Women who Lift Weights (and do so many other things)

Hey Ladies!
This discussion is meant for women who find ways to exercise while maintaining a career, running a household, and taking care of a family, all at once. Life is hard and juggling everything at once can be challenging, exhausting, and yet satisfying at the same time. Here's place to post your work outs, your goals, your challenges, your hiccups, express support for one another, be each other's cheerleaders, and most importantly, a place for keeping yourself accountable.

My name is Nicole and I have been a member of myfitnesspal for a little over ten years. At first, I just counted calories. Then came exercise. Exercise at first was pure cardio - that runner's high. I learned a lot in the beginning; for example, training for a marathon and consuming 1200 calories per day is NOT ideal or sustainable and the bottom line was, I couldn't preform in my best athletic ability, I wasn't the best version of myself. I then began to change how I approached fitness and exercise - and I began to explore different kinds of work outs like HIIT and strength training. After my workouts started to change, I realized my nutrition needed to change as wel lto support my body in what I asked it to do. And then the idea of macros entered into my life and I have never gone back.

So after three marathons, countless half marathons, 15ks, 10ks and 5ks, as well as two power lifting competitions with my better half, I work out and eat for me now. I pay attention to my mood, my sleeping habits, how I feel in and out of my clothes and my energy levels in comparison to my type of work outs as well as my diet. For me, strength training three days a week, cardio once weekly, eating between 1500-1800 calories per day with 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat (on an ideal day), and at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night gives me my best version of me. Now add that on top of a demanding career and running a household at the same time - life is hard. So I forgive myself when I do less than four work outs a week, I forgive myself when meal prepping was easier with more carbs. But what I don't do is make a pattern out of that forgiveness because I choose a lifestyle where my mood is good, my energy is high and I like the way I feel.

I encourage you ladies to post. Post what you want. I will be posting my work outs for the week (maybe one post weekly if I'm able to) and more importantly, how I felt, did I have the energy, how was my form, did I get delayed onset of muscle soreness (?), etc. All exercise is encouraged.

I had a hard time finding a discussion that involved women who are juggling it all and yet trying to make exercise a priority. I had a hard time finding a discussion where women felt confident in lifting weights and making strength gains. So here's mine - post if you want! N.


  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    Sundays are leg day. I use to hate leg day but now it has become one of my most favorite lifting days. I do get delayed onset of muscle soreness - usually 48 hours after the work out my legs are toast. And I love it! Warming up and cooling down is a must for me or the DOMS is debilitating for me (I know, if I did legs more than once weekly, I wouldn't be so sore).

    When I was at my strongest - about 1.5 years ago, I was squatting 205lbs for reps, conventional deadlift 235lbs for reps, sumo deadlift at 235lbs, chest press 115lbs (ugh, chest) for reps at I am 5'0" and 130lbs (if you must know). I was making massive gains in my strength training summer of last year while training for my third marathon. Once I hit 16miles on my long run for marathon training, I realized I wasn't going to be able to make strength gains and eat for strength, while also achieving my goal of 4hrs and 20mins for my marathon time. So, attempted to just maintain strength, but it inevitably decreased while training for the marathon became my priority. We can get all into slow twitch vs fast twitch muscle fibers, but let's not. In the end, I did make my marathon goal time of 4 hours and 20mins for the Hartford Marathon last year, Oct 2023! My adjustment in my nutrition and my fitness paid off; I set a goal and I accomplished it. Shortly after my marathon, I tore my left hamstring in Jan of 2023. Injuries suck y'all. It took me forever to be able to confidently start to lift weights again. In the back of my mind I was constantly thinking, are you gonna tear it again, are you gonna hurt it again. There was a major mental block that I had to over come as well as allowing myself to heal.

    Fast forward to now - Oct of 2023. Leg Day.
    My work outs are "fit into" my every day. My work outs are between 30-50mins long as I don't truly have time for more. Also, you can fit in an awesome work out in that time frame, trust me. I don't follow any program. I group exercises that feel good to me, that challenge my heart rate and my strength and I adjust as needed. This is a judgement free space so unless there is positive feedback, keep negativity to yourself - no room for that in my life! Remember, life is busy as it is! And besides what works for someone doesn't necessarily work for someone else. I have free weights, kettle bells, benches, squat rack and squat stand, and a basement.

