Melly045 Member


  • I’m just getting back on track hopefully for the last time. I’m not at goal weight and I’m certainly no expert on healthy living but For me personally i do s working out first thing in the morning helps me because even though getting up a bit earlier stinks once I’m done I’m done for the day. Working out on the morning for…
  • I don’t know how to add friends either but i have A Fitbit and I’m trying to log in to MFP each day. Feel free to add me
  • So i day like you have a plan which is half the battle. I’m trying to get back on track having a hard time staying within my calories and having a really hard time getting back to an exercise routine. Have started doing the treadmill but i need more thank that
  • I think the experience of being sooo close to your goal and struggling to reach it will ultimately make you a better health coach! It will give you real life insight and teach you what works and what doesn’t. So look at this struggle as a learning opportunity. When it’s all said and done you’re going to be a walking living…
  • Happy Monday team. Hope everyone is doing well. Missed my step goal on Saturday was on track yesterday and think i will make it today as well. Doing better with my calories although still over each day but I’m trying to get there.
  • Happy Saturday Team! My name is Mel, I am excited to be a part of this team. I have about 22-24 lbs to lose. I will weigh in on Fridays, right now I will be walking as my exercise until I get in a bit better shape. I do enjoy exercise classes and i was going to a gym which I enjoyed prior to the pandemic. I enjoy dancing,…
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome and welcome to my fellow new to the team teammates. Excited to go on this journey to a healthier self with all of you! Happy Friday
  • If I’m being completely honest i gained back much of the 24 lbs I’ve gained prior to pandemic but now the pandemic is certainly not helping. I lost 40 lbs several years ago and kept it off until one day i fell off track and i can’t get back on track. I wish i could recall how i was able to stay focused before
  • Thank you for the intro jugar I’m excited to be here
  • Thank you missGYST I’m excited to be here
  • Thanks Megan i really need to get back on track and I’m hoping being on a team will help!
  • Hi ! I’m new to the team and the challenge and I’m excited to be here. User name Mel0405 Weigh in day Friday Current weight 162 Goal weight 140 Goals 10000 steps per day Stay within calorie goal Lose 1-2 lbs per week Get back to a good work our routine Build back strength
  • It’s not too late to reverse the weight gain these are tough times so be kind to yourself take it none choice at a time
  • I’ve been off track for far too long but i do believe this app can help you get back and stay back on track. Moderation definitely seems to be the key for everything. I don’t have all the answers but if i can help let me know.
  • Love this!
  • I am a self sabotaged me/ binge eater as well. I’ve learned that i am also strong willed and when i put my mind into making healthier choices i do it. My advice is to forgive yourself and move on, remind yourself that you deserve to feel and look your best and if you do slip up don’t throw in the towel we have to keep…
  • I’m 22 lbs from my goal i have never done intermittent fasting but I’ve heard it works. I haven’t exercised in a few years but I’m trying to get back to it slowly. You have been through a major surgery and childbirth so you are clearly a strong woman. this 11lbs is nothing you can’t accomplish!!
  • Take it from me gaining the weight back that you worked so hard to lose. Put in your favorite outfit and look at yourself in the mirror let that be your motivation. I have gained back more than half of what i worked so hard to lose and TRUST me it’s harder to take off the second time around . I used to work out in the…
  • We all got to our current weight a pound at a time so it important to remember we will take it off a pound at a time.
    in Hello Comment by Melly045 July 2020
  • I also track my steps right now walking is the only exercise i do! Not sure if there is a specific group for walkers
  • I’m on the exact same boat! I lost weight with MFP about 8 years ago kept it off and then fell back into old habits. Tried other apps/programs but for me MFP seems to work the best. I’m still over my calorie allotment each day but I’m back to logging