Jacq_qui Member


  • So happy you found something that works. Looking great imo!
  • Feel you on that! For what it's worth I've been listening to a podcast about how cortisol levels impact fat. This first bit is on stress then it goes into (quite a bit of) biochemistry, but it's really interesting and definitely made me reassess the importance of managing stress. Every bit of knowledge helps imo!…
  • Hope you are better soon, sounds very tough. Breastfeeding burns a lot of calories and it's hard to look after yourself when you've got a little one, hang in there:)
  • I relied too heavily upon exercise when I lost weight last time. I got plantar fasciitis and had to stop walking for exercise - gained a few kgs! I swore this time that I'd only do exercise that is part of my life, rather than exercising for weight loss. If that makes sense? I guess I'm saying, losing weight with just food…
  • Hi, there are lots of resources on intuitive eating and it's also covered in the Ten Percent Happier podcast which might provide an overview. I would love to do that, but I'm not there yet! -You don't say what your goals are? Sometimes anxiety can come from realising what we are putting into our body, yet there are no good…
  • I'm gonna be a bit out there and say a set of dumbbells and an exercise mat :) They take up almost no space (at least the starting weights) and you can store them under a sofa or a bed. You can use them for numerous exercises, you can find plenty of different types of work outs on you tube, different intensities, styles,…
  • Yeah this is really tricky, I have often found in a house with multiple uses, simply not enough space and many demands on my time. Eventually I joined a gym! if I'm out, I'm out! Also I'd say you owe it yourself to feel good about yourself and if that means doing some daily exercise, you deserve that. It's also, in the…
    in Exercise Comment by Jacq_qui February 1
  • Just reading these posts reminds me that we all carry pain of the non-physical type around with us as much as the physical. It's quite a lot for people to carry around with them. Reducing our bodyfat has so many positives though, it's sometimes hard to see the bigger picture when we're battling with the other things we've…
  • feel free to add me, I go through phases of anxiety - exercise that is regular and sustainable is essential for me. It helps keep me going and keeps anxiety (and diet) under control. The same is true for good sleep - neither of these things are easy when things are difficult though! When I haven't been able to exercise due…
  • This week my days off were Monday and Tuesday. Workouts A and B are 80-90mins. Wednesday, weights (workout A) + 15 min stationary bike HIIT. Thursday, 1350m swim, karate (1hr class) Friday, weights (workout B) + bodyweight matrix Saturday, 30min bodyweight HIIT at home (Caroline Girvan) Tomorrow/Sunday, weights (workout A)…
  • UK? US? Somewhere else? Also, IME, what you mix it with makes a huge difference. I mix with coconut milk which has a whole bunch of good stuff in it and a slight flavour, whereas product suggests water is ok!
  • If I asked someone to spot, that would mean I was worried about being in a position I couldn't get out of, like a chest press or something. You haven't done anything wrong - Maybe he just panicked?
  • That's great!! Long may it continue!
  • @MurphmomSparkles Hi, sorry, just seen this. Mine actually pull on my wrists a bit, so you might not find it any more comfortable. But there are a lot of different types - I have bear grips - but more traditional straps which bind around might be more supportive!? I've also started doing some grip training in between sets…
  • Never thanked you for replying to this - I use this mixed grip for all my warm up weights now - straps for heavy lifts :)
  • How about lifting some weights whilst seated?
  • So in an update to my grip issues, I've developed mild arthritis in my thumbs - I've resorted to some straps! Tried out today, they're great! Should have done it ages ago!
  • I have a fitbit inspire 3, which I love. I have had more expensive fitbits, but didn't need the functionality and the battery life was poor. It has a small colour screen. It can connect to my phone for GPS, although I tend to track walks through the app on my phone anyway. It tracks steps, sleep and activity like yoga,…
  • I think swimming is fabulous for cardio, stamina and all over strength without putting significant impact on joints. I am not a big cardio fan, but with swimming I can push myself and tire myself out in a much more enjoyable way. It definitely burns calories, and I always feel it works muscles in a way I can't replicate…
  • Hey, this looks like a good thread. I restarted the New Rules of Lifting Weights which I started ten years ago and never made to the end as I was pregnant and eventually the bump got in the way. I've lifted on and off since then, depending on life. I've tried a few plans, but decided to go back to this one. Book and pencil…
  • YES!! huge congrats.
  • I second chewing gum. And / or brushing teeth lol
  • another vote for just asking the staff. My school kids have allergies, staff are definitely planning what ingredients and how much goes into stuff :)
  • Great thread. My grip keeps giving out and I'm very slow to add any weight now to my DL, and starting to affect pull downs. I've just started to get arthritis in both thumbs so thinking I might not get much further - although it's my little fingers that give out first. Feels like grip strength is really important and maybe…
  • That looks great, i'd like that as I struggle with confidence when adding weight to my squats. Sorry can't help with your questions though.
  • Hi, I take fish oil supplements most days (ie, those that I remember!) and I can tell you I'm not losing weight from them! i have to work hard to lose weight and log religiously every little thing to stay under! I hope you are having a good day today and feel like you can eat.
  • I disagree that the husbands weight is the husbands business. Sure, he's the only one who can change it, but it sounds like the poster is concerned he'll wind up with an early death, and that does affect the OP quite significantly IMO. For some people, maybe weight loss for loved ones is a better way to start if you don't…
  • Heya, I'm Stay at home mum and post grad student, feel free to add me!
  • Nice. I've used a ball under my feet for planks, but not that way around.
  • Hard work has paid off, you look great, well done!