    Two groups, three exercises. Three sets with 8 reps each.
    Group 1 -
    1. Leg Extensions 90lbs
    2. Split Squats 25lb DBs in each hand
    *I loathe this exercise. I do it as it is great for my gluts however I feel like I can never feel comfortable in my form. My spacing for my legs is never quite right - too close, too separated. Do I put just my toes on the bench or the entire top of my foot? Barefoot or with sneakers? For the first time in a while, I felt great with split squats. I kept my legs just a little wider than shoulder length, placed the entire top of my foot on the bench and kept my torso angle the same as my shin. Nailed it!
    3. Front Squats 95lb bar

    Group 2 -
    1. Back Squats 135lb bar
    *will increase by 10lbs next week*
    2. Laying hamstring curls 35lbs
    3. Walking lunges 25lb DBs in each hand
    *will consider increasing next week to 30lb DB in each hand*

    Ok ladies, til next time. Tomorrow for me is shoulders, bis and tris. Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 812 Member
    edited October 2023
    I’ll join, great idea for a thread! I got back into lifting weights three months ago. Right now, I am trying to mostly lose weight (by eating less). I have 10-15 more pounds to lose to get into my most comfortable range. In the gym, my focus is on rebuilding basic fitness habits and some strength. Also in PT to address some imbalances I noticed, i.e. a tight hip flexor that makes squatting uncomfortable, perhaps from sitting too much at work. I’m 45, so I will prioritize mobility and joint and spine health over “lifting heavy”, but plan to use weight lifting as a way to build and maintain strength in the long run.

    Also, I currently do 2-3 full body workouts per week, in the early evening after work….may post them here as I go. Still feeling out what exercise routine will be best long term, but my time is pretty limited as well.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 812 Member
    edited October 2023
    Today’s workout:
    Stationary bike to warm up, then (out of order):
    Leg press (no squats due to tight flexor)
    Overhead Dumbbell Press
    Tricep Pushdown (working tricep due to ellbow issue)
    Lat pulldowns
    Abduction machine
    Balance board 2 min each way
    Dumbbell banded glute bridge
    Skull crushers
    3 x 60 second sprints on the rower
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 429 Member
    Hey, this looks like a good thread. I restarted the New Rules of Lifting Weights which I started ten years ago and never made to the end as I was pregnant and eventually the bump got in the way.

    I've lifted on and off since then, depending on life. I've tried a few plans, but decided to go back to this one. Book and pencil is quite oldskool really, but it works for me. Although the tagline says 'lift like a man', I've yet to see any man do bulgarian split squats in the gym! (Which I also hate and also never feel stable re having my feet in the right place!)

    I've now reached the end of stage 2 of a six month programme (three works out / week, but alternating sessions, so you end up with A/B/A on week 1, and then B/A/B on week 2 etc). I've been doing RDL's from a box which is new, which increase the range of motion, and weirdly made me drop the weight a bit to 60kg/132lbs. One of the work outs calls for HIIT on a bike at the end of it, which kills me after split squats, RDLs and reverse lunge from a box. I do wonder what i'll do after NROL. I like having it all planned out!

    I have mild arthritis in my hands (I'm 44!) so i've just ordered some wrist straps to help my grip, not planning on using them for every exercise though.

    I also do Karate, which I started this year. Missed the last grading in the summer so still stuck on yellow belt! Such is life.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 812 Member
    Tuesday 10/31: PT, mainly focusing on hip mobility and butt strength.

    Wednesday 11/1 and Thursday 11/2: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 1. Couldn’t get to the gym this week, so this was a quick workout. Not super hard for me anymore, but always fun and something different from what I normally do.

    Friday 11/3: Gym, slightly longer warmup on stationary bike (20 min today), it’s something my PT instructor thinks is beneficial.

