Daily Chat Thread



  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Hi All, been quite over christmas and was on hols for new year - snow boarding YAY! Ok tomorrow is day 1 of Whole30. I won't lie it will be tough and we have binged this weekend but I have planned to succeed - even made lunch tomorrow and menu planned for the whole week. And back to the gym tomorrow to start stage 4!

    Really excited to get back into it. I have put on a little bit of weight but not as much as I should have given the amount I have been eating. Also I have the longest running PMS this month as my cycle seems off wack, I an now 2 weeks late but definitely (4 tests down) NOT pregnant! so I just feel bloated and want chocolate constantly. This neat 30days will be tough but I need to to reset my hormones and get myself healthy and back on track as we do want no 3 at some point.

    Hope you all had good hols - or have good hols. I wish I were going away again. Have a great time Beeps. x
  • Sue, no problem! Didnt sound like you were prying at all....Still loving this program! Having a tough time hitting 150 grams of protien, but I just keep trying!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Good morning! I start Stage 5 today. I kinda wish I had gotten up early to do it because now I'm not sure WHEN I'll be able to. I work at home most days, but have lots of lovely (read: annoying, useless) conference calls that I need to attend. I will try to find a way to sneak out at some point today...

    Manic - hope your MRI goes well. I really prefer lifting 3 days/week, but have been doing 2 since I started focusing on 1/2 marathon training. I just felt more "into it" doing 3 days/week. You'll get back there!

    Welcome Pauline and welcome back Livlovra!

    Beeps - Your trip sounds like it'll be amazing. Btw, I had never heard of that bikini designer (I'm not much the trend setter when it comes to fashion), but wow, they are hot! I really like the designs. If I can lose 20 more pounds by summertime, I WILL be sporting a bikini - stretch marks and all!

    Sue - you seem to be loving Stage 3. I think it was actually my least favorite stage. I'm not looking forward to the BWM later today! LOL

    Sam - ouch! :) But DOMS are good, right? :)

    Jody - double ouch!! Hope you heal up fast so you can get back to lifting. Sounds like you have a good interim plan though.

    I need to sit down and rework my calories. I have been on 1550 since about August. The thought of upping them is scary, but I know I exercise regularly now (in the beginning, I was just walking), so ideally I can move to 1650. I'm nervous that I won't lose as much as fast, but that's OK I suppose. With the 1/2 marathon training and lifting, I really need to make sure I'm fueling my body and not worry so much about losing. I know I will lose eventually.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hey April! I have been trying to do the 14/10 method. I will admit, I'm just loosely doing the IF though...

    OK, I just went to the scooby calorie calculator and it says to lose at at 15% calorie reduction I should eat:

    - 1700 calories if lightly active
    - 1490 if sedentary

    This is where I get confused. When I started MFP, I was definitely sedentary. My only goal was to change my food and then slowly work in exercise. I'm now lifting and running regularly. Should I select "lightly active" or "moderately active"? Cuz 1490 calories is LESS than what I'm eating now and I've been losing with what I'm eating now. And I like to eat. :)

    I think I might go with my gut and just up my cals to 1650...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I'm totally counting down the hours....and, I tried on all my "tankinis" and took the ones that looked the best! Some of them, I think, are pretty sexy....no bikini for me - it's just not my thing - and I don't own any, anyway (and I HATE shopping!).

    For the lady who posted about NROL4Life - I *have* the book, just haven't done THAT program, yet....but, reports that I've read say that it is AWESOME! Go for it!

    Samntha - I kept doing "one big lift" throughout my time with NROL4Abs, too....awesome!

    For all of you who *can* eat lots of calories and still lose weight (or even maintain weight), that's awesome! But, that is *not* everybody. I can say, for sure, because I've *done* the experiment, that "eating more to weigh less" does NOT work, for ME! I spent 8/9 months in 2012 doing that....ended up 6 lbs HEAVIER.

    Since end-of-september, 2012, I've gone back into DEFICIT, and I've lost THAT 6 lbs, plus 9 more. So, for *me* eating WAY LESS is totally necessary if I want the fat to come off MY body. That's all I'm saying.

    And, I'm TALL! I don't know how short women can 'eat more to weigh less', but some can and hats off to them!

    For those of you who just watch the scale go up, go down, go up, go down, I'd suggest re-thinking the "eat more to weigh less" for yourself.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, I can't eat more. I am 5'5 and the scales keep going up and up.

    It seems when I was gaining weight during the time I was eating more would have "reset" my metabolism like the eat more weigh less proclaims that when I decided to cut a few cals I would lose. nope!. I am sick of the process. I know what works for me and I just have to do it. i don't like eating 1200 cals and busting my butt at the gym. BUT that's what it takes . SOOOO after this little set back I must do it. My body only needs 1200 cals. I think it is because I do have a small frame.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I would cry if I had to do 1200, but YOU know your body and what works. I'm 5'2" and I cannot subsist on 1200 or even 1300. I think I have a medium frame. (I can wrap my fingers around my wrist and they just meet.)

