Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, sounds like a great workout! Your food diary is always wonderful- I'm sure a weekend isn't going to hurt you.

    Beeps, I've gone through that calorie struggle myself. You're right- you have to find a balance that will work for you. And speaking of maintaining a shape, I had an interesting conversation today with a girl at the gym who does bodybuilding figure competitions. She made the comment that for her last show, it took her 16 weeks to lose 40ish lbs on a "prep" diet. 2 weeks after the show she had gained it back. THAT would wreak havoc on my mental health.

    Started Supercharged Hypertrophy today. I've missed doing regular DLs. I'm going to have to work back up to my PR of 165lbs since it's been so long. Today I did 155 X 4 sets X 6 reps and I can already feel the DOMs setting in.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm hiding it in here, but I put up a new photo in my profile from today... wearing a (sporty) two-piece bathing suit. I'm comfortable with it, and know that it'll get better as the summer goes on! Mostly I'll stick with a tankini, but it's nice to know I have the option. Well, in MY opinion, I have the option! Maybe others won't think so, but I can't believe how far I've come since January. I need smaller swim bottoms. They are all too big now. I thought I still had 14s and 16s, but they're all 18s! Oops.

    Today I started week 2 of D2S. RDLs and step-ups were the main thing. It was nice using a barbell again! My husband is doing Starting Strength and spewing such high weights to me after every workout. I'm jealous that's he's progressing so quickly! And not jealous, because it also means we've been adding great equipment to our home gym. He wants bumper plates now. :)

    I've been SO HUNGRY for the past week. I'm not following the D2S diet but am eating very similarly to what's in the book. It's actually what I've already been eating for months, no difference there. I just suddenly want another 200 calories a day. UGH.

    I'm dreading summer trips. We always pig out and the wine flows freely. Husband is in gaining mode, trying for 3K a day. Good news is that my MIL has also been working on getting healthy, so maybe this trip to their house won't be so full of temptation. It's usually wine, cheese, crackers, and PIE all the time. I don't want to undo all the good habits I've developed re: food and eating. I still have another month to come up with a game plan for that trip. The trip to my parents' won't be too difficult; their fridge is always sparse, LOL.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My daughter is getting ready in less than 3 weeks..in another province..I do not have a dress..these boobs do not make dresses work...now my shape has changed again..sigh. Oh well..I'll look like a blob for a night and move on. No pics of that on fb..lol

    Breeze you have a hot little body. I'm telling you, a decent body shaper just smooths out ALL the rough edges. My philosophy is cheap dress, expensive underwear :laugh: The dress I may only get to wear a couple times. but good foundational garments I wear EVERY time.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Had our first summer family day. Hubby had to do a training ride today, so he decided to take the fat bike down to the beach. We met him there and spent the day. I was hot but the water was so cool, It felt good. I even got in my first lifting session for Phase three of Life in the early morning. Perfect day!!
    I'm hiding it in here, but I put up a new photo in my profile from today... wearing a (sporty) two-piece bathing suit. I'm comfortable with it, and know that it'll get better as the summer goes on! Mostly I'll stick with a tankini, but it's nice to know I have the option. Well, in MY opinion, I have the option! Maybe others won't think so, but I can't believe how far I've come since January. I need smaller swim bottoms. They are all too big now. I thought I still had 14s and 16s, but they're all 18s! Oops.
    `CP: Wore my new suit in public for the first time today. I didn't realize how little my "extra large" bottoms were lol. I love your two piece. Very sporty like you said and classy. Your abs are ROCKIN'. Luckily my new suit has either tank or haulter top. I can change it up according to wear I'm going.

    Sue, were you using the leg press machine? That was my favorite in high school. I couldn't lift as heavy as the boys, with my hands, but I could life way more than them with my legs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    chubby - yep, some bodybuilding competitors can REALLY have big swings - up and down - but, since I'm not a competitor, I guess that doesn't matter! And, I'm not a fitness model, either - so I forgive myself for doing the best I can with what I have to work with!

    cphaneuf - CONGRATS on the bikini - and the smaller swimwear in general - THAT has to feel AWESOME!

    samntha - I've never really thought of my philosophy, re: dressing - but your approach ("cheap dress/expensive undergarments") actually makes TONS of sense, to me! I'm such a terrible shopper (as in "I HATE SHOPPING") that I don't really own many awesome dresses, nor awesome undergarments. I do have one pair of spanx-type bottoms that I used to wear all the time - now, I actually don't have to!

    Also, samntha - congrats on "first summer family day" - hope you have plenty more of those to enjoy!

    We have a long weekend coming up - I'm looking forward to that!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You are too sweet Beeps. I have two workshops this week, but I picked them and I'm really looking forward to them. I hope you all have a great long weekend. If we aren't having fun, then why do we do it?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    CP, you look fabulous!

    Sam, you're very right.

    Beeps, you LOOK like a fitness model....
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Beeps, seriously, you look amazing! I can't believe that I never knew (until earlier this year) that lifting weights could change a body so much. Why is it kept such a secret? I also wish I knew how I found out. I can't remember AT ALL what brought me to NROL4W.

    samntha, thanks! I'd been wondering if a glimpse of abs has been only in my head, so I took a pic to see. Glad you got to premier a new suit!

    chubby, thank you!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV1zmSvWGNY it's a machine press, but you do it like a single leg squat, pressing out of the heel and squeezing glutes. This guy seems not to have very good form.

    Sam so glad you had a great family day. What program are you doing now? I agree with you and others about the clothing choices young people make these days.

    CP love all your pics! But you are really rockin that swim suit!

