Also realize that in the US "grassfed" doesn't mean that the animal spent it's life out to pasture, it means that at some point in its life it ate grass or grass hay. Like others here I am lucky enough to be able to local source from the farms. Most of our grocery stores are sourcing grassfed beef from Australia
If it makes you happy to super control your do you. Not a good use of my mental energy, I'm old and know how to eat what is good for me and tastes good. I'm also a "cheffy" cook who lives in the boonies where I know the chickens who give me eggs (and chicken), the cow and pig. I eat seasonally going to the…
Debbie I am the Dawgs lurker...thank you, just ordered the fleece clogs. I tend to unsubscibe to most promotion companies so didn't know about the sale.
Didn't mean to horn in since I'm not on this group...but didn't want you to get in yourself in a devastating (and potentially very very expensive) situation.
As someone who lost a dog due to a biting incident ( from law enforcement orders) now is the time to get a muzzle if you are going to walk him in public or confine your walking to your own property. We now have a dog that is formally trained but the breed can be skittish, he doesn't go out in public without a muzzle even…
I am also a dump and pour always from scratch cook. I lost 30 pounds and have kept it off for about two years at age 75. In the beginning I weighed common portions to get an idea of how much a 4oz portion or 1 tsp portion really looked like, but I have never been a must weigh every single item cook...and I gave my…
If you only had one for one day just change the amount in your daily log. I use the meal option onften, but it is a general list of the "meal" often I need to change an amount or item and I do that on my food log.
Exactly what type of IF are you doing? It really doesn't make any difference for weight loss. If this is something that you will do for the rest of your life, then it is every day for the rest of your life. If you find an eating window fits into your lifestyle then good...personally I have never eaten breakfast so before…
Just a lurker answering Carol. I use Temu and have been happy...the password is one you make up just for TEMU, just like the password you have for MFP.
What ever you want...just less of it.
Since you say you use milk for cooking I would use full fat in recipes. Low fat just doesn't reduce the same and skim milk is a hard no for cooking. Many recipes will state that whole milk (or cream if in recipe) should be used for it to turn out best. I do use whole milk (or real cream), full fat cheese etc for cooking.…
I will add to the wonderful advice realistic about your goals. Talk to your doctor and make an end goal that you can live with and be happy. I lost my weight in my early 70s, I looked at what would be maintenance for "a healthy normal" weight and it was not going to happen. After talking to my doctor she agreed…
I lost all my weight and have maintained using the mini goal idea. My mini goals have included exercise (started with 15min three days a week..easy to meet and go over), log as well as I can for one meal, tai chi (one routine) three days a week, stretch, weights, limit wine etc . Each week I evaluate and each month adjust…
Just want to say how much I admire you. Others are still complaining about the newsfeed but you decided that getting healthy by being proactive and being true to yourself is worth the effort. GO YOU!!!
To add...give the non-sugary ceral with fruit to your kids too, try to have them learn to like healthier choices. You really don't want them to have the struggles you face now do you? I agree, nothing wrong with a cereal snack as long as it is not Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms!
Not for all of us...less clutter
Why don't you "test drive" maintenance at your goal of 130 for a week or two. You will still lose and consider it a diet break. I did this to help decide on a goal weight, turns out I was miserable at my original goal and changed it up. I stayed at goal maintenace calories to lose the last five pounds. This made…
If my husband told me I was too fat he would be my ex.
Did you talk softly to it? Scales are sensitive beings and it might need to get used to you. I know when my ancient beloved scale had to be retired my new scale had a hard time adjusting to it's new home, and yep, like yours it rebelled by adding weight. It will soon settle in. I was upset because I would do the hold a 5…
I am a lurker and honestly (no tea no shade) don't get involved. BUT...I do have to give a shout out and super thank you to the info on Dawgs (Debbie I think). I used to love Okabashis but couldn't find the right ones. Thanks to you I took advantage of the 55% off coupon...PLUS I got 10% off for new customer and bought…
Just wanted to add, she was a single mom of a two year old at the time.
I have a family member who has completed the 75 Hard twice...she tried to do one every year. For those who don't understand that it is a 75 day challenge, not a lifetime change it definately is not for you, but those who have completed it have felt a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. just don't forget to take the photo…
For me it is just as valuable as it was before. I don't do the social friends thing, as a matter of fact I changed my account to get rid of the news feed clutter from "friends" made about ten years ago. I welcomed not having newsfeed tell me I logged in or exercised, I logged it, I already know. I do read the forums for…
I'm just curious...for years the advice was to lose weight to help your knees and hips. the line was that losing even 5-10 pounds would help keep them healthy. So why would you add weight now when walking or especially when jogging or running. Wouldn't that put more pressure on your joins and lead to more wear and tear. I…
I addition to all the wonderful advice above I would add....take things in small easy first "I want to get out of the 190s" I want to exercise for 15 min three times a week...anything counts like walking around the house. I want to log very carefully three times a week. For me I set these somewhat low bar goals…
Pick different parents. I have always had wrestler legs and a bubble butt. Not one bit of fat on them and very very muscular, as did generations of women before me. If the genetics aren't there you will never have Barbie legs. As was said above, embrace them.
I know this will sound really silly but have you thought about an old school journal? May seem like a lot of trouble but taking the time to reflect and think about your words some people find helpful. i do record here but my "real" journal is very useful (and pretty)
- very happy to lose the clutter. For those lost and confused...start a thread here...maybe somthing like the "substitute mewsfeed" thread.
I would stick with the free version. You were successful before using the app and there is no need to spend money that you don't have. I have only ever used the free version and been successful. You know how to use it. Better to spend your hard earned money on good homemade food.