    I did Weight Watchers many years ago and it took me 2 years to lose 50 lbs. I am pretty sure I was eating between 1200-1300. I plateaued a lot and could never ever get below 140 (and I exercised like a fiend). Now that I'm older, I will be happy at 145, but the lifting has certainly helped change my body composition.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I won't ever wear a bikini either. I wore one, once, at the request of my hubby (then boyfriend) when I was in high school and was totally uncomfortable the whole time. It's just not me, regardless of how my body looks. Hope you have a fantastic time on your trip!!

    Cowgirl - you could slowly add 100 calories every couple weeks and see if you still lose consistently. Once you find the point where you stop losing, you'll know where you need to be. I know it seems scary, but some people really need that much fuel.

    mary - you know what works for you so go with it. I think I would totally cry if I could only live off 1200 calories, but if that's all my body needed, then I'd do it.

    I'm coming down with something again. :-( Had an upset tummy and froggy throat yesterday. Although I haven't been getting much sleep lately, so maybe if I can get my sleep back, I will get better. Upped the vitamin D last night to help combat whatever it is. Totally not hungry today either so I guess it will be kind of a fast day. Had a scone for breakfast and will maybe have some soup for lunch. Trying to push the water, but it's not going well.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I would cry if I had to do 1200, but YOU know your body and what works. I'm 5'2" and I cannot subsist on 1200 or even 1300. I think I have a medium frame. (I can wrap my fingers around my wrist and they just meet.)

    I cry a lot :sad: I hate it. As we get older, I just turned 41, we don't need as much fuel.

    I can wrap my fingers around and they overlap completely over my nail . Plus, trainer at gym , who did my bf%, confirmed that I am a small frame.

    Jennie, sorry. It stinks being sick.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Mary, in so many ways we're alike. I am grateful that I can eat at 1400-1500 and lose, but it's a VERY slow loss! Even with the lifting and exercise, I just am so slow to lose. Beeps, I'm 5'4" and since i went through menopause, short, and now my metabolism is even slower! I carry all my weight below my waist, which is for me very difficult to change. You would think burning all the cals I do lifting and walking every day that I would be nice and thin. Nope. I'm small framed too Mary, I can wrap my fingers around my wrist and up all the way over my thumb nail. I so feel your frustration!

    Beeps, I'm not a bikini person, never have been, even at my thinnest. I think tankinis are very sexy! Have BIG fun girl!! You so deserve it!

    I have 1 more Stage 3 A & B and I'm done with it. There's no way I'm taking a whole week off, but I might take a week off from the program. I am on vacation from Jan 25 thru Feb 2, and I doubt I will find a place to workout during that time, since I'll be first in Ocala with HS friends, then in Sarasota with my dad, and then up in St Pete with a friend. I'll bring gear but I'll be very surprised if I get anything more than walking/jogging in.

    Yesterday, I was not hungry. I really had to push to eat 1200 cals. LOL that doesn't ever happen to me!

    Jennie, I hope whatever seems to be coming, really is only a day of feeling iffy and that you're well tomorrow! You really haven't been able to catch a break. Feel better!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I have a small frame, too, manic....yep, I'm tall, but my ankles, neck, wrists are little twigs! So, nope, I don't get to eat a lot of calories. Yes, it's a bummer. But, now that I'm used to "deficit-mode", I just kind of "do it". I'm hoping that I'll be more satisfied with my weight in a couple (few??) months....if nothing else, come this summer, I WON'T be crying at HEAVY POUNDAGE like I did last summer! And, with any luck, my muscles will be showing through and THAT will be worth ALL the heavy-lifting on earth!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My calories have pretty much been consistent through most of my life I think. I was crying when I started last year at 1450 for sedentary with a deficit. WHen I started lifting, I felt like I was starving and increased to lightly active and increase my calories to 1650. Still hungry, so I set to maintenance and tried to keep a little under it. Technically I have three pounds to lose, but I'm not worried about it. I'm just not a happy person on a deficit. I'm 300 under for today a few days like that a month and I'll be down half a pound for the month. That's fine by me.

    I couldn't tell you what my frame is defined as. I'm a pear shaped body type though. I'm super skinny in my upper body, and wide in the bottom. The smallest pant size I could ever wear is a US 8. Even at my thinnest in high school weighing in at 120 of mostly muscle, I was still a size 8. What can I say, I have hips.

    The gym was CRAZY crowded tonight, even the free weight area. I couldn't get a set of 20's to save my life, so I used 15s and increase reps from 8 to 10. It's annoying with it being so crowded, but It also makes me sad that most of those people won't be there next month and even less the month after.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I plateaued for months, and actually put on a few pounds eating 1500-1700 cals a day. I thought that with my age (42) and the fact that I have a very sedentary job, I'd never burn more than that. I was really frustrated, so I bought a Bodymedia armband at the beginning of November when it first started integrating with MFP. It told me I was burning 2200-3000 calories a day!!!! (weekends are more active with 3 kids). I increased my calorie intake to maintain a 400-500 cal/day deficit and the weight is coming off again - I've lost 7lbs since getting the BMF.

