Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    QOTD: We got married about 18months after we met.

    Well, the group TRX class last night was pretty good. Only 6 of us (it could have held 16), so it feels pretty "private". Too much "cardio" for my liking, though. Reminded myself through all the "jump squats", "jump lunges", etc., that I don't need to do the 'jump" part if I don't want to - it isn't military school or anything, lol!

    I thought it might interfere with my lifting today, but it didn't....I went to the gym and am back to fibonacci pyramids for a week. 90 friggin' minutes in the gym, today. Ugh. But, my *kitten* is UBER-sore, so yep, my glutes got THE TREATMENT!

    Have a great weekend, ladies!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Breeze, I don't do drink protein shakes anymore. The whey really hurts my tummy and bloats me. BUT when I was trying to drink them , I didn't notice a difference. I can't describe the aches. It isn't muscular or I don't think so. I hurt everywhere upon getting up. After moving around during the day , I don't feel a thing.

    Sue, :blushing: today I did not control the portions! I had almost TWO. It is so stinking good. Glad I lifted today to burn some of that off. AWWWW, Sue, I love that. That's sweet. Depends on the day and when I am NOT pmsing how my heart thumps for my husband. :laugh: But he's a keeper. He spoils me and loves me.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yikes, Beeps. What a workout! But yay for a sore bootay!

    Mary, I hope you feel better today. That dessert sounds amazing!

    I spent 30 minutes on a treadmill today- probably a new record for me. The weather here is just crazy and I knew I needed some type of activity, but darn, I just about went bonkers. You ladies who do it on a regular basis are much stronger (mentally) that I will ever be!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Cowgirl, it was! I am sure if I posted the recipe yall would ban me from here.

    SAM, where are you tonight! I've on and off here. It's the weekend.......

    I haven't been on the scales in almost 2 weeks! Mentally I've had this goal and never spoke of it until now. I am dying to get on the scales in the morning. I wanted to do NROL for the 2nd time without focusing on my weight but how my clothes fit . BUT I WANNA KNOW! I want to lose fat more than anything but I want to see the scales go down too.

    I'm thinking every 2 weeks isn't so bad. Beats every day .
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Hey all, go check out the fat loss thread here in the Discussion section. I'm stunned by the revelation in there!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    (((sigh))) today was rest day and what did i do? I made a dessert. Only had one portion though.

    Tomorrow I lift. Sam with me?

    Cowgirl, I can see a change in profile pic. Looking good.

    SueBoo, you make eating nutritiously and exercising sound like a walk in the park (no pun intended LOL) Glad you had a great time.

    I color my hair maybe a couple times a year and have for the past 10 years. It seemed the older I got the lighter my hair became. Now that I am in my 40's I have few strands of gray .

    OH can I do a question for tomorrow!!

    QOTD for tomorrow: How long did you and hubby date before marrying?
    MAry, I couldn't get my hands on the computer last night. I got home at 7 ran to the gym for zumba got home at 8, kids the computer until 9:30 then hubby was whining for attention. I'm lifting on Monday. I'm swimming Sunday, Lifting Monday, Pilates Tuesday, Lifting Wednesday, and Zumba with Lifting Friday if I can pull it off. That particular class is light weight.

    We dated for 4.5 years, but since I was jail bait, we didn't have much choice. I swear that had I been 24 instead of 14 when we met, we would have been on a plane to Vegas. I was married six months after graduating high school. But we waited six years to have kids because I wanted to finish my masters and start working. Married 15 years.

    Maybe I just need to proof read better before posing lol
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, I WISH my gym had TRX. I've been dying to try it. Only one health club around here has it and they are over $80 a month. My gym has everything else and are only $25.

    *I can't type
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, you are one active lady! I admire you being able to work full time, take care of kiddos, AND fit in all that exercise. YOU ROCK!

    Mary, sounds like a good plan. Clothes fit and inches always correspond to scale weight for me anyway. Weighing every few weeks should give you a good idea of the "trend".

    CP, I wouldn't worry too much about Alwyn's advice. I know he's the expert, but he's also trying to sell books. Here's *my* thoughts: Look at the many ladies on MFP who have lost fat doing Stronglifts, NROL4W, Venus, and other strength programs. I *personally* don't feel there's any program that will magically promote fat loss more than others (unless we're speaking strictly in terms of calories burned per workout). Eat at a deficit, lift heavy to preserve muscle, do some HIIT to improve cardiovascular function. I am sure that the different programs can promote different muscle attributes (strength, endurance, mass). No program can compensate for a surplus of cals. Period. The best fat loss program is the one that you will do. If you love NROL4W, do it. If Stronglifts or Venus is your thing, do it. But I would love to hear what some of the MFP resident experts have to say about it. And this is all strictly an opinion I have based on my limited research.

