Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Alright, so now we're into Week 4....I'll knock Agent99, mermegan and briebear out of the competition if they aren't gonna report in.

    But, otherwise, LET'S HAVE A GREAT WEEK 4!

    This, officially, is "hump week" - so give your challenge exercise your BEST EFFORTS! As you can see, ME has a sizeable lead, now, and there's NO POINT in losing that MOMENTUM!

    You've got it, ladies! Points to "ME", please!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I should have 1 point to ME and 2 points to NEW

    I'm on it this week - the point is going to go to ME!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I had a great Stage 3/A last night. I hit a PR with my bent over rows (95lbs), and for the planks, I did the first time lifting a leg for 30s each, the second time with my hands on the stability ball (90s) and the third time I did it with my feet up on the ball (60s) Honestly, the hardest part for me is by that point, my arms are so tired, I can barely hold myself up. My tummy doesn't bother me.

    Okay, question. Why am I not bulking (in other words, I'm not eating more than about 1600 calories at the most), but I've gained so much? And does the muscle ever stop getting bigger? I mean, not stronger, but in the book, he says that women don't gain too much in inches (obviously, you lose if you were overweight before, but if you were not, then he said you may gain, but not too much). So...am I going to stop gaining inches sometime soon? I don't want to quit, but mentally, with my history, I can't take anymore gains.

    And I don't know for sure what I've gained. Because of my ED, I don't weigh myself or measure my inches.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    April I am so jealous of your planks! Wow girl that is impressive. I have it as my challenge cos I suck at them. Still I am really enjoying this stage so much more than 2 but like you I just feel like I am getting bigger. Bulging biceps and the scale keeps creeping up. I have tried to cut my calories but then i get hungry and just start to obsess about food and feel grumpy and tired.

    I love doing the weights and don't want to quit. Really tough.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    April - YOUR PLANKS ARE THE BOMB - seriously!!

    Why don't you "measure"??? (what does "ED" stand for??) How can you possibly know if you're tape measurements are increasing or decreasing if you aren't measuring??????????? I totally think you need to measure yourself!

    Also, if it's upper-body GAIN, STOP the upper-body work, and keep your lower body work INCREASING.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    April I am so jealous of your planks! Wow girl that is impressive. I have it as my challenge cos I suck at them. Still I am really enjoying this stage so much more than 2 but like you I just feel like I am getting bigger. Bulging biceps and the scale keeps creeping up. I have tried to cut my calories but then i get hungry and just start to obsess about food and feel grumpy and tired.

    I love doing the weights and don't want to quit. Really tough.

    Yes. I feel the same way. I LOVE lifting. I LOVE it.

    Beeps - I know because I've gone up a couple sizes. ED stands for Eating Disorder...so really, it's good I've one up. I needed to. I was wearing double zeros, and those were big on me. Now, I'm size 2/4. They're a little big, but zeros are too tight around my squat booty and thighs.

    IDK. I came down with a cold and took off today. Tomorrow, 3/B and some cardio to make up for today...I still don't know. I don't want to quit. But I don't want to get bigger. liv, I'm so glad I"m not the only one!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    April can you perhaps have someone else measure you and keep the measurements to themselves? that way you have a more accurate idea of what is going on? I just wonder if perhaps your view of yourself is a little skewed because of your history with ED. I hope that came out sounding ok...I don't want to be rude. Hang in there!

    I will echo what others have said...I LOVE lifting too. just love it. I am enjoying running once or twice a week because they are a great all.by.myself escape but lifting is just so enjoyable.

    I start stage two tomorrow. I am excited and a little nervous. I have been looking at the exercises and will be reading up even more between tonight and tomorrow. Not sure why I am so nervous since I loved stage one so much but....we'll see. I am also not really looking forward to the HIIT to be honest. we'll see.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    gad - you're probably right. That's why I asked my doctor only to weigh me if she thinks I'm too thin or too big,and she was great and agreed that was a good idea. And the bloating from lifting doesn't help. Today, for example, I feel great even knowing I'm bigger. I'm not retaining too much water. But no worries, you weren't being rude!

    And don't worry about HIIT. It's short enough, and those down times after each minute of going hard come as such an incredible relief!!! I think it's fun. In the middle of each workout, I think, "There's no way I can do HIIT today." But then you have the nice 3 minute warm-up and BAM!!! Awesomesauce. :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    pretty sure, ED means eating disorder.

