eve2018eve Member


  • I've been vegan for just under two years and I'm still enjoying the health benefit effects including more energy, better sleep, better skin, better digestion, and reduced nutrient deficiencies. I gradually transitioned to pescetarian then vegeterian then vegan. I've found the following helpful, so perhaps give them a try:…
  • The berry and fresh herb ideas are great. You can get more flavour from them by squishing them a bit before adding them. I find it easier to drink more when I have sparkling mineral water (unflavoured and unsweetened). I've found that the best way to drink more water is to make it a habit. I keep a water bottle with me…
  • I eat plenty of greens and take a multivitamin and an iron supplement. I regularly have nori or miso soup with nori as they're high in iron. I'm mindful of my iron intake as I've been found to have low levels in the past. It's best to get tested if you have any concerns about low iron levels. It's better to know for…
  • OP, I tend to have the same problem as my macro split is very satiating for me and my stomach is accustomed to small meals, so I try and make my meals very calorie dense. I like to include: Avocado EVOO Nut cheese Vegan mayo Lots of herbs and spices (they add some calories and lots of flavour) Nut butters are also great…
  • An occasional cheese-fest is fine as part of an overall healthy diet. Are you within your calorie goal? Are you also eating plenty of vegetables? Where we get our fat from is very individual as we all have different satiating high fat foods that we enjoy. For example, I do vegan keto and like to get my fat from: Avocado…
  • I'm also vegan keto for ethical and health reasons. My typical weekday is usually: Breakfast Espresso with almond milk Satay tofu A delicious locally made cashew nut cheese Lunch is one of: Tofu veggie curry or pasta sauce on zoodles or cauliflower rice Big salad with tofu, some sauce, and nuts Vegetables with avocado,…