Daily Chat Thread



  • d1haj
    d1haj Posts: 9 Member
    Two workouts away from a single unassisted dead hang pull up. Managed about 85% of one today, though my trainer says it's 99% there because mentally I now believe I will actually be able to do it. Gonna post a video when I manage it. Woo hoo - the adrenaline is still rushing round me just now! :)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Unassisted pullup? eek, what stage is that?!? I'm scurred! Congrats to all you ladies rocking it out though.

    I'm in Stage 4. My front squat push press was not pretty today. Remember I talked about possibly using the barbell for step ups? Well I still haven't. I don't know what has happened, but I am KILLING the step ups now. I could do them before, but now they feel almost easy? And I used 27.5 DBs in each hand today. Yes! Now I'm feeling that a BB would totally throw off my balance and work different muscles. I dunno. I'm gonna keep going with the DBs until I can't hold 'em anymore.

    I also did both of my planks for 120 sec today!! It was BRUTAL. I was shaking. But I talked myself through the last 45 seconds (you can do it, 5 more seconds, etc.). I can't imagine doing "more" with planks like I hear some of you ladies talking about with New Rules for Abs.

    Btw, I've only done 3 Stage 4 workouts, and it gives you a choice of 2 or 3 sets. I'd love to do 3, but am always pressed for time. Plus I'm trying to get in a run after each workout. If I did 3 sets plus a run, I'd be there for 2 hours; and I just can't do that. As it is, I'm usually there for 75 minutes.

    REST WEEKS - do you do them? I think they are crucial. I always come back stronger. I usually take about 4-5 days (never an entire week). I'm simply amazed at how much stronger I am doing these Stage 4 workouts (ok minus my FSPPs - the bar isn't heavy and I could lift more if my wrists didn't hurt). Also my balance is a lot better.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm almost done with stage one. 4 more workouts to go yay me !!!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Kathy I am beyond impressed at 120sec planks! that.is.awesome! I am still struggling to get through 60sec. I get to 40 and drop. :noway:

    Welcome Mommyred! go you!

    unassisted pull-ups sound like something I can only dream about! :laugh: I cannot imagine getting there. My shoulders are so weak. Off to the gym for stage two workout B. I have been sick most of this week, with my youngest daughter, so I am looking forward to getting back at it. I only missed one day in the gym technically but my motivation is seriously suffering.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Go G, you can do it! And can I jsut say I really like Stage 3 better already, despite the BWM!

    Km, I always opt for the extra, did that in Stage 2 and will wherever I can. But I also am not strong and want to do what I can to get that way.

    Kathy, I'm with G, 120 sec is awesome. I am glad to get 90 in without collapsing! You are awesome

    ..so are you d1 to be ready to do an unassisted pullup. Can't wait to see the movie!

    Stage 3B tomorrow. I chuckled at you who dislike the prone cobra. I love ending my workout with that, kinda gets me all stretched out and relaxed again!

    I"m going to get the point this week! Shoulders are stronger, I'm walking and sitting more erect more consistently and my awareness is up 1000%!!

    Company this weekend so I might not be around as much. Enjoy! Rock It!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    For those of you are close to doing pull-up/chin-ups, that's awesome! I think I'll do Stage 6 so that I can work on that.
    Sue, I don't find the cobra challenging at all. I don't mind it, but I get more benefit from the back extensions with weight. Maybe I'm not doing them as aggressively as I should.

    I've lifted twice this week, a huge improvement from the past 6 weeks. I've put on 1-2 lbs since I started lifting again and I don't like it. I know it will probably take me a few more weeks to start losing again, but any gain freaks me out at this point. I've still go so much to lose!

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Congrats Mommyred - you are almost there! Then you'll feel the weirdness of moving to Stage 2. It's so easy to get nice and comfy in Stage 1. :)

    Gretchen you still kill it at the gym with your crazy squats and deadlifts. I bet you by the time you hit Stage 4, you will be able to do those 120 sec planks. I noticed I do much better when fueled and hydrated. I did that particular workout in the afternoon rather than 6am. Hm... may have to rethink the ungodly hour workouts...

    Sue - prone cobra. Seriously???? I don't hate it, but I don't care for it either. I don't feel like it's stretching me out. I dunno. If I have to revisit it in Stage 5, maybe I'll like it by then. Enjoy your company!

    Cowgirl - way to get back out there. I wouldn't sweat 1-2 lbs; that could just be random fluctuations. Keep lifting...the fat cannot win this fight if we keep lifting!!

    I took a rest day today, but just ate junk. I was craving sweets soooo bad -- and I caved. I'm gonna try and do some light cardio tomorrow and a long run on Sunday. Wishful thinking here... but my goal is to WIN my challenge this week.

