DiscoveringLisa Member


  • Of course they're not, the pharmaceutical companies are making an absolute fortune from flogging the vaccine to the panic stricken masses. It's been shown that vitamin d is highly protective, particularly against the worst effects of respiratory infections...but are we hearing about that? Or the fact that most people, at…
  • I'm not an anti vaxxer, I've had all my childhood vaccinations; I was also vaccinated for Hepatitis B as an adult when I started my training as a Midwife some years ago. My children have had all their important childhood vaccinations. I'm not against vaccinations that are safe, that are necessary and that work.... We have…
  • Not ending up in ICU is not an indicator of no problem though is it? There are people living with long term issues, people who ended up in the ER and then sent home ... Not in intensive care doesn't mean no harm done, just means you didn't end up in intensive care
  • Oh I see.. From what I read it looked like a warning against phoney government websites claiming to be offering vaccine compensation....? Didn't get why you were sharing that with me, I'm sure you were trying to make a point, I just don't know what it was. Did you think that's where I was getting my information from?…
  • I can understand old or physically frail people getting the vaccine. I don't understand the logic behind relatively young healthy people taking endless boosters for something their immune system can most likely fight off. The fact is, the vaccine does not stop you contracting COVID and it doesn't stop you spreading it but…
  • Not really sure why you've posted this link....?
  • I don't know why my comments aren't posting... Just to say, in the UK, people are now being compensated for vaccine injuries/deaths ...I don't think they compensate on the basis of hearsay
  • My Swiss chard is getting huge, we've been incorporating into everyday meals. My Brussel sprouts are also growing nicely although something keeps taking big bitesbout of the leaves
  • My first pea pod!
  • Can she put them under a poly tunnel or something like that?
  • I think I may have over done it with the water, on the days I was expecting heat, it ended up being quite cool and the soil stayed damp so I probably shouldn't have watered. I'll dead head the crispy ones and hope that the new blooms take over. Thanks 😊
  • I haven't didn't suffer nearly as much or for as long and I'm completely unvaccinated. I only got COVID for the first time a month ago, it was bad for a couple of days and then I was fine. Everyone I know who has been jabbed suffered worse and has had more infections. I'm wondering why you would get another booster? There…
  • I bought them from the garden center and there was only one bud when I bought it but the plant has really flourished. Do you think it needs a bigger pot? Yes, they look beautiful from a distance, it's only up close you can see the dry/wilted bits
  • They are in strong sun all door as they were on my front door step. I've just moved them to the back patio. I have been watering them alot, maybe that's the problem. I never get the balance right with watering...I tend to think plants are as greedy as me 🤣🤣
  • Does anyone know why I get these dried crispy bits in my geranium flowers?
  • Cute! 😍
  • Looks nice, what is cloud bread though? Sounds interesting 🙂
  • It's half past 2 here and I've not eaten yet today so just made a huge turkey and proscuitto salad with plenty of greens from my garden 😊
  • Haha that's cool, like hidden treasures
  • Haha I was a girl guide but not a very good one 🤣 Thanks for the tips ☺️
  • I was thinking about buying something like that so I can grow tomatoes and chillies and peppers but was worried about how sturdy they are in high winds etc
  • I honestly don't know how you get anything done in that heat. I struggle to workout when it's hot here in the UK and it's nowhere near as hot as Texas. But you can grow peppers , I wish I could grow peppers ...I'd need a greenhouse though and can't afford one at the mo. Hoping you get a cool breeze or a refreshing rain…
  • I usually find him on the compost heap at night or my onion patch. I think he likes the soft cool damp on his froggy skin 🤣
  • This little superhero appeared in my garden a few weeks ago and he comes back every night. I don't know who he is or where he's come from but I do know he has eaten all the slugs! He's a literal Godsend 🤣
  • Wow that sounds intense. What can you grow in that heat? I'm guessing tomatoes and peppers and chillies ?
  • Yes and it smells amazing. I've had my rosemary for years, it's a tough plant, can stand most weathers
  • I just put a roasting tray in the oven filled with potatoes, garlic and rosemary, all homegrown. It's a good feeling.... Especially since I learned alot of the garlic in the UK is imported from China and the Chinese often grow it in sewage and harmful chemicals.... Ugh 😩 I've just planted a couple of dozen garlic bulbs so…
  • No, you're good, I got it. I checked and I had removed the leaves so just the stem and little leaf nodes are in the water 😊
  • Oh lovely, I'm in the north west so we never get the best of the sun 🌞🤣🤣