anthocyanina Member


  • I'm actually Seventh-day Adventist, and looking from the inside out, there is influence in both directions. What seems like to me a dilution of the healthfulness of Seventh-day Adventist diets, as well as elements of healthfulness catching on in the local community.
  • Consider yourself lucky that your health care professionals diagnosed and are addressing your case. So many people who don't fit the typical mold for anorexia nervosa slip through the cracks. Take your enthusiasm for health and channel it into learning from and following the directions of your dietician and therapist.…
  • Thanks everyone for sharing how you track your servings! :) I'll have to check out Cronometer. I'd like to know more than the usual micros that MFP and others like it give
  • It might not be what you'd expect! There aren't many people in my usual circles who eat that way on a regular basis. There must be enough people who eat less meat and more vegetables than the national average to have a measurable health effect. Enough people are proud of the healthy image though. A few years back, when…
  • Here's the mushroom seasoning I use. Ingredients: mushroom powder, salt, mushroom extract, vitamin B, calcium. It is a super umami bomb. Great for reducing sodium (177mg per tablespoon compared to 6,976mg in table salt) without sacrificing flavor. If you ever happen to run across mushroom coffee, run far away. The basic…
  • @AnnPT77 so true! Not too long ago I received an invite to participate in a trial of powdered extract from cherries or beets, something red anyways. It was regarding exercise and VO2 max, and to participate you wouldn't be able to eat ANY foods that are good sources of antioxidants for the duration of the study! So,…
  • I need to pull what's left of the broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts out of my raised bed and prepare the bed for planting. Planning on 3 tomato plants: Roma, cherry, and some kind of heirloom, basil. Swiss chard and maybe peas from seed. I have a smallish pomegranate tree and several dragonfruit cacti that need to go…
  • Do you have the Instant Pot app? There's a whole section on vegetarian recipes. I haven't tried many yet (I mostly do rice and beans in mine as well) but some look amazing! And it tells where the recipe is from (book, blog, etc. so if you find a recipe you really like you'll know where to find more)
  • From a nutrition nerd perspective this is interesting and definitely not woo, but studies like this can lead to "superfood" status, and that's where the woo often creeps in. You take a healthful food like mushrooms (blueberries, beets, kale etc.), compare people who eat it to people who don't, and study a resulting health…
  • Here's an article that lists common foods from each of the various Blue Zones: It's interesting to see what people eat in the different places. I actually live in Loma Linda, and that list is spot on for me (like when you take one of those personality tests and…
  • About 10 years ago I went through something similar, although my doctor never gave it a name. All kinds of digestive distress from normal foods I'd eaten all my life. I would take one food out and replace it with something else, and after a short time I wouldn't be able to eat the replacement foods either. And not just…
  • My diary's open, although I don't track every day.
  • I'm addicted to all the data my Garmin gives, however I would certainly still exercise without it.
  • I go by distance, but I choose the distance based on how much time I have available. If I run faster than I estimated, I usually tack on an extra mile or half-mile to fill the extra time.
  • Love chia pudding! I use soymilk, a splash of coconut cream, maple syrup, vanilla, and top with fresh berries.
  • I try not to mindlessly eat sweets just because they are there, especially what I consider non-special sweets (donuts, twinkies, candy bars, packaged cookies, etc). To me, baklava is a special treat, and it's not around very often, so I'll let myself have one and enjoy it. Because it's super sweet and I don't eat desserts…
  • Hello, I would take favorite recipes and gradually use less salt, saturated fat, etc., adding in more vegetables, whole grains, legumes gradually. You could also look for DASH recipes that are similar to dishes you already like, just healthier. It's possible to retrain your taste buds, but it takes time. Eventually when…
  • Hello from Southern California! I just joined this group as well. When I'm at a restaurant I just try to enter things the best that I can and then not worry about it. I don't go to restaurants that often.
    in New Comment by anthocyanina March 2019
  • I'm wondering about the hair thinning thing: I used to have super thick hair but it thinned right after I gave birth (18 years ago). It also was stick straight before, but natural waves after. No noticeable change since. In fact the past year or so my hair's gotten a little bit thicker if anything. I'm curious, has anybody…
  • Popcorn pops when the water inside turns to steam, after that it evaporates so popped popcorn weighs less than unpopped. Since water has no calories, popcorn should have the same amount of calories before and after, unless you add oil, butter, etc, then it'll have more
  • The poster was probably joking (every time there's a vegetable scare the same tired old jokes make the rounds on Facebook about chocolate cake or whatever never killing anyone) but there is a grain of truth in satire & there are people who do seriously say things like that. I study nutrition & am interested in the reasons…
  • If your mother is still alive, ask her. Chances are your menopause experience will be very similar
  • I'll take my chances with fruits & vegetables, thank you. Putting a lettuce farm downstream from an industrial animal farm is just asking for trouble. Chopping and packing that lettuce into ready-to-eat bags is another source of potential contamination. Potato chips & ketchup are no substitute for potatoes, tomatoes, &…
  • Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are full of fiber and potassium. Leafy greens and other vegetables, as well as legumes for iron. With plant-based iron you'll need to eat something with vitamin C so your body can utilize the iron.
  • This ⬆️ Chao slices are tasty and the ingredients are not overly processed. Love nutritional yeast for a touch of cheesiness. I'm also not a huge cheese fan, and I'm even less of a vegan cheese fan. In general vegan cheese doesn't taste as good as real cheese and it usually has very little nutritional value, if any. So…
  • I'm another who's always cold so hot flashes at the right time can be a relief. Although other times a bit more intense than I'd like. I've started taking ground flaxseed and that brought the intensity down to a slight warmth, so all good there. My cramps were worse than natural childbirth so I'm super glad to say goodbye,…
  • Love my Instant Pot Mini! I'm mostly vegetarian, my husband is not, so we rarely eat the same foods. The Instant Pot can take care of dinner for one of us while I do the other on the stove. And we both get to enjoy a home-cooked meal.
  • For me, when I'm having a chocolate craving, the kind of chocolate absolutely matters. If it's low cocoa content, I have to eat a lot before feeling satisfied because there's not much chocolate, it's mostly sugar. With a good really dark chocolate bar, however, I'm satisfied with a lot less. Trader Joe's carries a 100%…
  • Breathe in with your nose and mouth when running. Takes a little practice at first but you'll get more air that way.
  • Maybe MFP is basing their goals on World Health Organization's recommendations for potassium intake? (3,510 mg) If you consume at least 4,700 mg of potassium, congratulations! Less than 3% of people in the US do. That's why potassium is being added to nutrition labels, in hopes of raising awareness.