IronBread Member


  • Strength and flexibility. My breakfast: 3 egg whites 1 whole egg Kind Almond Oatmeal 2 slice of Turkey bacon Mixed fruit Tall glass of water Snacks varies: (I.e. 2 rice cakes and 2tbsp pb or berry blast protein shake) Dinner: Protein, Veggies, Baked potato I throw in a treat (I.e. 1 cookie) to satisfy my sweet craving…
  • Hey! Welcome! Log EVERYTHING. Stay under your total caloric count. Theres a section with great tasting meals and desserts for you to try. Commit to this and remember, the reward is revealed over time. This is your time. Capture it!!
    in Hello Comment by IronBread February 2023
  • Hey Jeff! Welcome aboard!
  • Vince! I was there! I was 330 lbs last year. Got some apple cider vinegar, committed myself and I’m down to 264. You got this Vince! This is your time. Put in the work and stay consistent. Discipline is key to become stronger.
  • Hey! No more Dan! We want better! We welcome better! Squeeze a quick 30 minute somewhere. Let’s push it together Dan! It’s always what’s best for you is what you have to fight for. You got enough fight in you! Everyday. Every single day from our diet to exercising, we are making changes. Stick to it. This belongs to you.…
  • Hey! Stay with the plan. Get a decent diet where you’re below you caloric count and not hungry. The diet has to be sustainable and realistic. Do some workouts at least 3x a week even if it’s just 15 or 30 mins. After two weeks try to increase intensity but always stick to what is comfortable. Stick to the plan. Discipline.…
  • That’s awesome!! Work hard, get stronger
  • Hello!! The best you is the next you! Strength and persistence. You will conquer your goals because that is what you do. You dominate what you aim to master. Welcome to the journey! Let’s get to work!!
  • Hello! Welcome back! Commit friend. Keep going even when you don’t feel like it. Better health is yours!! Everyday you do some sort of movement whether cardio or strength training, you are making yourself better. Don’t set high expectations, don’t worry about others, and just take 30 mins every other day getting better.…
    in Hi Comment by IronBread February 2023