Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Colleen, I tend to make the same things over and over. My kids aren't too picky. Our favs are chicken tortilla soup that's just a lot of chicken breast, some cheese, taco seasoning, and black beans. They also love stir fry, whole wheat quesadillas, and omelets. It does get hard to plan for the entire family to eat healthily. Lately I haven't done well at all.

    Beeps, who has time for those high rep exercises? I don't like the sound of that at all.

    Samantha, I hope you feel better quick!

    Sick baby today so no lifting for me at all this week.. Ugh, I hate this time of year. With a 16 month old, a 3 year old, and a 4 year old, someone is always sick. Got some HIIT in this week at least.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 275 Member
    Stage 1 completed!!!! Extremely happy. So excited about starting stage 2. Bring it on.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi all! I just got back from a short cardio session at the gym and feel pretty good. If I can do my long run tomorrow, I'll get my challenge point. Fingers crossed. I have been so focused on running that I'm letting my lifting just happen when it happens. I need to complete one more workout for Stage 4 and then it's on to Stage 5. I think I'll do my last workout on Monday and then start Stage 5 the following week. It's weird only lifting twice/week, but I knew around this time I'd have to up my 1/2 marathon training and scale down the lifting.

    Manic - hope you get sorted out. Back pain is no joke.

    Mommy - congrats on finishing Stage 1!

    Samantha - hope you feel better!

    Beeps - what's wrong with 12 and 15 reps? Is it just tedious/time consuming to you? Do they make you up the weights too? I don't mind lots of reps, but I wonder why they are doing it at this stage. Weird.

    Colleen - congrats on your weight loss! Impressive during the holidays.

    Cowgirl - We have been passing around the sickness here too. I would need some prozac if I were you. I have enough trouble keeping up with my 3 year-old (I'm also old!). Hope your babies feel better soon -- and that you can get a break.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    SNOW.... A bunch of it! I enjoyed a day at home, just putzin' around, cleaning a bit, doing some laundry, that sort of thing. I'm going to the gym tomorrow, hopefully the plow guy will have come and moved that huge snowbank from the bottom of my driveway by then!

    Mommy, congrats on finishing Stage 1! Onward & upward!

    Kathy, how awesome that you're going to do the 1/2 marathon!

    Sam and Cowgirl hope everyone gets well soon and Mary sweetie, please see a doc and find out what's going on!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mommyred, congrats! Hope you like Stage 2!

    Sue, hopefully you can get out of your house today. I love snow in small amounts, but getting more than a few inches or so is just frustrating. People around here don't know how to drive/act in the snow.

    Kmsa, i dont know about Beeps, but most of the reading I've done indicates that getting up into 12-15 reps is somewhat pointless for hypertrophy and simply increases endurance. I think it varies depending upon who you read, but most people agree that the 6-10 rep range is best for building muscle. Even if 12-15 reps isn't too high for hypertrophy, why would you perform that many (especially in a time crunch)if you can get the same results doing 8? But those are just my thoughts. I am definitely no expert. Good luck with the running! I am not a runner so the thought of doing a half-marathon is just incredible to me.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm actually dreading heading to the gym today. But just like this time last year. going the first time is the hardest after a long break. Also, my hubby bought me a cute new gym outfit. Way to be supportive honey. Happy New YEars everyone!!

    THank you all for the healthy wishes. Still a little snotty but definitely feeling better.
    KSMA best of luck with your marathon training.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member

    How did you all do in the last week of this challenge??

    Time to report in, final results!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I've decided 12-15 reps just isn't gonna cut it. For me, it *is* a "time thing". I only permit 60 minutes in the gym - then I'm out....even as it is, the last 5 weeks my 10-rep program has had me in the gym for 70 minutes at a time. I don't like that - it's too much time and someone at my office is going to EVENTUALLY notice!

    Anyway, I'm cool with dropping my reps down to 8 to finish the next 4 weeks.

    The program I am currently doing is Phase 1 of "Venus Index".

    I'm told Phase 2 is MUCH more popular, and better for more seasoned lifters!

    (Which, I guess, 15 months into this, I can NOW call myself an "experienced" lifter!) WOO-HOO!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    PS - my point goes to "ME" this week! I'm firmly at 5 push-ups from the floor before I have to go to the smith machine. I know that doesn't SOUND like much, but that's a 25% improvement on the 4 push-ups I started with!! So, this 7-WEEK-CHALLENGE has been VERY good for me!

    If I keep working at it, I do believe I will be at 10 push-ups from the floor x 3 sets, by April, 2013!! THAT excites me!

    My next challenge, after that, will be pull-up work, for sure!

    Please report in, ladies....I'll get the final results posted WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2013!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Point to me! This challenge has been good for me. I can do 10 "sloppy" push-ups on the floor without feeling like I'm dying. The coolest thing? I can do one or two handstand push-ups (not going ALL the way down- against a wall) and i really couldnt before. When i was in good shape I could do 10 easily (of course, iwas 40lbs lighter). My goal is to get back to that plus some.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hey, that's pretty neat!

    Well, girls, I *still* haven't hit my MAGIC number on the scale....but, I'm close. I'm going to fast as much as I can today and tomorrow, weigh myself on Wednesday, and, if it's my MAGIC number, I'll call it so in 2012 (even though Wed is already 2013!).

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Point to me too Beeps!

