Re_Banana Member


  • Not really the way I had hoped the month would go. BUT, that's okay. The important thing is that I'm working on it. I'm getting out for more walks and hikes, doing some evening at home exercises. I still struggle with occasionally binging, but the episodes seem to be decreasing. Even though I'm just bouncing around the…
  • @tinafortenberry It's not for everyone, but I love zuchini as a pasta substitue.
  • It's been a bit of a struggle trying to get my self back here. For so long I had done so well and went from my heighest (as far as I know) weight of 175, down to my lowest of 123. I don't know what happened but I lost the mental stamina. I stopped tracking, and over months and months of mindless over eating I put on about…
  • @Sarag78 I'll admit that I am not well versed in fasting glucose ect. I did some research online and this article looks pretty comprehensive. Hopefully it gives you some reassurance. 😊
  • From what I've read hair loss is not keto specific, it's related to weight loss in general. I've seen it recommended to make sure you are getting adaquate protein and iron to help avoid hair loss.
  • Not that I'm surprised, but I'm up this week. A couple of slip ups. Really just need to get my head on straight. I guess looking at it now, its really just a minor fluctuation. Hopefully I can see some progress next week? June 2: 127.8 June 9: 128.2
  • WHOA! Back to it! I've been off the rails for a while and the scale certainly shows it. I'm back now with renewed dedication. Apart from the scale, I feel that my health is much improved on Keto. Ive been back to tracking consistently (it took a while to get used to tracking again, and would track a couple days, then stop,…
  • You'll want to try and hit your protein to retain muscle mass. Protein is a goal Carbs are a limit Fat is a limit, you only need to eat enough to help your feel satiated. The only thing that effects ketosis is your carb intake. Hope this helps 😁
  • My name is Rehana, rhymes with banana. Not super creative over here.
  • Personally, if my carbs were coming from good leafy green vegetables like yours are I wouldn't stress about the 20 net limit. 20 net is guaranteed for everyone to be in ketosis, but some have a higher threshold. Some people may disagree, this is just my personal opinion. On a side note, MFP doesn't take away the sugar…
  • I do a protein shake on weekday mornings. I use Lean fit protein powder and collagen. Low carb and helps fill me up until lunch. Your protein choices are a bit higher in fat, not that there is anything wrong with that but it will be more calorie dense than say chicken breast. So to stay under on calories but reach your…
  • @goodfatsgirL If you are looking for some good info on keto I would suggest the Keto subreddit. They have a great, and very detailed FAQ. I check their board every day for inspiration, and it's a great way to learn from people's experiences. I hope this helps but if you have questions…
  • @CentaurusSoter Congrats on making it to Two-topia! Huge success!
  • @qweck3 Wow! You've made amazing changes in your life over the past couple of years. You should be really proud of your achievements. I have no doubt you can acomplish your goals in 2019. I struggle with the social piece also as I became more and more withdrawn when the weight was put on. Perhaps you could look into some…
  • I had a small slice of pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, as much as I used to love it, I realised my tastes have changed and sugar just dosnt do it for me in the same way. The pie gave me no satisfaction. I think if there weren't the social pressure to take dessert I wouldn't have bothered. Don't let social expectation derail…
  • Original start weight: May 27, 175 lbs Goal weight: not sure NOVEMBER: Sunday 10/28: 134.2 Sunday 11/04: 133.4 (-0.8) Sunday 11/11: 132.8 (-0.6) Sunday 11/18: 132.4 (-0.4) Sunday 11/25: 129.8 (-2.6) Total: -4.4 I'm getting really close to where I want to be, there is just this last big of jiggle I'm hoping will eventually…
  • I really love steaming veg for lunch in the microwave. Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus. I also work next to a grocery store so quite often I pick up some protein from there like roast beef and then roll it up with some mustard. YUM! Its nice having a hot meal. For the veg it's really easy to chop up in the morning, then I…
  • This is a fantastic way to truly see progress and stay motivated! I'm so happy to see your success!
  • It's been a good month as I reached my initial goal weight of 135. Now that I'm here I see I have a little was to go. I'll see if 130 is a better place for me and then go for there. I'm going to try and practice not tracking every single day to see if I can eat more intuitively. Maybe just track my food every couple of…
  • @Everyonelies I see that you just started in September. I've read that some people experience a stall after the until water weight loss while you body is adapting. I've copied below info from the keto FAQ on reddit. Just hang in there! I know it will happen for you. ( "Results vary,…
  • @sykin I sometimes struggle with myself as well. Things can be going great but if I'm feeling down its like some bizarre psychological self sabotage. My brain just keeps telling me to f#@k it and give up. It's so strange because I don't even want carbs anymore really, it's not like I'm going hungry. I think on days you are…
  • What are your net carbs per day? From what I understand, under 20 net will guarantee ketosis for pretty much anybody. Also, how do you know you are not in ketosis? Are you testing or can you feel the difference?
  • @Everyonelies Don't be disappointed. Not every week is going to be a huge loss. 1lb is still 1lb. I've had weeks as low at 0 lbs and as high as 6lbs. I'm down 36 lbs now in total. Focus on the big picture and bear in mind that weight loss isn't linear. When you burn fat your fat cells will full with water because your body…
  • Hello everyone. I just wanted to say that you are all doing a really amazing job! It's inspiring seeing all your posts with inches and lbs lost and health gained. I'm so excited as I'm officially into the 130s. Yesterday was thanksgiving though and I didn't really have control over what was served. I tried to make the…
  • We are all here if you have questions or need support.
  • It's been a good month as far as the scale is concerned, but certainly posed some challenges as well. I had my first migraine in months which really effected my sleep and energy. Weird hormonal depression before my period. I'm sure there is something I've eaten this month which could have contributed. Ill have to look back…
  • Oh that is a must watch. I'll keep my eyes open for that coming out!
  • My understanding is that estrogen is stored in fat cells, so when fat is burned the estrogen is released and can really mess with your cycle. However if you are not loosing weight right now I'm not sure that's the answer. Keto controls the insulin response, and insulin is a hormone so it maybe tied into that. Lots of women…
  • Not everyone drops weight right away. Evervody is different and unique. Keep calm and keto on, it will happen. Trust the system. It's only been one week, commit yourself to a least a month and if you still are not satisfied you can always revalute. EDIT: you mentioned you are tracking percentages, but many people pefer…