

  • Hey Nursing Gang!!! I will be graduating Nursing School in 53 DAYS!!!! Feel free to add me :) Looking forward to sporting a kick *kitten* dress for the big day :) Keep up the hard work :) Angela
  • I LOVE it on veggies!!!! Carrots especially!!!
  • Im in!!! I had lost about 27lbs before the holidays and then hit a wall, didnt loose but didnt gain. About 2 weeks ago I started back on my original plan and havent had a heavy, bulky carb since. No bread, No pasta (im Italian...eek), no carb based product. Its basically been all veggies, fruit and proteins with a sugar…
  • I am totally in!!! I hit a plateau after Thanksgiving and decided to pull out my secret weapon: The Special K Challenge!!! It has pulled me through 2 plateaus already with about a 4-6 pound loss in 2 weeks each time. I started it on Tuesday November 28th, today is Day 8 and I am down 3 lbs since my weigh in on Thanksgiving…
  • Hey there!! I too am in Nursing School!
  • This sounds like an awesome sweet tooth craving killer :) Love Greek yogurt!! Cant wait to try them!!
  • Hey All!! Been on here about 100 days and just started using the forums!! I am down 21lbs so far!! Nice to see there are people in the boat with me :) Always looking for motivation buddies!!
  • Tinker Bell...hands down!!!! (Always have been, always will be)
  • I am 5 ft tall and am on a 1200 cal/ day plan. In the beginning I was doing what I could to stay as close to or under 1200 cals/ day. I am also finishing Nursing school and spending 4 days a week in the hospital moving like crazy. I noticed that in the beginning when I was keeping my cals on the low side I was starving and…
  • Hey There! Plateaus are my biggest frustration and I hit one a few weeks ago and was stuck for about three weeks, the I decided to do the Special K Challenge for 2 weeks jump starting my wt loss again. I plan to keep it as a secret weapon for when and if I reach another plateau. I lost 6lbs with the Challenge! Hope this…
  • Hey!! I have also been using for just over three months and havent checked out the forums yet! I am down 19lbs and am loving the MFP app on my iPhone!! My problem was that I never really made time to eat and would normally only eat one meal a day due to my crazy busy schedule! This program keeps me on track and eating…