pony4us Member


  • We just had family house guests that we haven't sen for two years for a week. One day we had "Thanksgiving dinner" with all the apps, wine and trimmings. It was an entire week filled with joy and laughter. Yesterday was my birthday...I am officially 3/4 of a Century. We had apps, good wine rack of lamb and THE CAKE (DH…
  • I'm 75, lost 35 pounds. Lost the first 20 quicker but the last 15 did the practice maintenance thing. Took me a total of 10 mnths or so. For the last 3-5 pounds we were snowbirding in Florida for two months. No scale, didn't weigh food but practice tracked by being mindfull, fully expecting to have a bit of a gain and…
  • You are shooting for normal BMI on the lower end. What worked for me was I looked at my calorie goal to maintain at goal weight. I aimed for that and have maintained for about 6 months now at goal weight. Yep...that is a super slow way to get there but maintaining has been painless.
  • Eat less move more
  • Also maybe ask your coach what is best for your training program, I'm sure there are suggestions for the team.
  • My NSV is I did not worry. For the last week we have had family staying with us (haven't seen them for two years) and a total week of celebrations. Last Sunday we had "Thanksgiving dinner with all the apps, wine and trimmings at my nieces new house, today is my birthday. I will only be 3/4 of a Century once so there will…
  • The food that makes you lose weight is LESS of it. But you already know that.
  • We used to cruise quite a bit and on longer cruises. Enjoy yourself and realize that your scale will show some gain when you return. Cruise food is usually loaded with salt, especially the mainstream lines. Funny, the only time I ever used any gym was on transAtlantics, because there were a ton of sea days, port days are…
  • why don't you just not log food for a day? In remarks say it's a fast.
  • Look at Skinnytaste
  • But the OP has already stated that having the scale at the table is causing tension with the family, hence my response that for the OP, having created tension is perhaps rude. I can see that for some families it would be met with an eye roll that this is just a current phase to be ignored.
  • Just me, I have pots and pans either on the counter or stove, not at the table. I got the feeling that the family was sitting at the table for dinner. I'm too old school I guess.
  • Do you really sit at the family dinner table with your scale? Do you think that is appropriate behavior? Can't you fix your plate at the counter and then sit down and enjoy a dinner with your family? Can you offer to cook for the family once or twice a week where you can use a recipe you want, while treating the family by…
  • I did plan for maintenance from the beginning, since I am old and short I picked a goal weight that had maintenace calories that I would find easy to do (which is 5-10 pounds "overweight") Congrats on getting to your goal. Now take a deep breath and a hard look at how your lifestyle has changed in 20 years. Can you easily…
  • I'm older than you and while not keto I do focus mostly on getting protein and as a result my carbs tend to be low. Last year I easily lost 30 lbs just watching my protein and counting calories, if keto helps you do that...and it is a way of eating that you can keep up after you lose weight then fine. For me the trick is…
  • Well our fridge died on Friday (no that's not the NSV). As I was lugging two 20lb bags of ice into the house (no..that's pretty cool that I could do that, but not the real NSV). I realized that at one point in my life I weighed about 40 lbs more and I was carrying those bags of ice around every day..now THAT'S my NSV. I…
  • Welcome...I am also in my 70s, active, exercise most days. I realized that I really don't like to eat breakfast. When I was working I never ate breakfast, but after retirement thought I should eat three meals a day...because...who knows why. So I basically eat my first meal around noon. I guess that counts as IF because…
  • Also if you in a hot climate heat and humidity adds pounds of water weight, unless you are in AC all the time.
  • Mine is fixed this morning
  • Also people seem to randomly post on any forem. For example posting on "maintaining weight" with questions about how to start to lose 50 pounds or how to break a plateau....those of us who are in maintenance are essentially trying to keep that hard earned plateau.
  • Also realize that you posted on the maintaining weight section...so everyone here has the goal to stay the same. You may get more responses on the weight loss section. Just be patient and experiment.
    in Plateau Comment by pony4us August 2023
  • I just sent a nother e-mail, this time to support. I just want to know that they are working on it.
  • They have had the extra options for a long time, they still have not fixed the scale on the charts.
  • Several of us have reported it, hope they fix it.
  • I think you can celebrate. I'm in my 70s so my case may be a bit different. I picked a goal based on the calories that were predicted to maintain. We snowbird to Florida for a good bit of the winter and when we migrated I was less than 5 pounds from"goal". At that point i set my calories to maintain at goal and when we got…
  • Add me to the useless progress charts. It is not only weight but other measurements also that are rescaled incorrectly.
  • I'm in my 70s and have always maintained around 5 lbs "overweight" I recently asked my doctor if I should try to lose those few pounds and was met with a strong NO!!! At my age and height I maintain at 1400 cal with maybe 100 more for walking. When I was losing I ate at this goal calories instead of dropping lower and then…
  • I had kept to my happy weight for 8-9 years then health issues took hold and I gained some. Lost it and realized that the gain was because I stopped weighing myself and then didn't want to get on the scale because I didn't want to know the ugly truth. For those "success" years I weighed regularly and paid attention to how…
  • I'm on my laptop, haven't tried this on my phone. I wanted to track my steps from my basic pedometer (dumb and doesn't do anything but count steps). I went to my homepage and then check-in. I see the "add new measurement" and added it there. When you want to record your A1C you can go to check-in and add the new reading.…
  • Just don't close out your diary and you won't get the message. Just log your food and keep to the calories you want. This is just a tool to track calories in food and calories burned in exercise, nothing more than a tracking tool so use it that way. No BIG BROTHER is telling you to do anything.