Gorgeous 😍
Well let me just clear my emotional calendar 😉 Now look at at all that emotional availability 🤣
If you're not making a dramatic change in weight the scale can be very confusing, even at your size your weight could fluctuate several pounds in a day just from water. You could be losing a pound or two of fat and not seeing it on the scale if you are holding water. Likewise if you are that small but have a "chubby" face…
Reading some of the posts in here is a bitter irony as to why I'm single.. I caught my ex cheating through this app, and it looks like she's not the only one doing it lol
I normally have pretty good will power when it comes to food. But recently on a "cheat day" I discovered the magic of chocolate ice cream topped with peanut butter, and it's kind of a major problem for me now...I wonder if this is what heroin addiction is like lol.
Today is 2k swim, then chest and shoulders. I'll probably break that up into two separate workouts because I'm pretty worn out from work last night.
I have the same problem, it's frustrating because I wake up so early for work, and every night I just lay there and watch the time I have to sleep tick away knowing I'll feel like crap the next day. 😒
Hard work pays off... You look amazing 😍
I agree with mammabear anyone who is hating on your success isn't a good friend/family member. I've run into a lot of people acting negative towards me when I am accomplishing a goal. I'm not sure why, but I've also noticed that people are always quick to encourage me to break my diet and eat junk food, and no one ever…
Anytime 😘 You've totally got this... Whatever it is 😂🤣
You don't need to practice/train, just immediately enter a competition. You'll totally win 😉
Good posture, gets me every time.
Aww thank you ☺️. I find research to be pretty useless for diet and exercise purposes, as absurd as that sounds. If you look at enough sources it seems like you can find both a contradiction and confirmation for just about anything.
Because I don't have an Instagram 🤔
I eat low carb, I've found it can be great for leaning out, or maintenance. I've only ever been able to put on size by eating cards. So it depends on what your goals are. If you care for my 2cents I find a high protein approach to low carb to be more beneficial, I aim for 45/50/5 pro/fat/carb.
Mine haven't, some of my tattoos are from when I was only 180lbs, I've gotten up to 275lbs and am now around 215.. they all look the same. I think the bird on the inside of my arm may have gotten a little taller,but that might just be wishful thinking lol.
I'm working today, so I'm limited to what I can do with dumbbells and and a pull up bar.
For me it's when I realize there's more coffee in the pot when I thought I'd had the last cup.
None for me, I've always preferred dogs.
4oz beef patty with two poached eggs
Hey, feel free to add me and maybe we can keep each other accountable.
It's extremely difficult to come up with an exact number of calories that you need to eat daily, on any given day your body's needs can change. Also keep in mind a calorie eaten is not always a calorie absorbed. Apps like this one are a big help for people who are way off in their daily food intake, and cannot maintain or…
When getting into lifting soreness and shock to the central nervous system can be a big setback. Always remember that your body was designed to move itself endlessly, meaning that as you condition yourself through consistent training you can always do as much bodyweight exercises as you want. These will not have any effect…
For the most part the calorie goals on here are pretty accurate. The caveat to any daily calorie goal is that lean mass (muscle) needs calories, and fat doesn't. So if you have a higher body fat percentage you might consider dialing back the calories some, but any adjustments should be small. Losing one pound per week…
The hiking, especially with the weighted pack should be a good tool in losing weight. Adding a pack recruits a lot more muscles than normal walking, and therefore burns more calories. In my experience diet has the biggest impact on body composition, but workouts tend to bring more satisfaction and help motivation.
I'm new to this app but it seems to be a great tool for dieting, and tracking what you eat. I wish you the best on your weight loss goal. I'm currently losing weight after two years of gaining on purpose (and now regretting it) feel free to add me, maybe we can share healthy meal ideas and workouts.
Judging by your past success with weight loss I'm sure you'll have no problem getting back to where you want to be. I can definitely relate on the temptation of sweets, its always been the biggest struggle for me. For your upcoming home I recommend working in a lot of stairs and hills, those work your legs much different…