jilltaylor86 Member


  • I'm in the same boat as you....except mine doesn't smoke, but drinks daily. And also has a heart condition from about ten years ago. And hereditary high blood pressure. I'm about out of options to motivate him, so if you find something that works, let me know :(
  • Me too. Worth every cent.
  • Just tell them you need to use it. This happened to me, a big muscly guy was sitting and texting on a machine I needed, so I just politely asked to work in and he moved his *kitten* quite quickly. I think you're being a little sensitive. You pay money and you have the right to use it. If it's a real issue, talk to a…
  • I have a digital Ozeri, I like it a lot, it gives consistent and accurate readings. I think I paid around $14.
  • Who cares? Your body, your business. If you don't know that fast food is unhealthy then you're just stupid. But if you wanna eat it that's your business and what I eat is mine.
  • Eff that guy! What a horrible, superficial way to act and hurt someone they "love". When I was 18, I dated a guy who didn't seem to have an issue with my weight until his mom started talking about how fat she thought I was, then he started making mean comments as well. That guy was a jack @ss, and breaking up with him was…
  • Zuzka Light on youtube. She is AMAZING and the workouts are only 10-15 minutes.
  • I just got the set and did Month 1 first workout today and it was so hard! But I absolutely adore Zuzka, she's beautiful, motivating, sweet, and she's working hard! I love that SHE is doing the workout, not two non-stop smiling robots in the background. I'm not a fan of JM for those very reasons, I find her very loud and…
  • I feel like most of the women defending her probably are doing so because they want to feel better about their own bodies...I wouldn't call her fat. She's way skinnier than me. But her body is just WEIRD. She has huge boobs yes, but her toros is thick, and lumpy. She has no butt whatsoever. I'm not hating, I'm not jealous.…
  • I am trying to eat "clean", since I've realized doing low carb or low fat isn't going to work for me. Just healthy, balanced foods.
  • I'm female and don't have children, but if I did I'd let my kid play with whatever toy they want. I strongly believe in being who you are, not following gender based stereotypes. I played with my brother's toys when I was a kid because I thought they were "cooler" than mine. I would care more about making my child happy…
  • why does it matter...I have size 10's and 12's and even a few 8's in my closet...they all fit differently. It's just a number on a tag. If you look fat, you look fat no matter what size you wear. I like to take progress pics that way I can see actual changes instead of being freaked out I can't squeeze into a smaller size.
  • I have one of the original models...honestly I don't use it unless I'm making a recipe that says to grill something. It's too big and heavy and impossible to clean. And if you do get one, make sure you get one with removable grill plates, because mine doesn't have that and it is IMPOSSIBLE to clean. There's no way to…
  • I have one cat, and would have more if my apartment didn't have rules on pets. I love her like a child and can't imagine my life without her. I trim her nails and buy scratching boards and that keeps the scratching on furniture to a minimum. She has never once peed or pooped on/in anything besides her litter box. My dog…
  • Chemical concoctions like that ice cream DO NOT fit into a healthy lifestyle. I buy full fat everything and ice cream with minimal ingredients. I hate the turkey hill and breyers brand. Real, full fat food can fit into a healthy lifestyle if you know how to do it.
  • I have a knock off pair I got from the animal rescue site for $25, purple,super cute, cruelty free and the money benefits charity. I don't really wear them for style though; I have terrible circulation in my feet and they extremely warm in the winter.
  • I haven't, and don't have a desire to. I don't like sci-fi movies. Also never watched the Harry Potter movies or the Hunger games movies. *Edited to add also never seen a single batman movie either. I don't really watch the franchise movies.
  • For the people saying "get a career change", stfu. I work in a customer service job, am polite, professional and try my hardest to be pleasant and friendly. I get some of the rudest, nastiest people and have been cussed out and threatened for doing my job the way I was trained to and enforcing company policies. I AM…
  • @ darlingir... sorry no but it may just be a bad pic
  • I'm in Lexington!
  • I am a HUGE believer in the butt bible. I haven't been following the program but I have been doing it off/on for about three months, about a 2-3 weeks of lower level one then the rest has been lower level 2. I'm about to start lower level 3 to see how far I can get. I haven't lost any weight but there is a major difference…
  • The best I've ever used is fake bake, and I've tried them all. You can get it on amazon for about $15.
  • I was seeing a nutritionist for awhile and it turned out to be a huge waste of time and money...all her knowledge of nutrition was outdated and I actually knew more than she did. She did not give me a diet plan or exercise plan, just told me to eat less, etc. I went several times and the hour was spent talking about her…
  • I worked in a restaurant and we were allowed to eat pretty much whatever we wanted and as much as we wanted, so I did. I tried eating at home, bringing my own meals and shakes, etc. Nothing worked because of the temptation. I lost more weight once I quit. I was on my feet all day but I was definitely eating more than I…
  • someone like channing tatum, most of the guys from "true blood", enrique igelsias. Yum yum. But my boyfriend is sexy in his own right and wouldn't trade him for any of those dudes.
  • It sounds like your bf is kind of a jerk, honestly. I do the dishes, laundry, cooking in my household but my boyfriend also does his fair share of chores and also doesn't mind helping out with his own dirty dishes. Just tell him how you feel, and if it doesn't work, stop doing anything for him. Let him wash his own dishes…
  • Because men who are very attractive know they are and their personality reflects it...attraction does matter but what matters most is how he treats me, what kind of person he is and how he makes me feel. An ugly inside can turn a pretty outside ugly.
  • damn you look GOOD! Way to go!!!
  • gin and diet tonic and lime!