Salem4321 Member


  • SW: 314.2 CW: 314.2 GW: 299.9 (optimistic for the first week) LTGW: ? First Real Goal is 252 Weigh in: Thursdays 8/8/19: 305.6 - 8.6lb 15/8/19: 22/8/19: 29/8/19: First week back on track and I'm really pleased with the result. πŸ˜€
  • SW: 314.2 CW: 314.2 GW: 299.9 (optimistic for the first week) LTGW: ? First Real Goal is 252 Weigh in: Thursdays 8/8/19: 15/8/19: 22/8/19: 29/8/19: I'm feeling confident and determined to complete this challenge. Good luck everyone and well done on all of your losses so far.
  • Height : 5'4" SW : 298 CW : 291.8 GW : 281.8 LTGW : I have no idea yet... my first big goal is to get to 256 Weigh in : Fridays 2/11/18 = 290.8 (-1) 😁 really pleased as I have slipped up a few times. 9/11/18 = 16/11/18 = 23/11/18 = 30/11/18 =
  • I'm ready to start again! Height : 5'4" SW : 298 CW : 291.8 GW : 281.8 LTGW : I have no idea yet... my first big goal is to get to 256 Weigh in : Fridays 2/11/18 = 9/11/18 = 16/11/18 = 23/11/18 = 30/11/18 =
  • Hi flameofsuzaku I've just added you too. I'm going to be rejoining next month's challenge, once I've really gotten back into the dieting/healthy eating/not stuffing cake etc into my face πŸ˜‚ thing
  • Hey everyone I'm going to be joining next month's challenge and hoping I do better than last month where I gave up! πŸ˜‚ I hope you don't mind I've tried to add you as friends if I've missed you I'm sorry and please add me. 😁
  • @Daynacrd that top is gorgeous! You're looking great!
  • Height : 5'4" SW : 298 CW : 298 GW : 291 LTGW : I have no idea yet... my first big goal is to get to 256 Weigh in : Wednesdays 12/9/18 : 293 (-5) If only I could do that every week 19/9/18 : 291 (-2) A day later than I planned to weigh in. 26/9/18 Things to be proud of this week: There's not a lot to be proud of this week.…
  • Height : 5'4" SW : 298 CW : 298 GW : 291 LTGW : I have no idea yet... my first big goal is to get to 256 Weigh in : Wednesdays 12/9/18 : 293 (-5) If only I could do that every week πŸ˜„ 19/9/18 26/9/18 Things to be proud of this week: I made it through the week. I tracked every single thing that passed my lips, including the…
  • Wow @AustinRuadhain that's brilliant! Well done
  • Hi I started yesterday too πŸ™‚ I'm 5'4" with a SW of 298. I say I started yesterday but I may have gone over my calories a lot last night. Mild (Huge) stress eater. But looking back over the day it was a normal day for me so at least I know how much I'm doing wrong πŸ˜‚ Starting fresh again today. We really can do this!
  • Hi πŸ™‚ I'm brand new to MFP and super nervous/excited/desperate. πŸ˜„ Height : 5'4" SW : 298 CW : 298 GW : 291 LTGW : I have no idea yet... my first big goal is to get to 256 Weigh in : Wednesdays 12/9/18 19/9/18 26/9/18 🀞🀞