    Sad news about the tragic events in CT today. It makes me lose faith in humanity and my heart goes out to the families of the poor, innocent victims. I definitely hugged my daughter a little longer tonight and gave thanks for what I have. Stay safe everyone and have a good weekend.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    So glad we don;t do anything holds longer than 90 secs in ABS but they do find way to make them harder. I just find the long holds so BORING!! It's amazing how far you come when doing this program. I could barely pick up 20 lbs in the beginning last January. By the time I finished stage 7 a 120 sec plank and an unassisted pull up were NO PROBLEM. I've lost some strength now, but its slowly coming back. Use it or loose it ladies. lol

    Skipped the gym last night. I just needed to be with my boys.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    OMG you guys - my entire goal is to do those pull ups unassisted! Can't wait to post a video of it!

    Took the week off and headed to the gym in a couple of hours to start Stage 2 ... again. Being much more careful with form and not increasing my weights too much too soon this time around. No more injuries for me!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    OK so Thursday I over extended my knee - on a dog walk! so it was walking through the deep snow but still that does seem utterly ridiculous to me. Anyway, after the weekend resting it - ish (well still had to ride my horse) I am going to go to the gym at lunch time. I don't think I will do the BWM but the rest should be ok if I don't push it too much. But I have only one A and B left of Stage 3 then I can have a well deserved week off over christmas.

    But apart from my knee all my joints feel a littly ify at the mo. Is anyone else feeling join aches or are you taking anything like fish oil tablets or joint ace or anything like that. i wonder if I should. Never had joint problems in the past tho.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    It was quiet this weekend, must have been lots of holiday stuff going on.

    I know we did lots of shopping and baking this weekend.

    I'm down 4 lbs this morning from last week. I'm sure it's some kind of fluke, hoping it doesn't go back up too much next week.

    Point goes to ME, but I don't feel like I'm getting any closer to being able to do a pull up.

    livlovra - I always have an ache in my hip joint. I take glucosamine/chondroitin pills and I really think it helps. I also take fish oil and vitamin d3 daily. Hope your knee feels better.

    Colleen - have fun with stage 2, but try not to let off the weights too much. I found since the moves were awkward and the weights were lighter that I didn't push myself as hard as I should have.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    My point goes to ME too, sue....but, I actually REGRESSED in my push-ups this week - even with consistent work.


    Please report in, 7-week challengers!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I don't have joint problems, but my knees are really bothering me, especially after running. Getting old sucks.

    For whatever reason, I lost 4.5 lbs this past week. I'm stoked, but honestly, if you average it out since I started MFP, it amounts to about 1.5 lbs/week. I've had a couple of plateau weeks, so I guess it was WHOOSH time. So happy!

    Now I need to figure out how to get to the gym today. Hubby took the car...
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Oh yeah, the challenge. This past week, the point goes to ME. I got in all my running!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OK so Thursday I over extended my knee - on a dog walk! so it was walking through the deep snow but still that does seem utterly ridiculous to me. Anyway, after the weekend resting it - ish (well still had to ride my horse) I am going to go to the gym at lunch time. I don't think I will do the BWM but the rest should be ok if I don't push it too much. But I have only one A and B left of Stage 3 then I can have a well deserved week off over christmas.

    But apart from my knee all my joints feel a littly ify at the mo. Is anyone else feeling join aches or are you taking anything like fish oil tablets or joint ace or anything like that. i wonder if I should. Never had joint problems in the past tho.

    ooh, that sounds painful! I see your sacrifice tho! I would have also, after all the poor horse needs exercise too! I would have helped if we were closer!!

    I did A all by myself today. I was mostly successful except for the BWM....and those stupid 1 pt deadlifts. I hate to quit them, I want to work on my balance but I really wonder if I would be better off doing regular deadlifts instead.

    Colleen, me too! I'm tempted to have hubby install a doorway bar so I can try some band assisted pullups.

    Point to me this week Beeps.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Point to ME this week too. I killed it today in the gym. Didn't do the BWM but I upped ALL my weights and made it to 90s on the planks - a 1st for me ever! so definitely all the extra work for the challenge is beginning to pay off.

    Funnily enough I like the 1 point stuff. My balance seems pretty good and I used two 17.5kg db (38lbs) for that today. my arms ach but it felt pretty good.

    Thanks for the offer of help. My hubby rode her today and he really enjoyed it. Sometimes he needs a kick to do things too!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I like the 1 pt. stuff, too.....although, I think 90 sec planks are a big ol' waste-of-time! For me, I try to keep 60 secs as my max, but just try a "harder" version of the plank to keep feeling like I'm progressing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member

    You're now into week 6! That's right, ladies, you've made it through 5 gruelling weeks of NOT only doing your NROL work, but ALSO your "special challenge" work! GOOD FOR YOU!!

    Only 2 weeks left in this challenge! So, make sure you are focusing on the stuff that's going to give the point to "ME" and keep the point away from "NEW".

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just when I was getting back into the swing of things, I get knocked on my back with bronchitis. To be honest I have been so much healthier the last few years and especially this past year. Used to be able to mark the passing of each season by my bronchitis. Haven't had it in five years until now. Three cheers for actually being healthier. (even though I'm sick right now lol)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I like the 1 pt. stuff, too.....although, I think 90 sec planks are a big ol' waste-of-time! For me, I try to keep 60 secs as my max, but just try a "harder" version of the plank to keep feeling like I'm progressing.