BRUTAL! I finished it up with some HIIT. Now I need a nap, but gotta get to the dentist.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    lcuconley - I agree with chubby - NICE to see the new avatar pic because those GUNS ARE SMOKIN' HOT!!

    QOTD - don't have any "favourite", really - I like 'em ALL (except daisies - which I think are pretty ugly...)

    emgel - your vacation sounds AWESOME! You stayed ACTIVE, you ate WELL!! Methinks that is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I'm gonna do in Vegas this weekend, lol!!!!

    rsharper - are you talking about a barbell across your back while you lunge??? It's a perfectly acceptable alternative to lunging with DB's. But, you can also just put the DB's up on your shoulders....that shouldn't be affected by poor-grip-strength, I don't think??

    chubby - tell me more about what your PT had you do?? Always like to read about THAT!!

    I got my lifting in-and-done. I KILLED IT, today....is my last work-out prior to vegas weekend and I just wanted to make sure that:

    a) I felt every move
    b) my form was SPOT ON
    c) DOMs WILL SHOW UP tomorrow + Friday - hopefully that will keep me drinking TONS O' WATER while I'm away!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Thanks for the props ladies...its so fun having a group of like-minded gals!

    rsharper - yes, you can use a barbell, but I would advocate sticking it out with the dumbells. grip strength comes up about every other day in the threads, but, for me, the issue has faded. I am now in stage 5.

    beeps - way to jam on your workout!

    emgel - SO jealous of that vacation! good luck recovering!
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    Thank you ladies for addressing my question. I will try to dumbells on my shoulders next time to see if that makes a difference. I agree I should build up grip strength in order to accomplish my goals, just don't want to hold myself back either.
    Beeps- enjoy you Vegas weekend!