real_change Member


  • I've been MIA on here for the last week. I started back to work after two months off to recover from surgery. I have a very stressful job and it's pretty much been a disaster since I returned. I'm still recovering from my surgery and didn't feel ready to go back and I was right. I do have some wonderful people on my side…
  • SW: 237 lbs (June 25 2019) GW: 165 lbs - for now LW: 228.6 lbs CW: 228.4 lbs (-0.2lbs) OL: 8.6 lbs
  • @ConfidentRaven and @merph518 There's actually a name for food not tasting as good as you remember. It's very common for people who are working on losing weight. I tried to find it with a quick Google search but couldn't. I've found this to be true as well. I also find that now I crave some of the healthier but more…
  • I should have posted my uptick after a challenging few weeks (empty nest, first travel since surgery and hosting a huge party) here. I posted under "falling off the wagon" which I didn't really like. I never felt like I was going to permanently give up, even if I wasn't always happy with my decisions. I had one day, in…
  • I knew the last week and half would be challenging and it was. I'm up 3 pounds (some is likely water weight). But I'm back in my regular routine and ready to move on. I'm sure with enough time, I'll learn to do a better job sticking more closely to my plan when things are busy and Im traveling, but it was a huge step in…
  • I knew these last two weeks were going to be rough. My youngest son moved into the dorms and I did a lot of traveling for the first time since having major surgery in June. Although I'm kind of bummed to have gained weight, posting it here and moving on is a huge step for me. In the past, I would have avoided the scale and…
  • One thing I thought of about 75+ for this group after your post. Women on average weight less than men and have smaller frames. I personally began to really feel my limitations at ~45-50 lbs. I barely made the cut for this group but feel like I can relate to everything talked about here. Just something to think on if you…
  • Wow, I cannot believe your boss did that to you. That is so wrong and in no way helpful. As if those of us who struggle with weight need anymore shame piled on. You are completely right about impaired quality of life. I have a list of reasons for why I want to lose weight and all but one are about being healthier, more…
  • I'm moving my youngest son (I have four of them) into the dorms today. Tomorrow my husband and I celebrate/grieve our empty nest with a camping trip to my new favorite spot. I'm still not fully recovered from my surgery and this is my first trip anywhere since April. I'm struggling with all of this getting me down. Feeling…
  • So wonderful to hear! Keep up the great work!
  • It took me a while to realize that there's no magic weight loss program and it was very disappointing. But if you can accept slow weight loss (and fast doesn't seem sustainable for most of us so why not?) the Boring Weight Loss System is so much gentler and involves way less suffering (from hunger or exercising too much).…
  • I'm hosting a party tonight and my son and I are making my favorite dessert. My goal is to eat maintenance today and limit calories from alcohol. My other goals are to have a ton of fun since my youngest moves into the dorms on Saturday. I don't want to waste time being nervous about eating too much or being upset that I…
  • @NovusDies Random thought, certainly not related to your last post, I want a laugh reaction choice on this site. 😉
  • So true. I’ve done this too many times to count. I’m so much happier this time around being focused on slow weight loss. It really takes the sting out of the scale (every .10 loss is a victory and every .3 uptick gets shrugged off as long as I’m trending down) and I’m enjoying myself so much more. I also have enough to…
  • That’s incredible progress, @Jackie9003! I’m down 11 lbs since June, and don’t look different yet at all. We’ll get there!
  • I also struggled on Monday and ate over my calorie goal. I really like thinking of it as a hungry day because that’s exactly what it feels like. I used to just try and muscle through but I’d eventually break and go on a crazy binge. This time I logged it all and tried one new thing that seemed to work for me. I wanted to…
  • SW: 237 lbs (June 25 2019) GW: 165 lbs - for now LW: 228.4 lbs CW: 225.6 lbs (-2.8 lbs) OL: 11.4 lbs Love having a weekly place to share this!
  • Easing back into work this week after nearly three months off. I have a fellowship proposal due at the beginning of October and I need to move forward with it this week. My plan for today: -spend 1 hour on my proposal draft -first real work meeting -email advisors (most dreaded thing on this list!) -eat within the lower…
  • It’s been a good week for the group! Congrats to everyone who posted this week!
  • @NovusDies I’m going to give that a try!
  • @merph518 Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is so encouraging and inspiring. I’m constantly telling my kids that change is always possible as long as your alive. I guess we change after we die too but that’s gross and you get the point. ; ) I’ve lost and gained the same 80 lbs for the last 10 years. I can’t…
  • @novusdies and @dhiammarath Breakfast! Such a struggle. I do need to eat breakfast but it takes like 2 hours before I can handle real food in my stomach after I wake up. Which makes it hard to do and leave for work on time. It’s also a struggle because I’m trying to eat when I’m actually hungry and stop when I’m just full…
  • @kosseychick Thank you and I also wish you well! Family is tricky. My husband loves me very much but he’s never struggled with obesity and doesn’t get it. However, I’ve been talking more openly about my shame and sadness over my struggles and things he says that inadvertently hurt me. It’s actually been really good for…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is a huge milestone! Great job persevering!🎊
  • I love that quote too but I know it a little differently, not that I think it changes the meaning. “The only way on is through.” That quotes has gotten me through some very difficult times.
  • @merph518 pretty much summed up my thoughts. I would also add that as someone currently recovering from major surgery that has been slow and with complications that included a 911 call and an ambulance to the hospital, I’m so glad I listened to my doctor and had the surgery. I was suffering in ways I didn’t even realize…
  • I want to: -Do everything on my to do list (I’m a notorious procrastinator) -Walk 5000 steps -Come up with a few more “emergency foods” close to my office. (If curious see my post in lifestyle thread) -have fun hanging out with my friend tonight!
  • My user name is real_change because I want to learn how to live at a healthy weight permanently. I think that means it has to be a lifestyle not a diet. I’ve learned a lot from you all that I’ve been incorporating into my day to day and it’s been really great. Like planning maintenance days and not denying myself things I…
  • @tinkerbellang83 Thanks for sharing your weight lifting video. I was looking for something just like it for when I’m able to start working out again.
  • Today I want to go for a walk, eat within my calories (lower end of range) and have fun playing a new board game with my friend.