    Assisted pull ups
    Tricep Rope Pushdowns
    TRX squats
    TRX pull ups
    kettlebell deadlift
    barbell banded glute bridges
    side clams banded
    skull crushers
    incline pushups
  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    Sunday Leg Day! Though didn't feel good today...kept telling myself...if people are running the NYC marathon today in about 2 hours, I can do leg day for 40 mins! It didn't provide me enough motivation but in the end, I got it done.
    Group 1 -
    1. Leg Extensions 90lbs
    2. Split Squats 25lb DBs in each hand
    Felt great, two weeks in a row, consider increasing next week
    3. Front Squats 95lb bar
    Increase next week

    Group 2 -
    1. Back Squats 135lb bar/145lb bar/145lb bar
    2. Laying hamstring curls 35lbs
    3. Walking lunges 30lb DBs in each hand

    Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • gmcurtis
    gmcurtis Posts: 24 Member
    You sound a lot like me! Started out all diet (first with WW). Exercise came later. I slowly got into running and then weight lifting and then I started paying more attention to calories and macros. I've done running distances between 5K and marathon, two sprint triathlons, and am starting to consider myself an endurance athlete as I push myself further. Currently I strength train 3 days a week, swim twice, run once, and cycle to work 5 days per week. Next year I have a lot of races planned, 3 of which are triathlons (including my first Ironman!) and 4 road races between 5K and half marathon (though I might switch to full marathon).

  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    You go girl - switch to the full, why pay the price for a half when you can pay "just a little more" and run twice the distance :wink:

    Monday 11/06 SHOULDERS, BIS and TRIS
    Kept similar to last week, did the second half of exercises this time -
    Three Exercises, 10 reps, 9 reps, 8 reps, all the way down to 1rep.
    Lateral raise to front raise - 8lbs DBs
    Hammer Curl - 20lbs DBs
    Bent Over Tricep Kick Back - 12lbs DBs

    Wednesday 11/08 CARDIO
    30 different exercises (from squat jumps to mountain climbers, to plank jacks, to push ups, and many many more like those) 45 seconds ON, 15 seconds OFF - straight through til all exercises done

    Thursday 11/09 CHEST/BACK DAY
    Three groups, two exercises each, three sets, between 8-10 reps
    Group 1
    Push Ups - 25 wide, 25 narrow, 25 normal (ugh, next week will increase to 26, I typically increase when I can do all three versions straight through without taking any breaks)
    Bent Over Rows - 25lbs DBs 10 reps (next week will increase to 30lbs each hand)
    Group 2
    Chest Fly - 20lbs DBS 10 reps
    Sumo Dead Lift - 155lbs, 8 reps
    Group 3
    Chest Press - 35lbs DBS 10 reps (next week increase to 40lbs each hand)
    Deficit Dead Lift - 135lbs, 8 reps (next week increase)
    *many exercises here to increase next week*
    Didn't realize how much the cardio work out killed my abs - until I did chest and back day, difficult to stabilize the core because it hurt :smiley:

    Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    Sunday Leg Day!
    Group 1 -
    1. Leg Extensions 90lbs
    2. Split Squats 30lb DBs in each hand
    3. Front Squats 105lbs bar

    Group 2 -
    1. Back Squats 145lb bar
    2. Laying hamstring curls 35lbs
    3. Walking lunges 30lb DBs in each hand
    The rest of the week may be a struggle - I took on two extra shifts at work this coming week. All the meal prepping got done yesterday and each meal is weighed out and in individual containers, which will help in the food department. I'll do what I can - this is what this discussion is all about...women who do so many things!

    Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • Brigit_1
    Brigit_1 Posts: 209 Member
    @nicolemaurerdvm I've recently rejoined MFP for the millionth time. (ok maybe not millionth) I'm a stay-at-home wife but I take my role as homemaker seriously. I need to get into a workout routine that I can maintain and would like to join a group of women with similar goals who can share their feedback.

    I don't work outside the home so please let me know if this isn't the right group for me.
  • Jessiftw1421
    Jessiftw1421 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Not sure if this has already been done in this group or not.. but i'm heavily motivated by competing on Apple Watch and none of my friends like to compete lol

    I believe you can add users by emails (phone #'s don't have to be shared) if anyone would like to do this!
    My email is Jessiannhumberd@gmail.com

    Happy Monday!
  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    Anyone can join … whether you work outside the home or not. This is just a discussion where women can be proud of how much they juggle while not feeling judged in anyway but rather supported. We do what we can with life in the moment.
    Unfortunately I don’t have an Apple Watch but that truly sounds like a great idea!! A little competition can be a fantastic motivator!!

