How do you lose weight after menopause and age 65?

My husband and I have a wedding to go to in June and I have set a goal for myself to lose 30 pounds before June 8. I hope that is a realistic goal because I really need to lose a lot of weight and I would like to look much nicer for the wedding and feel much stronger and more energetic.
My plan is to do three workouts a week with Silver sneakers and to walk a minimum of 6000 steps per day, with or without a workout.
I just started last week so I don’t know how this is going to go I have lost 5 pounds so far.
I also have joined Nutrisystem again and five days a week. I am eating their food the other two I am on my own. I would welcome any advice that would keep me motivated and help me get through the hard times.


  • pony4us
    pony4us Posts: 127 Member
    I have a decade on you and really want to encourage you....BUT 30 pounds in about 8 weeks is probably not a good idea. My question to you is have you been active at this level normally? Do you normally workout...even if that workout is walking the dog, major cleaning, gardening not always formal "workout", have you normally put in 6000 steps? Are you in good health.
    I would not focus on the 30 pounds, you are setting yourself up for getting frustrated because that is a super aggressive goal. Just by being more active and taking some weight off you will feel so much better by the wedding. I have no problem with Nutrisystem if you love it and feel good, true confession, when I get busy or don't feel like fixing a meal I grab a shake instead and I know many people who are not trying to lose weightwho love Hello Fresh. I met my goal quite a while ago and have found a way of life that works for me in my mid-70s, healthy and on no meds.
    In addition to logging here I do journal to keep track of meeting my activity, food (and wine) goals, making a summary each week of how I was feeling, even now that I am at goal. I have actually found it somewhat easy to maintain. BUT I picked a goal weight that I could live with and my doctor agrees that I should not try to lose any more, my goal is 5 pounds "overweight" .
    So my advice is slow down, be kind to yourself. You can do this.