Finally ready to lose the weight!

Hey guys, I’ve just started my weight loss journey and am excited to finally get down to it! As I’m into my late twenties I’ve noticed I can’t keep the weight off and keep gaining little by little. I bartender for years which kept me walking non-stop. I now have an 8-5 desk job and really struggle to find the motivation to exercise.
After the shock of gaining almost 30 pounds I’ve decided to get my health back on track. I plan on watching what I eat, drinking less (my family is a partying bunch), and exercising 2-3 times a week.
Looking for support and some friends to help me stay motivated!


  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome! I lost about 35 pounds 7 years ago, and over the last 3-4 years put most of it back on. What a bummer. So here I am again, early 30s, realizing my body doesn't want to let go of weight like it did in my mid 20s. :cry:

    Would love to be friends and hopefully help keep each other motivated!
  • jkwinters92
    jkwinters92 Posts: 4 Member
    Let’s keep each other motivated! My metabolism definitely isn’t what it used to be, but we can both get back on track. Do you have a time frame for your goal?
  • sarahhinkle20
    sarahhinkle20 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there! I'm in my late twenties as well and am trying to lose between 60-80 lbs depending on how it looks and feels on me (I have no concept of being thin at all). I think that logging calories on here is super helpful and even if on some days you are guessing how much the calories or servings are, it's still better than not tracking it at all. I have been shocked/horrified to realize how much food I was truly eating before I started logging, not to mention how far off base I was with portion sizes. It's this realization of, "Duh, no wonder I'm fat! I really was eating and drinking so much more than I really needed!"

    Does your family know you're trying to get healthy? Do you expect there will be any resistance from them, or even that you will just struggle to stick to your goals when you are around them?
  • jkwinters92
    jkwinters92 Posts: 4 Member
    I totally agree on logging food, even if you have to guess. I was also really surprised how much I was eating, it didn’t seem like a lot until a had to write all of it down. It was a huge shocker how many calories were in some of my go-to meals. That’s been the best part for me so far, I’ve been logging for almost 3 weeks and I can see the healthier choices I’m making.
    I’ve also been meal prepping breakfast and lunch, which has been fantastic.

    My family knows I’m trying to get healthy and they totally support me, but I do know it will be hard for me to stick to my goals. We love to drink and eat comfort food, which is really hard for me to turn down. But I’m determined to get this weight off!
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited May 2019
    welcome and good luck.

    I found weighing and logging food the only thing that worked for me. sometimes i need to "guess" but i try to keep that as few entries as possible (usually eating out/with others)
    Let’s keep each other motivated! My metabolism definitely isn’t what it used to be, but we can both get back on track. Do you have a time frame for your goal?

    based on your first post it doesn't sound like its related to a change in metabolism but rather you are moving around much less. weight is all about calories in VS out. the change in jobs led t many fewer calories out. And yes as we age many of us wiggle and move around less leading to lower "calorie out" but that is also not related to metabolism.
  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    Going to a desk job is so hard! Way to do something early on. Feel free to add me I am in my early 30's with quite the journey left :)
  • jkwinters92
    jkwinters92 Posts: 4 Member
    It is! I was expecting to have so much energy after work and to be counting down until I got off so I could go for a walk. It started off that way, but over the last year my energy level has decreased. I sit all day and when I get home all I want to do is sit 😫
    I’ve started off eating healthier and logging my food, but I really want today to be the day I start exercising!
    Any suggestions on beginner workouts?
  • trubulu9
    trubulu9 Posts: 1 Member
    Slow steady wins the race.... Start something like walking on treadmill or rowing machine?
    Do it consistently for a week.. And research on things you want to workout belly fat or biceps or something else....
  • mcdelong29
    mcdelong29 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! I'm in my late 20s and am having a hard time kicking my unhealthy habits and am looking to develop long term sustainable health. I'm looking to get rid of about 20 lbs and get to a weight where I feel confident and strong! Please feel free to add me - would love more friends to encourage and support each other!