Daily Chat Thread



  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Josiereside: I don't know that I call myself a runner perse but I do enjoy it and typically get a 3-6 mile run at least once a week on the weekends. I enjoy races and mud runs as well and am trying to continue running through out winter, I live in the midwest, so I can continue to participate in those come spring and summer. I feel like I run better and have better stamina because of lifting honestly. I think the two, for me, go together quite well.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Josiereside: I don't know that I call myself a runner perse but I do enjoy it and typically get a 3-6 mile run at least once a week on the weekends. I enjoy races and mud runs as well and am trying to continue running through out winter, I live in the midwest, so I can continue to participate in those come spring and summer. I feel like I run better and have better stamina because of lifting honestly. I think the two, for me, go together quite well.

    I would consider you a runner for sure! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    gadenni - you can "sprint" to do your HIIT. But, then, I think it works like this: i) jog for 2 minutes - sprint for 1-minute - repeat jog/sprint/jog/sprint. Basically, your "high intensity" piece is 1/2 the length of time of your "recovery" piece. If 1-minute sprints are too much, try 1-minute jogs followed by 30s sprints and see how that goes.
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    The point goes to me this week! My planks have all increased by 5 seconds each time (front/side/elevated plank/elevated side) . I think now it will be time to switch it up and start doing it with a leg elevated or feet on a Swiss ball to increase the challenge.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I can do the elevated on the swiss ball, but I can't do side planks on the swiss ball. I can lift my right leg but not my left. Glad I'm done with phase 1 lol. I expected my buns to hurt after all the squat variations from ABS 2B1, but it was only my shoulders this time. Weird.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    TODAY starts the beginning of WEEK 5. That's right, there are only 3 WEEKS UNTIL 2013!!

    So, get me your results for WEEK 4 - did your point go to "ME" or did your point go to "NEW"?

    I'll post results tomorrow.

    Point to ME!!!

    I am DONE with Stage 2. I felt somewhat better with B, but still discouraged about the wussy weights especially on the prone snatch (2.5) and especially the reverse lunge. I did them slightly differently that the book, My trainer had me reach out more than the book shows and I really couldn't move more than 10#

    I made it to 75# with the wide grip deadlifts, but I think I could have done more, honestly. But I did improve on the split squats, I started with body weight, and made it up to 15# dbs. My best was the underhand pull downs, I could do 3 sets 75#. The rest were fine, I had no problems with the swissball and reverse crunches, and I ended up the flexions standing side to side with 35#. The prone cobra just was nice. I easily do 90.

    Bleh. Not happy, and I'm up a few pounds too so I'm even less happy. I will start Stage 3 on Monday. This week, I'm meeting with the trainer on Wednesday and probably Friday and do workouts his way, just for a change.

    Hi Jody and Josie, and Km I wondered what happened to you!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Point to ME this week!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Liv - keep it up. Your calorie burn will increase as your strength increases ... muscle burns more cals than fat!!!

    Excited to get into these challenges in January ... I need a little extra motivation. I'm looking at Stage 2 and realizing I'm going to have to modify a few of the exercises so I don't re-injure/tweak my rotator cuff. Like splitting up the squats/presses and possibly exchanging the cuban snatch for something entirely different - or only using 1lb weights.

    Sue - I've been thinking about working with a trainer at my gym. I was going to get hubby training sessions for xmas because he (finally) decided he wants to work out, but now he's down for the count with a rotator cuff injury - from tossing a football with our boys LOL
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I really like the guy I'm working with. He pushes but he doesn't scream in my face or anything (some of them do!) and he listens to me. It's a good combo for me. I honestly didn't think I wanted to workout in a gym and definitely didn't want a trainer - it's been really a good choice especially for this stage. I'm going to have to lean on myself more in Januray, He's taken a 2nd job at another gym, which means his hours are going to change at this one. I'll only be able to train with him 1x/wk. I guess I better get past that weird feeling when I walk into the weight area alone. The good thing is by going so early in the morning, there's seldom any of the meatheads there.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Sigh, another total fail week. I've been totally sick and unable to work out since last Wednesday - and all my lifting last week sucked because I felt AWFUL! Feeling a bit better today, may get in some cardio tomorrow. But won't be able to lift until Friday. December has been FULL of sickness for me so Stage 2 is taking FOREVER!

    You guys all sound like you are ROCKING IT!

    O, and I am a runner! I do 1-2 1/2 marathons a year, one 10 milers, and usually some smaller races. I started NROL4W when my shin splints got so bad I could barely walk. Now that they are fairly healed my goal is to get running 2-3 times a week again!...you know, once I can breathe.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    NEW :cry:

    Sick last week and this week my little one has the flu. Temp got as high as 105.1

    Does anyone's lower back hurt while doing the NR of ABs? mine hurts especially when I sneeze!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    Week 4 results:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Sorry, manic, didn't get your results prior to doing the photobucket thing....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    That's ok. My fault with a sick little one this week and me last week, I haven't been on here as much.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Stage 1 Workout 5 done today! I totally forgot my workout sheets from home but thank goodness for iphones... I kind of remembered what I should be doing and what weights so it all worked out. My hamstrings are still so sore from the deadlifts the other day! Hoping my knee holds out... Not sure what I will do if I cannot do lower body... I guess I can concentrate on the upper body stuff but wonder how the program will work without it... My knee does not hurt while doing the exercises but feels a little weird afterwards... may have to call me doctor back and see if he will set me up for the MRI he suggested if the cortisone did not work... better to know what is going on, even if it is nothing and just old age! :laugh:
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Sue - I love my gym. I was a little intimidated the first couple of weeks in the weight room, but by the time I made it to full on floor pushups, I felt beast and now I walk in with serious swag :wink: You'll be doing the same in no time, even when the meatheads are there!

    Josie - great job! Have you done any PT for your knee? It sounds like you just might need more strengthening exercises.

    As to everyone else - amazing job on the stats! Jen - I seriously can't wait to be able to do an unassisted pull up!!!!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Colleen, I fell on my knee back in the summer (in the midst of training for a half marathon). I had no problems prior to the fall and even the day after the fall I was able to run 7 miles before I got pain. Since then I can go short distances but then the pain comes. I went to ortho doctor in September. He said it was patellofemoral syndrome (runner's knee). Did not suggest PT or give me a shot or anything for that matter. Rested for many, many weeks, tried to run, got the pain after a very short distance. Went for another opinion. He felt it was meniscal issue, gave me a shot and said I could try and run in 2 weeks after shot, have been easy slowly back into running with C25K and so far okay but the knee does not "feel right". He did not think PT was needed and felt he would send me for an MRI 4 weeks from the shot if still had pain... so that is where I am... but I do think these workouts will benefit me in running... whenever I can run today.
    Today doing day 2 of C25K so will see how it goes.
    I am so sore but it is a good sore from yesterdays workout!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    When doing an elevated split squat or even a lunge, which leg should bear the weight when pushing back up for greatest benefit?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Your front leg is the working leg....push through the middle of your foot and SQUEEZE those glutes!!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hey everyone - sounds like the week is going well so far.

    I was out of town yesterday and in a meeting all morning. It's been a crazy week and it's only Wed!

    Slept in Monday

    SL on Tuesday - but hips were really sore so didn't squat as much as I should have.

    Intervals and extra "stuff" today - had to cut it short since I needed to be at work early today but got some neg pullups, pushups and burpees in after the intervals.

    Colleen - I can't wait until I can do an usassisted pullup either! Still working on it.