    I knew weight training increased our metabolism, but I was in absolute shock over the number of cals I was burning daily!!! My BF% has decreased 3% (now at 30) and I'm loosely following a women's bodybuilding competition prep diet for 8 weeks to reduce it further. (absolutely no processed carbs for 6 weeks, then only meat and veggies for 2 weeks). After that, I will slowly reintroduce carbs. The weight I gain back is supposed to come back as lean muscle mass :)

    So my advice is to eat more as you progress in your weight training, even though it seems counterintuitive.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Just started the first workout yesterday. As someone who has done some weight training in the past I feel slightly embarrassed that I'm actually SORE today. I think it's a good thing though. For now, I'm going by the book for calories which puts me at around 1600 on non-workout days and just under 2000 for workout days. When I do cardio on a non-workout day I will eat in between the two. This is giving me the extra motivation to clean up my diet and I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Hi Samntha - I'm hippy/saddelbaggy, too! Definite "pear"....and, it is THAT part of my body that is REALLY hanging onto the FAT! It's gonna be an interesting 2013, though....'cause I'm gonna do my damndest to BLAST THAT FAT AWAY!

    colleen - awesome that "eat more to weigh less" works for you - LUCKY DUCKY! Tell me more about your "bodybuilding competition prep diet"?? How many calories per day? How tall are you and what is your scale weight today?? What weight are you trying to get down to for "competition"?

    LB2LL - soreness is NOT a reflection on "fitness level"....one of my VERY fit women buddies from the YMCA decided this year to "learn to swim" - she hopped into the water for her first lesson (she's decided to do triathlon training this year - she works out 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day and is "fit"!) and the next day, her hamstrings were VERY sore, as were certain chest/shoulder muscles. So, no worries! And, it's nice to have someone on the boards who HAS done "some weight-training"....most of us are newbies (and we like to learn from each other)!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Here's my GOOD NEWS report!!

    Of course it's January and ALL the "January resolution-ers" come out to the gym...yesterday, during my work-out, I noticed a younger gal who I *have* seen before and, FOR SURE, she was doing a NROL4W routine.

    After a YEAR of being in the free-weight area, I have ONLY actually "met" one other person....a young man named "Pete" helped me with bench presses one time - so we "wave" at each other at the gym, now.

    Anyway, I decided to go and see what this young gal was up to....I introduced myself, asked her what program she was doing and, yep, she is in Stage 3 of NROL4W!! So, we talked about that program - I told her how much I liked it!! She's in university, so she can't be more than, what 20?? 22?? She asked me about my program, we chatted a bit more, told each other our names and shook hands!

    At the end of my work-out, I was doing my stretching/rolling and there she was, getting that BODY MATRIX DONE! I went over and told her how good she looked! She really was pounding out the BWM (I never did excel at this one, I'm afraid!) - her name is "Mia" and I'm gonna "wave" at her every chance I get from now on!

    PS - only she and I were the femmes in the weight room, yesterday. And, frankly, it wasn't THAT crowded - not nearly as bad as I had been anticipating!

    PPS - only 2 more sleeps to Mexico!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Holy DOMS. I'm sore even after my lame Stage 5 workout. I guess upping my weights in a few areas helped. But really, I didn't stretch enough afterwards. My hamstrings are killing me. Thank you body weight matrix!

    Colleen - I'm also 42 and typically as you get older, you don't need as many calories. But sounds like with your activity level and muscles, you can eat more. I have been losing steadily with the amount of calories, which is why I'm hesitant to change. But I also know I need just *a little* more for lifting and for sustaining my long runs. I can feel my legs tiring out and I know it's a fuel thing.

    (NSV - went almost 9 miles on Sunday!!)

    Beeps - yay for finding a fellow NROL4W-er at the gym! And now: countdown to Mexico!

    LB2LL - Yay for starting! And I agree with Beeps about the DOMS. Sounds like you picked a good calorie range too. Keep us posted on your progress and what you think of the program.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    ...and today the debate on my radio station is how supposedly "lady body-building" has become SUPER-popular (in 2012) and still 2013. Of course, ALL the men said was "I don't like that "look" - I might as well sleep with a man".

    So, I texted in saying, "you can't BULK UP without drugs. Period."

    Ugh. I'm SO sick of the "myths" out there! I mean, COME ON! I don't look ANYTHING like an Olympic bodybuilder. And, I don't look ANYTHING like the women, on their competition day, when they compete - I mean, they work VERY hard to get "THAT LOOK" on THAT particular day - and they don't LOOK like THAT the rest of the year!

    Men are SO stupid!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Now I want to go lift something heavy just so I can chuck it at the next fool (man) that I see!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement :)

    Today I am upping my cals/protein a bit since it's lifting day! I'm doing Stage 1 Workout B1. I'm still a little sore from Monday but not terrible. I'm slightly nervous about deadlifts and maintaining proper form. It's funny because when I look straight ahead and do them my form is pretty much on point BUT when I turn to "check" on how my form is from the side it gets all wonky. So, I will trust my muscles and stay face forward!