    Monday 11/13 - cardio day. Very similar to last week, changed up the exercises. In the beginning this never feels taxing and then about 1/2 to almost 3/4 of the way completed, I really start to feel it and those 45 seconds are long!!
    30 different exercises (from jumping lunges and burpees to mountain climbers and bicycle crunches, and many many more like those) 45 seconds ON, 15 seconds OFF - straight through til all exercises done

    Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • Brigit_1
    Brigit_1 Posts: 209 Member

    Cardio 30 minutes
    Some upper body work using 10 lb weights
    Some core and glute work
    Cool down stretch

    Slowly introducing my body to weights again.

  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    Well this week didn’t go as planned but still got in three work outs… sorry chest/back day, didn’t quite get to you. And I forgive myself for it!

    Wednesday 11/15/23 Shoulders, Bis and Tris
    6 exercises, 10 reps each, three sets - straight through
    Warm up
    Shoulder press - 20lbs x 2, 25lbs x 1 (ugly last set)
    Bent over tricep rows - 12lbs x 2, 15lbs x 1 (good)
    Bicep curls - 20lbs
    Front raise to later raise - 8lbs
    Skull crusher - 15lbs
    Hammer curls - 20lbs
    Cool down

    Not a fan of shoulders, bis and tris but this workout was good - nice to go back after changing it up the last two weeks. Tomorrow is leg day!
    Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    This week will actually be a deload week. 10 weeks without deload, I usually go a cycle of 8 weeks…so deload week. Work outs will be much lighter weights, more cardio/HIIT style without being completely taxed.

    Sunday 11/19
    Warm up
    10 exercises, 25 reps each, 2 rounds. 500 rep workout
    Chest flys 20lbs DBs
    Reverse grip bent over row 20lbs DBs
    Ab in and outs
    Cyclist Squats 30lbs DBs
    One DB bicep curl 30lb DB
    Tricep Press 15lbs DBs
    Forward Lunges 25lbs DBs
    Seated Shoulder Press 15lbs DBs
    Hip Swings 35lb KB
    Stiff legged deadlift 25lbs DBs
    Cool Down

    Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 429 Member
    This week my days off were Monday and Tuesday. Workouts A and B are 80-90mins.

    Wednesday, weights (workout A) + 15 min stationary bike HIIT.
    Thursday, 1350m swim, karate (1hr class)
    Friday, weights (workout B) + bodyweight matrix
    Saturday, 30min bodyweight HIIT at home (Caroline Girvan)
    Tomorrow/Sunday, weights (workout A) + 15 min stationary bike HIIT

    Next week I want to add a pilates class in!
  • nicolemaurerdvm
    nicolemaurerdvm Posts: 34 Member
    Monday 11/20 -
    Warm up
    Cardio 45 on, 15 off, thirty different exercises
    Cool down

    Tuesday 11/21 -
    Warm up
    Total body strength AMRAP style
    Three groups, each group for 6 mins
    Group 1
    Squat, bicep curl, alternating marches - 20lbs DBs
    Group 2
    Hip swing, clean, bent over row - 35lb KB
    Group 3
    Chest press, right side plank, left side plank
    Cool down

    Wednesday 11/22
    Warm up
    Cardio 45 on, 15 off, thirty different exercises
    Cool down

    Sunday 11/26 Leg Day
    Warm up
    1. Elevated heel squats - 50lbs DBs each hand (replaced leg extensions)
    2. Split Squats 30lb DBs in each hand
    3. Front Squats 105lbs bar (will go up)

    Group 2 -
    1. Back Squats 145lb bar x 1, 155lb bar x 2
    2. Laying hamstring curls 35lbs
    3. Walking lunges 30lb DBs in each hand
    Cool Down

    Lift hard, lift strong, lift smart. N
  • Brigit_1
    Brigit_1 Posts: 209 Member
    So far I've been working out daily.
    Cardio everyday and weights every other day. (today I did weights)
    Cardio is anywhere from 20 - 30 minutes, weights about 20 minutes and daily stretch about 15 minutes.

    Definitely see some improvement. (Debating if I want to lose a little more weight.)