Grace_spaceship Member


  • Barefoot indoors where socially acceptable. Barefoot shoes (I love vivobarefoot) pretty much everywhere else!
  • I currently go a little below parallel. I don't have the ankle mobility to get much deeper without my form suffering. I know people say a but wink is not a bad thing, but for me it is important to have the mobility and strength to keep my back in position. I am working on getting lower, hopefully one day I will be able to…
  • I am also not that good at squatting, mainly due to lack of ankle and hip mobility which I am working on. My squats are not very deep, but I still do them and its definitely not cheating. I don't have anything the right height to box squat with but I think it's a good idea you've got! What your doing is definitely not…
  • Broke two vertebrae in my spine (L1 + L2) in December 2018 tobogganing with my family over the holidays. Most pain I've ever been in, luckily no surgery was needed, just a very restrictive brace. I spent 4 weeks lying in bed pretty much 24/7. I will never take walking for granted again! 8 more weeks in the brace. The first…
  • I love lululemon. I always try to find cheaper brands but always end up going back. I just can't find anything more flattering, comfortable, functional and long lasting than them. I have had a pair of wonder under high rise leggings for 4 years now and they are just starting to show wear. My favourites for working out are…
  • I guess for me ethical eating is trying to avoid packaging. I also try to eat local seasonal veggies. As much as I love avocado toast, I know that avocado had to been flown halfway around the world for me to have it, and in all likelihood it's relativity cheap because the person who grows/harvests it is not paid enough. I…
  • I broke my spine 2 years ago so it's been an especially slow journey to get core strength for me! But I hope you can find a way to do it without pain! Starting with other core excercises that don't hurt is good idea! Also it's amazing how much core work can go into other exercises. Dead lifting has really helped me a lot,…
  • Aahh, I see. Didn't have my glasses on lol.
  • I used to really struggle with tailbone pain and kept getting thicker mats. I learned that as I did the excercises my pelvis would go into an anterior tilt as I lowered and lifted my legs cause rubbing and pressure on my tailbone. The only thing that really helped was learning how to use my abdominals to keep a neutral…
  • I recently started using a fitbit and I am working on figuring out if my activity level is reasonable. If your activity level on MFP is too low (set as sedentary when you are active) Mfp will give you a lot more calories because they aren't already included in your calorie calculations. Also 2lbs in a week is a lot of…
  • Mid Wales, been on MFP since the summer but restarting after Christmas. feel free to add me!
  • I understand why so many people are so influenced by these Netflix "documentaries." They why they are made is designed to create overwhelming emotion. I watched cowspiracy, despite knowing its propaganda, I still felt moved by it until one particular scene. It shows dairy cows exiting a milking parlor. Sad music plays the…
  • Yesterday Cardio: 9 km walk with the dogs, fairly brisk pace Strength: Bicep curls. hammer curls. Shoulder press. Tricep kickback. Bend over row. Lat pulldown. Core work at the end. Pretty good on in calories. I was over by 50 but I don't mind if I go over by a few. But I need to up my protein still, something I work on…
  • My partner and I both workout and are generally active people. We rarely workout together. We might show up to the gym together but we go do our own thing. We do a lot of hiking and walking together and other activities. I could not be with someone who wasn't interested in hiking or other activities. It's not about looks,…
  • I'm about 5'10 and currently weigh about 11stone 8lbs and am trying to get down to just below 11 stone. I am on the more thickly built and have a fair bit of muscle. The lowest I have been was 140lbs but I was sick and weak. 150ish is pretty good for me
  • My sliver kelpie Roo. Back when she was a baby with her litter mates. She was very much so a runt.
  • Walk and hug my dogs. Also even watching them play together and do goofy things always brightens my day and makes stress easier to handle.
  • How long was the road trip? If it was only a few days then it's going to be a lot of bloating and water weight. Have you thought of portion control instead of choosing foods that aren't as appealing? Get what sounds best but don't eat all of it. Try to focus on how much fun you had instead of the weight. In a few weeks or…
  • I love gam. Deer, moose, even bear. I love deer jerky. I have also tried horse which is really good when well prepared.
  • I am also trying to get a six pack!! Everyones calorie needs are different but make sure you are eating plenty of protein to retain muscle mass while losing weight! Make sure you think about the long run, if you lose weight really quickly it might not be a sustainable lifestyle and you may gain the weight back later.
  • 24 years old 5ft10 CW 158lbs GW for the end of July 154 lbs GW for long term 150lbs I really want to focus on portion control and learning to say no when offered treats. I am now getting up earlier to get my workouts done in the morning so I don't run out of time in the afternoon.
  • I want to wear cute clothes. I have lots of nice outfits from when I was smaller, I want to be able to wear them with confidence!! I want everyone to say to my boyfriend how lucky he is to have me. I want to impress people with how athletic I am.
  • I broke my spine in December 2018, luckily no surgery required but a long slow recovery. I gained about 20lbs. Finding a good physiotherapist is probably your best bet. Work on core strength! When I first got out of my brace I didn't have the strength to even stand upright for more than a couple minutes. If you haven't got…
  • I always gain about 1.5 lbs once a month from bloating, hormones, etc. It always goes away after my period is over and in a day I lose 1.5 lbs. I try to stick to a deficit but if I end up eating at matinience I don't beat myself up over it. 😊
  • Also forgot to put in that I mostly lift weights and did for 2 years then broke my spine but have been back at it for about 8 months
  • Age: 24 Height : 5ft 10in Weight : 158lbs BMI : 22.4 Idk how to make the pictures work. But it's my relaxed and in anterior pelvic tilt tummy vs my engaged core with a neutral pelvis. Not the best pics but there we are.
  • If it isn't part of your daily activity then counting it would make sense. I recently went from having my activity level set to lightly active to include walking my dogs every day. Today I changed my setting to sedentary and am recording my walks so I can try and get a better idea of my caloric needs. It really depends on…
  • I take a deep breath. Walk my dogs, and try to move on. Try to remember that it's only a couple of days, it won't undo everything you've worked for. In a few weeks or months if you stick to your plan it won't make much of a difference. Don't panic, try not to punish yourself with loads of excercise and starving yourself.…
  • A calorie is a unit of energy. Calories are what the body uses to power itself. Calories come from food. If you consume more calories than you use the body will store it as fat, to save it for when you need it. If you consume fewer calories than you burn your body will convert stored fat into usable calories. Weight loss…
  • Yes! I have lost weight in the past by hating myself thin. It's no way to live so now I am trying to be healthy and happy and lose weight while being nice to myself about it!