    Feeling really great about my workout today. S3A, I did 3 sets and really pushed. Increased weights for the cuban snatch, and the 1pt DL, everything else stayed the same but I slammed the form! I didn't get to the gym til 9:30 - everyone and his/her mother was there but I just did my workout and kept on. Did better on BWM too, though I still feel like I"m going to DIE!

    wow Cowgirl! Handstand pushups!! Rock it!!

    Yea Beeps, you are a seasoned lifter! I rely on your experience, and listen to your take on things. I've learned a bunch by doing that. I have never heard of the Venus Index, but I'm going to go look now.

    Go Sam!!! I'm so glad you're feeling better, seems nearly everyone I know has that crappy cold. I'm hexing all, I don't want it!! How sweet that the hubs picked up the outfit. Love that encouragment!!

    Hope you all have a perfect New Year's celebration tonight! If you're going out, please stay safe, there's so many crazy amateurs out there!! :heart: each of you!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG! I'm so sore!!!!!!! I can't believe this far in, I am as achy and stiff as I am everywhere!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Hope everyone had an awesome New Year! I'm ready to kick this in gear with a focus on what I'm putting past my lips so I can seriously work on cutting BF%.

    Beeps - let me know when the next challenge starts because I want in!

    Also, Beeps - great job on the push ups! Sue - I love DOMS so much I actually get worried when I'm not sore LOL
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    sue - I'm missing one of your points...I have you at "5" for "ME" and "1" for "NEW"....do you recall where your 7th point went?? (I counted your 7th week already in the "5" ME total!).

    I'll wait a little longer to get some more challengers tallies....only chubbie, sue and myself have advised as to Week 7 results!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I actually had bad tummy troubles over New Year's. Didn't sleep. Had 18 coming for brunch on New Year's Day and was pretty worried that the 6 hours I'd just spent prepping/cooking was going to have to go to someone else's house!

    Anyway, the people came, they ate, and then I finally had to kick them out at about 4 pm because my fever was high and I needed to SLEEP.

    I. ATE. NOTHING. That's right....I cooked for about 11 hours, total, and ATE NOTHING. My tummy just said, "no". So, if I could step on the scale today, bet I'm down to the weight I'd wanted at end of 2012. Unfortunately, I've got meetings all day, so won't get to the gym, today.

    Just as well - there's no way I could lift - my energy is at -4.

    How was your new year's???????????? What did you all do??????????????????
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    colleen - I'll think of a challenge likely when I get back from Mexico. (i.e. the weekend of the 19th/20th). If we then start that following Monday, or whatever, everyone will have had a chance to REALLY get into their January routine!

    I have another holiday coming up March 3rd....and working towards a "goal" for THAT, might seem worthwhile!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you all had fantastic holidays!

    I was off work from the 21st until today and stayed off the computer the whole time. The whole family got sick last week, of course at different times, so it was spread out over the whole week. Thankfully it started after Christmas. We did get some skiing in, but not as much as I would have liked. Everyone is back to being healthy just in time to go back to school and work.

    New Year's was a bust. We didn't have anything planned and I fell asleep before the kids did. I just can't stay up that late anymore, plus you add in being awake all hours of the night for days taking care of sick kids/husband and I really needed some rest. I told the kids next year, we are going to have a plan so I can stay up late.

    I think I missed a few points for the challenge? 1 to ME (24th) and 1 to NEW (31st)

    I'm ready to get back into my routine! Was up at 5am today, no problems, and got a good workout in. Actually didn't gain too much over the holidays, but gained a few inches on my waist. Hoping it comes off pretty quick once I get back on my schedule and drinking my water (which I can't seem to remember to do when I'm at home). I've been putting off getting my hip adjustd, but I've got to get it done soon. Squatting is almost impossible at this point.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member

    How was your new year's???????????? What did you all do??????????????????

    I attempted a workout, but workouts and hangovers don't mix well. :blushing: I rarely drink, but I put away an entire bottle of wine sitting here watching tv NYE. Needless to say, I felt awful yesterday.

    We started our Paleo/gluten free eating. So far so good. I'm doing 100% GF for a month. After that, I'll see how I feel. I will continue to eat paleo. Well, almost paleo. I'm not as grain free as my husband. I still eat some rice and GF oats. And I still do some dairy. I'm rambling now.

    My husband and I are going to do NROLFA together. He did great yesterday. I kicked his butt on the planks. He kicked my butt on the push-ups. Since I got sick during our workout, I'm going to try to finish it today. Then I need to get all these blasted Christmas decorations packed away.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Beeps - I hope you're feeling better. Your dinner party sounded like it would have been lovely had you not been so sick!! :(

    Points-wise, I'm giving last week's point to ME. Although technically I did not run on Sunday, I ran the very next day to make it up. I think I'm missing a week for you and that missing week was a NEW.

    I worked out on New Year's Day -- our gym was nice and packed. But I finished Stage 4 finally and will start Stage 5 on Monday. I will admit I didn't up my weights on a few things, like the Cuban Snatch. I KNOW I could have done 15lbs, but didn't (stayed at 12). I pushed my deadlift to 115, which I'm happy about though.

    Sue - congrats on your awesome workout. I STILL GET SORE whenever I push a little. I am actually a little sore today, so I must have been doing something right yesterday.

    Happy New Year to all!