    Whew...sorry... didn't mean to write a book on that. Beeps, I'd love to hear what you think.

    Anyway, I had a great workout today (no kids, yay!). Tried some glute bridges....yikes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    samntha - TRX is pretty fun. And, my gym has some cables installed permanently in the gym "warm-up" area....so, I often pop over there and just use it even to warm-up before my weight-training.

    Somethin' different....somethin' novel....staves off the "boredom".
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    True that Beeps and Great advice Cowgirl.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam, you are one active lady! I admire you being able to work full time, take care of kiddos, AND fit in all that exercise. YOU ROCK!
    I don't think so Cowgirl. I'm always wondering how I can squeeze in more and then beg for less. My kids don't do activities after school, so I'm not driving all over kingdom come, and I don't think it's too much to ask of anyone that I get 4-5 hours a week to myself. Putting myself on the back burner for all these years is why I ran into a problem in the first place. I have no social life to speak of. When I'm not at work or the gym I'm home. Besides you've all seen my back slides and "do nothing" weeks. I'm inconsistent consistently. Two weeks of he month I'm Gung Ho. The other two weeks I'm comoatose. This is one of my good weeks.

    I admire they SAHM. I'm home for the Summer with my kids and by August 15th I'm begging to go back to work. Besides the fact I don't know a single SAHM that actually stays at home. They are always doing 1 million and one things. THAT'S a full time job. Our Friend Maniac even Home Schools. Now that's a lady I admire :)

    Everyone here is unique. We all have different back grounds and life circumstances, but we all have one very important thing in common. We have made our health and well-being a priority. Strong healthy women make for strong and healthy families no matter how you slice it.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    AWWW, Sam! :flowerforyou: You are sweet.

    I'm like you. I am gung ho and then down about myself. Doubting if what I am doing is right for me. Consistently inconsistent! That pretty much describes me too!

    I weighed this am . Up 2 pounds but I did lift yesterday and I haven't been drinking my water like I should.

    Cowgirl, I like your assessment on Alwynn's comment and your comments. I agree.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Very well said, Sam! :flowerforyou:

    Mary, I'm sure it's water weight. Stupid scale.

    Thanks to all who commented on my new pic. You ALL keep me motivated! :flowerforyou:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    knock knock, who's there, nobody!
    See Mary, I'm busy all week and can't talk. I'm here on the weekend, and nobody is here.

    Does moving furniture count as my workout since I missed my swim?

    So since I'm here I'll stir up a little controversy.

    QOTD: Are you Mac or PC? Are you droid, iPhone, or Blackberry?
    We have more Mac computers than is reasonable, but we are droid phones all the way.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm here Sam. I'm definitely a PC and Droid person.

    AWFUL weekend! Well a great weekend, loads of fun but WAY too much food. I am over 600 cals on Sat and Sun! OMG!! I haven't done that in ages. But it was fun and yummy!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, you don't have anything to worry about, I'm sure! At least you enjoyed yourself.

    I am a Mac person all the way. iPhone, iPad, MacBook.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    My 2nd 6B workout this morning. OHP even with the push is so tough for me! I have only gone up 5# since Stage 1 and that's hard! Anyone have any suggestions?
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member

    The best fat loss program is the one that you will do. If you love NROL4W, do it. If Stronglifts or Venus is your thing, do it. But I would love to hear what some of the MFP resident experts have to say about it. And this is all strictly an opinion I have based on my limited research.


    I agree..so far I'm enjoying NRules but for me it is about having a program..something to do..everyday over time..I am considering Venus after I get some of the body fat off..I have long term goals so I think over time I will evolve my workouts..train differently for different results.

    My friend lost 91lbs and did a physique competition...I want that kind of success but unfortunately there is no trainer in my tiny town at the moment...sigh.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, I wish I had some tips. I haven't improved much on it either. Sometimes I do them after a workout for HIIT just to improve the movement itself. Maybe others can help....

    Breeze, that's what I love about the New Rules workouts. Its very organized and easy to follow. I'm really interested in doing Venus after I finish Supercharged.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I have to agree that I love NR because how easy to follow it is. I also like going in with a set plan to follow. Leaves me less time of just figuring it out and more time plowing through the exercises.

    Today is a lifting day! I thought I wasn't going to be able to find time to get to the gym but my schedule cleared out :) I took Sunday as a rest day even though I felt bad doing so because I ate like crapola. I needed it though. After 30# one arm snatches on Friday I was STILL sore Sunday. I am finally feeling normal today.