    Cowgirl, I agree, Beeps you do look like a fitness model!

    I am laying low this week. I'm off for a short vacation and was home today not feeling great. I think I won't spin tomorrow. I am not sure whether I'll lift on Wednesday, will depend on how I'm feeling. Have a rockin' week!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm here. Just in a funk, don't have anything inspiring to say, or upbeat posts.

    Stage 2 is kicking my butt all over again. My bootie is feeling the workout. I hate those front lunges from a box??? sorry forgot the correct term. So I just did an extra set of Bulgarian split squat and regular lunges. Last time around, I substituted too. I feel so awkward doing them :ohwell: and not sure what group of muscles I should be focusing on especially when I reach forward with the weights.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member

    I don't look like a "fitness model" - but I have decided that my "new" measurements is going to be very simple: when people look at me, I want them to CLEARLY be thinking: "yep, she works out!"

    That's it.

    So, it is *not* about "fitting into a bikini" (I'm just not a bikini-person - can't explain it, but I'm obviously not all about showing very much of my own flesh - likely some deep-seated issues there, but, what-evah - a tankini suits me fine!).

    It is "not" about hitting a certain number on the scale.

    It really is just going to be about carrying myself well, dressing to suit my age/style, and knowing that I'm very, VERY HEALTHY AND FIT!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    sue - get your trainer to tape you and put THAT tape up on youtube for me to see (he can black-mark-out your face, right??)....I don't want to see some dude doing bad form. I will say that "single-leg squats" have never been a good move for me - I can't go that deep.

    Comparatively, the one-legged-get-ups I *am* getting better at, and I think they mimic the "single-leg squat" move, just in the reverse (although I'm unsure of this, so don't quote me).

    Today, my hams are sore. Not my glutes - my hams. So, I did *not* fire my glutes, yesterday - like I should have - I fired my hams. Ugh.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Beeps..that's a great goal. I shall adopt it as well. I think with the nice muscles I'm getting just cutting out fat will do that for me.

    I missed yesterday..working out today but so tired. Going anyway..wish me luck.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    dropped a 25lb plate on my two fingers of my right hand..OUCH workout incomplete..sigh..not broken..I'll workout tomorrow...but OUCH
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Ouch, breeze! I'm glad it's not broken.

    cphaneuf, you look awesome!

    samntha, I'm so stealing 'cheap dress, expensive underwear'. It's a brilliant tip.

    Beeps, I like your motto. I'm going with that, too.

    maniac, I'm with you in a bit of a funk. My tummy/hip measurements aren't going down the way they were there for a while...2 AMRAP workouts (I'll decide after 1 if I do the second, I think) and I'm on Phase 2. Maybe the change will be a boost?

    Beeps, I promise I'm not stalking your profile, but your pics show MAJOR loss in your upper thighs. Like a-mazing, lady! So maybe that's where I'm losing some? Thigh measurements aren't around the 'saddle bags', so maybe I'm missing a change? Clinging to a shred of hope. :ohwell:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    holy crow, breeze!!! You are LUCKY that nothing "broke" - my goodness! I hope it heals really fast and it sounds like a REAL "OUCH"!!

    pearlmullet - I totally think there's TONS of work to be done on my hips/saddlebags. Truly there is. I'm working them like MAD and I haven't lost even an inch off my hips in, oh, 6 months?????? And, my saddlebags! Yikes!! If I stand in a "normal" position with my legs a little bit apart, you can CLEARLY see that my saddlebags stick out about AN INCH on either side of my hips/glutes. It's just THE saddest thing. No, I don't take my "month-end" pictures in that pose, if I can help it.

    ....I've actually had people comment on the "major loss" in my thighs, but the tape measure tells me a VERY different story. I have NOT lost "majorly" on my hips/butt/thigh region - it is MY WORST AREA - and I STILL HATE IT.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    ...so, I think the "lesson" is that my body shape has IMPROVED, for sure - and that's GREAT!

    But, it still needs LOTS of improvement, I believe, and the ONLY "problem" with THAT is that the 'changes' are becoming more and more miniscule as I carry on. The "leaps-and-bounds" part of this transformation is D-O-N-E. It's now a mm here and a mm there.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps you are correct. The major loses are over for us. I haven't lost really anything off my thighs. What's up with that? My waist is tiny, my hips are good, my butt is WAY smaller, but thighs...nothing. However, I think you are way to hard on yourself, but I get that maybe you're a bit of perfectionist and I don't mean that in a bad way.

    Breeze. I'm so glad you didn't break anything. My friend thought he broke his foot last week, but nothing on the x-ray. He went back for a follow-up today, and now it shows a fracture.

    Sue feel better and enjoy your week. My mom wants to come into the city one day in July :)

    Mary Mary Quite contrary perk up my dear and stop being so hard on yourself too. (I know, this coming from the woman whose mood swings are legend :laugh: )

    I had a fabulous day today. Took the kids to six flags. My mom came in the morning so my older son and I were able to hit a few coasters. We seriously walked onto the rides. Our longest wait was 10 min for a water ride. AWESOME! Burned some serious calories with the walking in 90+ degree heat. Came home and made spaghetti because it was easy. I will finally be home pretty much the remainder of the week as I will be babysitting for a friend. So we'll just go to the movies, bowling and the spray ground and pool. lol Did I say staying home :tongue:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Took the last three days off. Need to workout tonight. Official measurements coming up at the end of the week! :embarassed:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Back to say I got my workout done and I increased weights all across the board! :drinker: My cals are low but I exceeded my protein goals. I'll definitely get the calories tomorrow.