bayhans Member


  • Just listened to the most recent podcast and cried through it, in a good way. Thank you for the recommendation!! She said so many things about thinking like a runner that I desperately needed to hear.
  • I like this a lot. Thank you 😊
  • Welcome to day 1! I hope grocery shopping went well. :)
    in Heyyy Comment by bayhans June 2019
  • Hi, I’m in a similar situation, but it’s the weekends that ruin it for me! I can stay on track Monday-Thursday, but Friday-Sunday I tend to throw out my progress. I’m looking for the same kind of eating lifestyle: mostly healthy with a few “bad” foods in between. I need treats, otherwise I’ll go crazy! :)
  • You can do it!! It sounds like you know what it will take and what kind of journey this will be for you. Highs and lows, days of frustration and days of triumph. Keep up with it, no matter how hard it gets, and your son is going to have an amazing example to follow through life. ❤️
  • This is great advice, thank you! Baby steps to building the habits again. I really appreciate all of your responses!!
  • Typo! I previously lost 20lbs, not 30.
  • Yes please! Feel free to add me for mutual support. :smile:
  • Yes! I just want to snuggle under a blanket and eat comfort food. And drink red wine. I like reading the success stories to help keep me making good decisions. And I like looking up fitness inspiration on Pinterest when I get cravings for something bad, or when I don’t want to go out to the gym because it’s cold and dark.…
  • Thank you! Just sent a request. :smile:
  • @shadow2soul Very helpful post! Thank you :smile:
  • Thanks all! I appreciate the responses. :smile:
  • Right there with you!! I was running a lot this summer, but not doing anything else and eating and drinking WAY more than I needed to. I was 11lbs up from my normal weight, got back on mfp last week....and am up 13lbs today. 😫 I’m getting dangerously close to my old weight from when I first got on mfp 4 years ago. I need…
  • I had a work dinner last night, didn’t have wine or any of the high calorie apps, AND stayed away from the extremelyyyyy delicious looking ice cream sandwiches. Normally I’m not a fan of those, but these were made in between two fresh, yummy chocolate chip cookies. And I remembered the post about it being a decision, not…
  • I have never heard of this. Thank you for mentioning it, I’m going to try it!
  • We all do embarrassing things, as these posts show. :smile: I’m happy to hear you’re ok! And hope you keep going to that class (without almost fainting, of course). My most embarrassing moment (of late) was joining my husband’s running group one night. They run through a wildlife refuge in the summer, and I was joining…
  • Good for you!! I’m back at it after getting married. Not nearly the same as having two kids, but I stopped being so diligent about eating well and exercising when I met someone. Love pounds, as my friend calls them. :smile: But I need to get back to my healthy lifestyle and drop the weight I’ve gained!
  • Keeping up with elite runners is no joke! I think that also makes you elite. :wink: And I also just finished day 1 back on the MFP wagon. It feels great! Hopefully I can stick with it to lose those 10lbs I gained back in the past year. I keep telling myself I lost more than that before, so I can do it again!
  • Wow, that’s quite the story! Good for you for getting out there, despite some serious obstacles.
  • I’ve always been a good cheerleader. And could use one myself! :smile: