HappyDonkey75 Member


  • @pridesabtch- good for you on the self care. Nails and Hair look great. I started doing nails about a year ago as a monthly treat. Its a little pricey and I have thought about quitting but its the one real self care thing I do for myself , other than work out.. So I am sticking with it. I don't smoke/drink/gamble or have a…
  • Heaviest weight 212 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 10/15-178.2 10/16-177.9 10/17-DNW- hot springs 10/18-176.9 10/19-178.6 10/20-179.6 10/21- 179.4 10/22-179.6 10/23-178.9…
  • @cschmitz110515- thank you for sharing the pics. Beautiful. Makes me miss New England where I grew up. JFT* 40 mins of cardio * upper body strength * 10k steps * water- 80 ounces minimum
  • Heaviest weight 212 @canadamarie - yes, one foot in front of the other. The hardest thing is when we hit these times when nothing is moving much , we have to keep doing the right things for our bodies and health in spite of not feeling like there is no progress. I am struggling as well and just trying to take it day by day…
  • @pridesabtch Ha, I also get the that awful build up of dust on my ceiling fans.How does it build up so fast and why does it have an electrical charge to it?? ( and thanks for the reminder, one more cleaning task I better work on getting done) We have awful dust where I live, since its rural and its a dirt road. Best…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 10/15-178.2 10/16-177.9 10/17-DNW- hot…
  • @ManifestingToday - glad to see you pop in . Life can really pull the rug out from under us at times and things can get hard. I am glad you're here and we are all here to help cheer you on because you have been so supportive for the rest of us. Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September…
  • Meant to post this the other day. I thought it had some really good advice and its a good way to start a new week. This week I will… - Be intentional with the way I spend my time. - Focus on who is choosing me, wanting me, befriending me instead of worrying about who isn’t. - Actively search for joy in small moments. - Be…
  • I had so much to do this weekend but today I just ran out of steam. That seems to happen , and I can't always get to all the things which is frustrating. I guess that is what happens in the late 40's? Anyone else? hormones? I do need to go get tested , which has been on the to do list. Knowing this I try to remember that…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 10/15-178.2 10/16-177.9 10/17-DNW- hot…
  • JFT Today's goals for food was to just stay on track with protein and STOP eating so many of those damn dried mango's. I am addicted to those things. The organic, non sugary ones. I literally have no control with them. * Water, water water. * Get my 10K steps in since I won't have time for a workout * Continued clean up…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 10/15-178.2 10/16-177.9 10/17-DNW- hot…
  • Just want to say I am thinking of all of you that are going through some rough times with parents, kids, health. So much going on for everyone including myself. Some days are really tough. Its so important to try to take care of ourselves when we can. Which is what me , hubby and another couple we are friends with did…
  • I need to catch up ya'll but today is nuts. Maybe this evening .. or later this afternoon. @mytime6630 - I am glad you saw the post. things do seem to be different on MFP lately and definitely seeing less pages so I don't know.. Meal planning does require discipline. AND I have absolutely had to have the conversation with…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 10/15-178.2 10/16-177.9 10/17-DNW- hot…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 10/15-178.2 10/16-177.9 Off to the hot…
  • @PackerFanInGB- welcome back. Congrats on your scan results. So glad to see your getting out and enjoying the Stay Strong Program . Today is kind of a big day for me in a way. Its the 1 year anniversary of a big horse riding accident I was involved in . It was a very serious injury. Taking falls and accepting you might get…
  • @pridesabtch - very sorry to hear of your friend. Much too young to pass. Your drive sounds lovely! I miss New England every year this time of year for the fall foliage. Thanks for the feeback on my scale question. I might try to go get measurements done at a local gym that has the big fancy one and likely more accurate..…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 10/15-178.2 All the experts say that…
  • @KareninCanada- I agree, the late 40's mind set. I know for me it was definitely a wake up call when my knees started giving me trouble . The scale kept going up and I kept feeling like a steaming pile of you know what. I hated what I saw in the mirror and I just realized I had known I needed to do something for a while…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 10/14--178.8 Here we are at another Monday. Snow/rain…
  • Just curious anyone here use the weight scales that measure body fat, water weight , muscle, etc etc.. ? What are your thoughts? worth the investment? do they give accurate reading? what don't you like?
  • @Bex953172 and @mytime6630 - I don't know how I missed your responses but I did, so THANK YOU for the feedback . Boring for sure. JFT- Go play outside.. get fresh air and enjoy the day.. Took one of the horses out for a ride with a girlfriend today. It was beautiful out and as much as I wanted to stay home and get a huge…
  • @cschmitz110515 sorry to have missed wishing you a Happy Birthday sooner. In spite of the needy doggo preventing you to enjoy a bit of shopping, it sounds like it was a relaxing day. JFT- I have been dealing with a fair amount of bloating for the last week and nothing I am doing is helping much. That said, the scale is…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 10/13-179.8 this scale business is almost getting laughable.But its…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 10/12-179.8 I was getting a little stale on my workouts and happened upon an ad…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 10/11-179.8 Yikes, scale momentarily hit 180 and then dropped back to this number. If it…
  • Heaviest weight 212 End of August weight 187.4 September Goal- 180 - September Ending Weight 181.4 October Goal- 175 10/1- 180.8 10/2- 179.6 10/3- 178.4 10/4-177.6 10/5-178.3 10/6- 178.6 10/7- 178.7 10/8-178.9 10/9-178.9 10/10-179.5 October is turning out to be a scary month.. scale is definitely not being kind . Keep…
  • @cschmitz110515- thank you for validating what my gut is telling me about this all. and thank you for the thoughtfulness on my dads recovery. This whole thing with the coach It is totally driving me nuts. Her credentials are "newish" but she isn't new to the fitness world, she is new to the nutrition aspect of coaching and…
  • JFT :Log all my meals ahead of the day stationary bike session- 30 minutes walk 30 minutes Drink 100 ounces of water sneak a nap in Feeling a bit under the weather yesterday and today. I got my flu shot yesterday which is more of a precautionary thing because I have a trip planned at the end of the month which requires…