Speakeasy76 Member


  • I've wondered what my best friends really thought about me marrying him, knowing that I had reservations about my husband because I didn't feel butterflies from the start. I guess I will find out in a few days when I confess that I am going to be asking for a divorce after the holidays...
  • I think your best bet is to find a registered dietician who specializes in inflammatory disease processes. While there are some foods/chemicals that are generally thought to be inflammatory, it's often a person's individual sensitivity to certain foods/chemicals that could increase symptoms.
  • Thank you. I'm focusing on the positives of this change , which is asking for a divorce, and not the negatives. Focusing on the negatives is what prevented me from facing the truth and bringing it up before.
  • I am preparing for a HUGE change in my life after the holidays, probably one of the most (if not THE most) that I will have ever gone through. It's going to cause major upheaval within my family. I am such a mixed bag of emotions: excitement to finally have the courage to do it (or at least announce I want to do it),…
  • I think it's complicated as there can be any number of reasons. One that I think of is that the cheater is unhappy in their relationship,or maybe "settled" for their current partner in the first place thinking they could grow to love him/her. When one is married, esp. with kids, it takes a lot to end things because it is a…
  • Yes! I dread the rush of people that start coming to the gym in January.
  • I've actually started drinking Crio Bru ground cacao beans in place of my morning coffee. I've cut my caffeine consumption in half and my headaches have improved a ton ..hardly get any anymore. Anyway, don't know what the health benefits are, but I actually prefer the taste to coffee. I don't know how healthy dark…
  • I wouldn't say it's necessarily a hate, but more of an objection. There's a dude at the gym who is very vocal, and he was even groaning as he was foam rolling his muscles the other day. I have headphones on, but it's distracting. Then today, a woman was legit moaning when she was finishing out her set. I mean, it must have…
  • It seems like you're looking at this like a big overhaul. You don't have to do everything all at one. Start small, something you think you can stick with long term, and then keep adding on. You may just want to start out by tracking what you eat, not even really trying to cut back or "eat healthy." That can be eye-opening,…
  • Like others have said, I honestly feel better when I eat "healthier." Of course, "healthy" is subjective and can be different for everyone. For me, it means lots of veggies and fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats,plenty of fiber, less ultra-processed sugar and being mindful of added sugar. I'm also sensitive…
  • Wondering if this discussion was still on here because I have something I need to get off my chest, and it's kinda big and need a neutral place to do it. I've been married 14 1/2 yeas. I friend requested an old flame (like from more than 20 years ago) on Facebook. Contemplated sending him a message (which I rarely do when…
  • Aldi's makes a soybean pasta that has 24 grams of protein per serving. I also like Seapoint Farms roasted edamame for a snack. I also tend to get most of my protein from real food, but am not opposed to adding some whey, collagen or pea protein powder to my coffee or oatmeal.
  • I, too, used Vitacost to buy Seapoint Farms roasted Edamame. I love it and it's usually at my grocery store, but I got it cheaper using the discount. I don't tend to buy a lot of more processed protein snacks, though. I also got some protein powders from True Nutrition using their sale. It wasn't a great sale (like 10%…
  • My husband used to bake cookies all the time and makes an amazing Snickerdoodle. I bake and cook quite a bit more than him now, but he's the better cook/baker. I finally ate the last of the gluten-free/vegan pumpkin pie I made, that I actually preferred to the traditional. I'm not a big pie person generally, but I LOVE…
  • I have never used a website like Healthy Wage before. However, I did sign up for a weight loss challenge through my local park district back in 2012 to take the baby weight off. That's when I was first introduced to MFP. The challenge also included a weekly class about healthy weight loss, although the woman teaching it…
  • My 12-year old son actually started working with a sleep psychologist recently due to insomnia and uses the CBT approach. She said that she rarely suggests melatonin, especially as a long-term solution, and most people are using it wrong. When she does recommend she suggests like half of the suggested dose and taken a few…
  • I have had very similar thoughts as a 45-year old woman who actually did some sort of regular strength training in my 20's as an avid subscriber to Shape magazine. Lifting heavy definitely wasn't really much of a thing for the average woman looking to get fit back then. What I really wish I could have changed was my…
  • Yes! I get anxiety when I see that I don't have a lot of calories left in the day, which ironically would cause me to overeat. By setting my deficit to 250 calories and increasing my NEAT, I was able to lose those last few stubborn 10 lbs.
  • I think being in the right headspace is very important for successful weight loss and maintenance. I know when I was still losing, I would never attempt to start around the holidays and would instead vow to start after. What I learned, though, was that it was less about an arbitrary date on the calendar and more about my…
  • I have seen numerous stories of adults with Down Syndrome (who would be considered "intellectually disabled" by measuring their IQ's) who are successful in terms of owning their own businesses, getting married, modeling and working in professions that they love. Seems like they succeeded at doing what they wanted to do,…
  • Like others have said, I've stopped taking a whole lot of stock in those numbers. I know that the percentage that is supposedly measured on my scale directly correlates with my weight--if it goes up so does the body fat by the same degree, and vice versa. I know that's not accurate. I also have looked at the pictures and…
  • I'm 45, and it seems that most of the women my age and older still do a lot of cardio and circuit-type training with machines orighter dumbbells. There are a few of us who lift heavy or work with the trainer, but definitely the majority I see there use the cardio equipment. However, the teenage, 20's and early 30 year olds…
  • I think our environment and how we were raised most definitely has an impact on how successful we are. I think how we are parented may have an even more important role than physical circumstances of our upbringing. It influences how healthy we are (physically and mentally) and character traits tied to success such as…
  • I will eat the things I really enjoy, albeit smaller portions. If I don't really actually care for something all that much and I used to eat it because it's there, I probably won't eat it. I eat more of the better for you stuff and less of the not-as-good-for-you stuff. Since last holiday season, I've gone through an…
  • Oh, wow. As an early intervention therapist, this is alarming. I wonder if we'll be seeing an increase in referrals from this. I am surprised that children born before the pandemic don't seem to be affected as well. It would seem like even just limited exposure to places outside of the home, especially with the opportunity…
  • Here's an addendum to add to my pet hate above about the young woman taking selfies at the gym. She literally set up a tripod in the middle of the fake turf where people actually exercise and filmed herself doing various mat exercises. I assume this is for some kind of "fitness" social media account. I happened to be doing…
  • While I never had an issue falling asleep, I was waking up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts and couldn't get back to sleep for a couple of hours. I also have always been a "restless sleeper" and have actually had 2 sleep studies done, both with different results and recommendations. Sleep problems also run…
  • When it's not hot I wear high-waist capris or leggings, usually with some amount of compression. Too much compression affects my digestion--yay! I wear some kind of tank or t-shirt, and when it's colder throw some kind of long-sleeve shirt or hoodie on over it. I get almost all of my stuff from Old Navy or Fabletics, and…
  • I'm a 45-year old female but just hear to second questioning the bad back and not being able to squat or deadlift. I have what I thought was a "bad back" that involves some bulging discs, disc degneration (which is normal), bone spurs and some spinal canal and neural foramen stenosis. Amazingly, I don't really have any…
  • It helps me to share my story of how I used to eat and how much I used to struggle. It helps remind me how far I've come even though I still struggle with overeating at times and reinforces that I don't want to get back to that place and that I have the tools not to do so. Although I don't liken myself to an addict, I do…