tnh2o Member


  • I value comfort and sleep. Even when backpacking I carry an air mattress that fits into a sleeve on my sleeping bag and an inflatable pillow. I highly recommend the inflatable pillow - they are cheap, lightweight and small.
    in 60 yrs and up Comment by tnh2o August 8
  • Disclaimer. In my professional life I am an accountant who is still trying to retire. I can keep track of just about anything. In my private life I don't want to count anything including calories, but that is one exception where I just have to force myself. To those of you who track all kinds of other things - sleep,…
    in 60 yrs and up Comment by tnh2o July 26
  • I'm someone who could be considered particularly active. In the past there has been masters swimming, triathlons, long runs (10+ miles). The last 10 years or so it's been mostly hiking, backpacking, and kayaking. And I have really slowed down. I gauge my fitness not on what I do but on how well I recover. Yesterday I went…
    in 60 yrs and up Comment by tnh2o May 12
  • @PlentyofProtein00 That place is great. I've been there several times.
  • It's not as scary as it looks. Really.
  • @AnnPT77 Also, moving gets easier when a person starts manageably, gradually moving more. Over the last year or so I've lost 10 pounds and the difference it makes surprises me every day. I am not a large person and still need to lose another 10-15 pounds but everything physical - even sleeping - has gotten easier.
    in 60 yrs and up Comment by tnh2o April 5
  • Ten minutes to log? That's like one of those 30 minute recipes that takes me an hour and a half.
  • I've been on MFP for years but have only recently gotten serious about logging all my food. I log even when I've gone off the rails and even if my food intake wasn't ideal it was never as bad as I thought it would be. It really feels like a lot of work, but oh so necessary! I was surprised today to discover my recommitment…
  • My mother who was a fit, slender woman didn't rake the leaves in her small yard. She picked them up! I think she was just energetic and bored. I am also energetic bored but won't go out and pick up leaves. I literally live in a forest.
  • Over the holidays I got the flu type A and then pneumonia. Needless to say I did not have a weight gain and unlike a character in The Devil Wears Prada I am not celebrating illness to achieve weight loss. Be aware that symptoms for those over 65 can be very different than for younger people. With the pneumonia I actually…
    in 60 yrs and up Comment by tnh2o January 5
  • I spent yesterday doing trail maintenance, mostly cutting back a plant called dog hobble. AnnPT77 today is my birthday
  • @Ernest_Nigma I am also a swimmer and hope to do another triathlon next year. I've had a frozen shoulder for the past year that is finally thawing out. (I don't think that is the correct medical term, but anyway). When I get back in the pool I'm going to use a snorkel until my flexibility improves. We all have to do what…
  • in 60 yrs and up Comment by tnh2o June 2023
  • Due to some health issues I was pretty much dormant in 22 but things seem to be under control. Between work, the flu and a breakup I've lost 10 pounds. It also helps that I'm back to walking regularly, avoiding sugar, reducing carbs and thanks to the nearby Mennonite market I will have access to fresh produce until…
    in 60 yrs and up Comment by tnh2o June 2023
  • As a tax accountant I have no issue with people doing their own tax returns. I still work during tax season, otherwise known as spring. I regularly get clients who used TurboTax and they'll send me their prior year return. It will be over 100 pages! Only 7 of those pages are an actual tax return. When I do retire I will…
  • @ythannah "Mind you, this lady is 5'11" so physical fear was less of a factor for her." This is an example of heightism. I'm short but have the temperament of a honey badger.
    in Height-ism? Comment by tnh2o March 2022
  • There's a lot that is not known about alpha gal. Some who have it can't even be around meat on a grill. Some can't eat dairy. I went dairy free for a while but seems I can tolerate it in limited quantities. Rennet from calves made me sick so no Parmigiana Reggiano. I read where some can tolerate venison. The hardest part…
    in Alpha-gal Comment by tnh2o January 2022
  • @Mumof3ms I've been pretty active my whole life and can still get overwhelmed. 2021 was not a good year for me healthwise but now that I feel better I'm trying to improve my fitness. I started with big plans and little follow through. I scaled back the plan to walking and adding other activities (yoga, stretching, some…
  • Walking poles are also called trekking poles. Make sure you have them adjusted to the proper height. I have problems with my hands wrists and elbows so I don't always use them when I hike.
  • I've had a five year plan since I was 16 yet by most measures - including mine - I have been spectacularly UNsuccessful. But things could be a whole lot worse and I'm in a relatively good spot now. @ReenieHJ It doesn't hurt if you happened to have been born a white male.
  • @AnnPT77 I know what you mean. I could talk about swimming technique all day and don't get me started on the hiking stuff. BTW there is no "right" way to hike just be prepared.
  • @cwolfman13 I stayed home with my children before they became school age and paid a huge financial price. When I tried to find a job the interviewer's eyes would glaze over when I gave the reason for being out of the work force. I would have been more employable had I been incarcerated, in a coma or in a convent. I was…
  • @richum1960 Which lake?
  • So much confusion surrounding taxes. S-corporations must pay corporate officers a salary, C-Corp pays all employees salaries (including owners), partnerships don't pay taxes but the partners do (including social security and medicare if the partner actively participates), and the self-employed pay taxes (including social…
  • I'm an accountant. I think everyone should know how much it costs them to just live: rent/mortgage, auto/transportation, insurance, medical, food, utilities, toiletries. Anything extra is disposable income even if you couldn't imagine living without say, wine or pets. For me it's about 24K a year. I have a very comfortable…
  • Two weeks ago a friend was admitted to the local hospital. He had E Coli, was septic and had renal failure. The nurse said that if he had come to the hospital (the only hospital in our county) 4 weeks earlier he would not have been admitted and would have been sent home. He would have died. Four weeks earlier the hospital…
  • I like wool but have 2 fleece shirts my sister donated to me over 10 years ago. I wear them hiking all the time when it's cool. I also have a cheap fleece jacket that I received as a gift that I wear a lot. In fact, I'm wearing them in my profile picture. I'm just trying to reduce the amount of stuff I have and not buy…
  • 5'1". It has it's advantages.
  • Check out U.S. Masters swimming for videos and workouts. And please shower BEFORE you get in the pool. BTW, butterfly is my favorite stroke.
    in Swimming Comment by tnh2o October 2021
  • My pet hate at the gym? Everything. Needless to say, I don't use a gym.