rosileem Member


  • Exactly! I log everything even if that final daily cals number makes me cringe or deeply sigh lol!! And that too- I don’t want to hide and sneak food and feel shame around it. I acknowledge every time I go over because I’d rather say hello friend, this is what you are (a time of indulgence or over eating or family dinner)…
  • Thursday: truth: I need to “practice what I preach” so to speak..I had several bad days of immense over eating (think double+ the daily cals) and I begin to beat myself up over it. I notice where the “slip ups” are ( surprise surprise! Fast food!) and I know when I’m at my daily limit it’s healthier to stop for the day but…
  • Saturday: success: I’ve logged steadily over 30 days now and even when I go over my daily calories (way way over sometimes) I have that desire to do better the next day and keep getting back on the wagon. I used to feel like eff it and I’d sabotage myself for days/ weeks at a time- now I have this desire to continue!…
  • I think mindful eating is a brilliant plan and I wish I had that confidence to release the fear of not logging. Especially if it’s for an event or a party (which in my life don’t happen very often so it’s okay to indulge then, I think!) you’d want to enjoy it, not stress. Hope you enjoyed the party!
  • Saturday success: been logging every day since I started (3 weeks!) and I think part of that success is recognizing I won’t see drastic/ healthy changes for months. It’s giving myself time and gently reminding myself lasting effective changes aren’t sudden or overnight; that’s part of all this success of logging and eating…
  • Wednesday wish: we can afford an air conditioner! And remember to drink MORE water! I’m already around the 70oz mark but it’s so ridiculously hot and unfortunately without AC in our apartment it’s sometimes hotter inside (it’s a double edged sword on whether to stay in or go out X_X) cooking is a pain because using the…
  • Monday- check in: things are going okay? I question it because I’m getting to where I don’t feel many changes but I have to remember it’s for the long term. I log EVERYTHING. Yes it’s a bit of a challenge when I have to guess some things but even if I know I’m going over, I log it. I appreciate (and the A-type in me kinda…
  • Friday fitness: dancing! I mean I’m not a professional (although younger me always wanted to be) but I get a good playlist going (and some videos with moves I can ~attempt~ to follow) and I’ve done a good 30 mins of cardio AND I’m usually drenched! Add that with some weight work- two of my favourite fitness endeavours! The…
  • Thursday truth: I don’t have a scale and haven’t weighed myself in a while. I can tell there’s physical changes (slight, not obvious) but I’m eager to see how the numbers have changed and also worried- if the numbers haven’t made a significant change might I get resentful or upset? I want to keep my drive and my momentum.…
  • @bpetrosky literally made me lol on the bus :D @apullum I second beef jerky it’s my all time favourite snack! I love the list. I know for snacking I need to remember if I’m being calorie wise and it’s within my day amount, I’m good
  • @skinnyjeanzbound ugh SAME! I’m just unaware of the many dishes I can make with veggies so my go-to is eating them raw or eating salads. I want some recipes that incorporate vegetables that aren’t my default..I know it’s summer but sometimes you want a warm cooked meal! Wednesday wish: I wish I keep my momentum going. And…
  • Tuesday: goals. I would like to make meals that incorporate A LOT more vegetables (variety, amount, cooking style)
  • Some snack ideas? Fresh fruit (whatever may be in season and that you enjoy) Trail mix (nuts have great great great healthy fats that keep me full*- although mindful of dried fruits because they can be high in heart breaks every time I log dried dates lmao!) Bringing your own snacks? Hopefully there’s access to a…
  • LOL same- or I say I haven’t lost it, it’s just moved around :D Everyone will have a perspective on how things “should” be. If you find what works (and it’s healthy and safe) have at it! Like I wish I was into Paleo (because meat and veggies, hello?!) but I find too many things I enjoy and help sustain my appetite aren’t…
  • I myself have lost quite a bit of weight (gained some back and in the process of finding a healthy spot) and I have the same “tummy” spot. Definitely favouriting this convo for tips! I ~try~ (to remember lol) that planks help (something like 30 sec holds, 10 reps) and I include weight work that involves holding the weights…
  • I’m not a doctor, a personal trainer, or a registered dietician. I think by exercising for two hours a day, I would crave inordinate amounts of food as well. Maybe consider questioning where the need to binge is coming from? And if it’s compulsive perhaps it has to do with working the body that extensively? Which I think…
  • @skinnyjeanzbound oh I found it- thanks for the direction!!
