Ladies over 50 motivation

With everything shutting down a few months back, I figured it was a good time to really work on the changes my body has seen over the last year due to menopause. I have been tracking macros on MFP since Jan, and recently hired a nutritionalist as well to make sure I was tracking my macros correctly. I exercise 5 days a week (crossfit/crosstrain/weights/aerobics) and have created a pretty good gym at home. While I dont have much to loose I am trying to work on my body composition, think less midsection and some definition. I find the more people you stay in contact with that have similar goals the better the results are. I have been pretty discouraged lately as I have been working like crazy, tracking, not drinking, and seen almost no changes while my partner, who was taking full advantage on food/drink at the beginning of covid, lost 15 pounds in 1-1/2 months for a 50 mile hiking trip, no problem. Argh!


  • Melly045
    Melly045 Posts: 65 Member
    So i day like you have a plan which is half the battle. I’m trying to get back on track having a hard time staying within my calories and having a really hard time getting back to an exercise routine. Have started doing the treadmill but i need more thank that