    I gained 6 pounds with the program and a shirt size. But that's ok. my lower body didn't increase . decreased a bit actually so I am thinking with my pear shape it actually evened out. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    My overall shape has much improved, due to lifting, too, manic! And, it was a "change of shape" that I was after....never happened in 25+ years of UBER-cardio work!

    April - I like gadenni's suggestion. I don't pretend to know anything about ED's, so accept this from that level - I think, without measurements of some kind, it will be very difficult for you to know whether you are actually making the progress (that you want), or not. I don't believe you can manage what you don't measure (welcome to MBA 101!).

    I am going to lift, today, even though, for some reason, my hamstrings are sore - and so is my IT band.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    My arms are completely dead after the WOD Cindy yesterday, but I was still able to get my workout in today

    squat - 115 lbs
    ohp - 70 lbs
    deadlift - 135 lbs
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group and getting ready to start the program. Hopefully will get my book today or I'll order it if I can't find it in the store. I've been sick with bronchial crap and have a drs. appt. tomorrow but hoping to be better and start the program on Monday the 10th. I'll read the book - have my plan and studying the boards until then. Any tips/suggestions are welcomed and feel free to friend request.

    Looking forward to being an active participant in the group.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Really didn't feel like it tonight but went and did S3B2 although I didn't do the HIIT. Increased on most things. The YMCA (as I like to call it!) I increased the number of reps rather than weight. next time I will up the weight

    I don't think I will get my 3rd session in this week tho, friday I have no child care cover and Sat we have our christmas ball, so clearly sunday will be a write off, oh and I have a horse show on sat too!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    welcome Chris! Lots of wise women here!

    Must be something in the water, I"m feeling yucky today too. My sleep patterns have been crappy lately, waking up in the middle of the night and not dropping back to sleep easily, so I know I'm over tired, and generally just out of sorts. No lifting today, I had a gyn appt this mornign and couldn't squeeze in the workout. I'll do it tomorrow.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    so I did workout A from stage two today..holy crap. it kind of sucked. well I felt like I sucked. but I think that doing stage one for so long made me feel like such a rock star and then starting over with new exercises and lower weights made me feel more like a roadie. I will say though that I was MUCH more comfortable in the weight area in general after being there for a while so even though I felt a little awkward doing some of the exercises I did not feel out of place. I was also down two pounds today from last time I weighed so that is exciting. and unexpected. I have been doing IF for a couple of weeks now and I like it. and if my weight loss is a result then I really like it!

    jchrisman-welcome! I hope you love NROL as much as I do. My only suggestion is if you are going to work out at a gym go and scope it out first. get someone to walk you through the free weight area and kind of familiarize yourself with everything so that when you go to do what you need to do you may not feel weird. It is also great if you have someone who can check your form when you start with squats and deadlifts especially. Good luck!

    I hope everyone feels better, gets rest and kills it at the gym when able! my husband is back today from 5 days deer hunting so I am glad I hit the gym early because we may just all be hanging at home tonight spending time with him. Happy Wednesday y'all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Your body will CRAVE the 'changes', gadenni....I think Stage 1 is WAY TOO LONG, frankly. I'm glad you've moved onto Stage 2!

    I got my lifting in.

    I am UP another 1.8 lbs. Strange since my (daily) calorie deficit, this week, was 400-450 calories, except Saturday, where I was probably 500 calories OVER maintenance. I'm not letting it defeat me, though.

    What I have been doing, has been working for 2 months. I'm just going to keep it up and presume this "blip" (also known as a "plateau") will sort itself out in the next little while.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Good news! I don't have to go out of town (like I thought I did).

    So, I can get a lifting session in, tomorrow. And, I can keep my diet in check! YAHOO!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    YAY!!! for beeps
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    I messed up tonight - two ill kinder for two days has exhausted me and so instead of going to a dancing lesson for 2 hours we vegged on the sofa with a glass of wine, chilli and nachos. Oh well. I am running in the morning with both kids in the buggy so that will be fun - not. But at least it burns the calories!

    I am up almost 2kilos since 10 October and thats all lifting. My clothes don't fit tighter but I am heavier which I don't like. So its fat and muscle. I have already cut (ok apart from tonight) 200 less calories a day but don't want to go below 1400 on non work out days. Bu it is depressing. But I am putting in the effort on the planks this week so the point should deff go to me by sunday!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Glad you don't have to go out of town, Beeps. Stinks that the scale isn't cooperating though. I am sure your body will come around soon.

    Stage 5 B1 today. Great workout until I pulled my trap muscle AGAIN. I seriously must be doing something wrong on the pull downs. I do this at least once every 6 workouts. It hurts like crazy. And I warmed up more than usual this time.