  • Saturday success: I’ve been sticking to my daily meal plans, been portion wise. I think another success I’ve had is when I recognize I’m not eating enough- at one point today I felt dizzy and weak. I realized what I allotted wouldn’t suffice and had to move around my food aims. I need to fuel my body properly
  • Friday- fitness: I got in a good 30 min cardio session. I’m confused there’s no calorie doc for weight work- I truly enjoy doing my free weights. It’s my favourite exercise activity. If I could do it every day I would but I’m trying to be mindful that I might burn out my body that way and I’d rather paw myself and give…
  • Agreed wth most posts. If you’re out to eat let the server know before hand (or after) that what you ordered is on a separate bill. If I’m at a grocery store with my sister and her fiancé, unless it’s explicitly stated one of us is paying for the other, I hold my things and insist on separating my items. Now I don’t do…
  • I started mixing a tbsp of plain Greek yogurt with half mashed avocado and a can of tuna- add some spices, good to go! I’ve tried in salad and on bread..I prefer the crunch of toast (I like the diff textures). The tuna and the yogurt amp the protein. It’s a savoury, quick dinner/ lunch idea, and you’re eating healthy fats…
  • OP, I hope you found solace in all this encouragement because I did. I needed it. Thank you all <3
  • If you can, try stocking spare ingredients at work? Or bring a little cooler, toss some ice in there and keep at your desk? Doesn’t do much help in the moment- I work ON too and there’s literally nothing I can do but go with it and try to plan for a next time X_X
  • That’s really interesting laid out- sometimes we don’t see our progress. I definitely need to trust the process and also put in the work. Whatever happens, as long as I keep getting back on the wagon, no matter how many times I fall (or willingly jump) off
  • Chocolate is my Achilles heel and if I stay away from it too long I binge- the cycle is real for many of us! Not sure if these are helpful but I try to either A) limit/calorie wise my portions of daily sweets (really digging Greek yogurt covered almonds rn- but a couple of oreos or muffin would do) B ) only eat it if I…
  • @LiftHeavyThings27105 thanks- I want to get my mindset right! What am I doing to change it?? Currently, very little. I want to begin interrupting negative thoughts I have about myself and immediately replace them with something positive. I have to believe there’s confidence within me and all I have to do is pull it up!…
  • I haven’t been on MFP long enough to experience that week but I’m hoping I remember so long as it’s within the calorie limit?? I figure I’ll sideline macros for that time (maybe not the brightest idea??) but I’m realizing it’s important for me to enjoy foods I like without feeling “I can’t eat this” all the daam time…
  • Following because I need you people lolol! And I need friendly reminders that I can eat “normally” (see: like I’m not a bear who stores everything for hibernation O.o) as long as it’s portion wise and in moderation. Plus I’m a lazy cook and I like cheese
  • Any feedback from people doing intermittent fasting: on doing IF at irregular times? I work overnight FT so those days (or nights??) would be when I eat vs sleeping/ fasting during the day. Eg: my eating times would be either 10P-6A or 11P-7A or 12A-8A. However, on my days off when I have a "normal" schedule my eating…
  • I lost over 100lbs within a year- in the 7 years it's been I've gained back about 75. The exercise I enjoy is weight work and yoga. But food is my problem and although it's one thing to know food is 80% of the battle, I eat a lot more than I think I'm eating. I think it's also worth noting the number on the scale can…