sarahhinkle20 Member


  • I really like Bragg's 24 herb blends right now - the kelp version and the regular. I'm eating lots of Instant Pot meat and rice kind of meals and it's so easy to season with just one thing rather than using five different spices and herbs.
  • OP: can you tell me what your current goals are this time around? Meagan_Smart: I'm sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. How did you feel when you heard the news? Was it shocking to you or did you figure that it was coming based on symptoms you were experiencing? I hate to say it but sometimes it…
  • Hey there! I'm in my late twenties as well and am trying to lose between 60-80 lbs depending on how it looks and feels on me (I have no concept of being thin at all). I think that logging calories on here is super helpful and even if on some days you are guessing how much the calories or servings are, it's still better…
  • It might depend entirely on your motivation for why you are trying to cut out sweets/sugar/chocolate. If it's not a really good reason your brain probably will try to get it into your life one way or another. You might have to be totally convinced in your mind that it truly isn't something you want in your life before you…
  • Hi there! I'm pretty new here too. I am curious but you can only answer these questions if you feel comfortable: what did it feel like to lose the weight and then gain it back? Did you get to enjoy your time as a lighter person at all, or was your life too stressful because of the death of your sibling and your job change?…
  • Thank you for the feedback everyone! MikePTY and lorrpb: You are both right, I'm definitely worrying about a hypothetical situation. I know that the reasonable thing is to not worry about things that aren't actually happening, but it's just something my brain does. 88olds: For sure, staying in your own bubble is key, I…
  • I've lost 14 lbs so far and I didn't think I'd be able to see much difference (14 lbs sounds like nothing compared to the amount I have yet to lose) but startlingly, I can see a difference in my face. It's exciting to already see progress so early on!